Thursday, July 23, 2009 Update on ObamaCare During an interview with CBS news face Katie Couric, President Obama indicated, for the first time, that he was not seeking to establish federal funding of abortions as part of his health care “reform”. According to Life News, Obama claimed that, “I am pro-choice ( sic), but I think we also have the tradition in this town, historically, of not financing abortions as part of government-funded health care.” The strategic retreat by Obama follows a public claim by a pro-Life Democrat, Congressman Bart Stupak, that he has 39 other Democrats in the House who will vote with him to make sure that abortions are not part of the health care package. In fact, Rep. Stupak told reporters yesterday that he intends to help present pro-Life amendments in the House Energy & Commerce committee when it considers the ObamaCare legislation – perhaps as soon as today. Obama's radical legislation has already passed two key House committees – but its fate in Energy & Commerce is uncertain. Despite blusters by Speaker Pelosi, there is reason to believe that there are not enough votes to pass it out of this crucial committee. Meanwhile, Congressman Walt Minnick issued a public statement just prior to the President’s news conference last night, indicating that he would vote against the current form of ObamaCare, largely because of fiscal concerns. That is all well and good; it proves again that Minnick is not crazy. But it is very sad that moral concerns do not inform Minnick’s view of this serious threat to America's welfare. He is not one of those concerned about using tax dollars to grossly expand the number of abortions committed against America’s preborn children – nor does he seem troubled by the notion of bureaucrats rationing health care for the elderly and disabled. Labels: abortion, Minnick, ObamaCare Monday, March 09, 2009 President Approves Destruction of Human Embryos In yet another bid to reimburse the Abortion Lobby, President Obama signed an Executive Order this morning allowing human embryos to be treated as a “cash crop” by bio-medical research firms and universities. He will even use federal tax dollars to make us all stock owners in the macabre enterprise. Under the new regime, the federal government will finance embryonic stem cell research – which necessarily means the wholesale destruction of human embryos in order to harvest stem cells from these most vulnerable members of our species. In doing so, Obama continued to hold up the lantern-like hope that miracle cures will ensue. The far more certain result is that he has led us into a darker moral tunnel, where moral approval has been given to cannibalizing the weak. Obama took pains to assure star-struck listeners in the media that he would demand “ethical” guidelines to assure us that human cloning does not follow; but this is merely the latest example of Obama’s patented slip-and-slide dance routine. The cloning of human embryos will be a certain outcome of his new policy. (This is known as “clone-and-kill”). What he will not allow, at least not yet, is the cloning of an embryo who is allowed to live. That, by the president’s light, would be immoral. This radical policy shift was expected, as President Obama made clear during the campaign. If there is any upside to this development, it is that Obama has, we believe, reached the end of his easy gift list to the Abortion Lobby. From here on out, Executive Orders will not be sufficient to expand the scope and depth of the Death Culture Obama seeks to build. He will necessarily have to engage members of Congress as accomplices. And that will allow the American people many opportunities to defend the preborn child -- and themselves. Labels: abortion, embryos, obama, president Wednesday, March 04, 2009 Justice, Miami Style Well, I have to admit I was partially wrong. I predicted last month that no criminal charges would ever be filed in the horrific murder of a baby born alive in Miami some two-and-a-half years ago. But under intense public pressure, the local DA has finally charged one of the abortion clinic workers with two felonies: The first is “unlicensed practice of a health care profession”; the second, “tampering with physical evidence”. The accused, abortuary manager Belkis Gonzalez, faces a minimum penalty of $1000 and one year in prison. To recap for our readers, this is the case in which a 19 girl went in for a late-term abortion. While waiting for the official abortionist to arrive, the woman gave birth. Ms. Gonzalez grabbed the baby from the floor, cut the umbilical cord with office scissors, and stuffed the baby into a garbage bag. For good measure, the baby was tossed up on the building’s roof. What is incomprehensible here is why several players are not being charged with murder. Numerous press reports have indicated that two autopsies proved the baby had air in her lungs before dying – the most common legal definition of “born alive”. Why isn’t the federal prosecutor using the Born Alive Infants Protection Act to prosecute this case correctly? Obviously the politics of Dade County and the ideological bent of the DA are determinative in this awful case. What better proof could be offered that, in the era of Roe v. Wade, some people are more equal than others? Labels: abortion, born alive infants, Miami, Roe vs. Wade Tuesday, March 03, 2009 Well, It's Sebelius It is almost like President Obama is working his way down the “Planned Parenthood Christmas Now List”. As bad as Tom Daschle would have been for preborn children – Kathleen Sebelius is an even worse pick for Health & Human Services. This is a supposed-Catholic who has received a public, written reprimand from the Archbishop of Kansas City for her rabid commitment to abortion. This is a woman who has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from notorious late-term abortion specialist George Tiller. She has returned the favor many times, playing a behind-the-scenes role in protecting Tiller from various criminal investigations – especially the one led by Phill Kline. Despite those best efforts, Tiller is about to stand trial on 19 criminal counts of violating Kansas law prohibiting late term abortions. Disregarding the outrage surrounding Tiller, Governor Sebelius went so far as to host a private party at the governor’s mansion for Tiller and his staff. Obama knows full well that he is playing with fire in picking her. Yesterday’s press conference announcing his nomination was designed to downplay her critical role as well as her disturbing devotion to abortion-on-demand. Press reports suggest that he spent more time talking up his other health appointment (Nancy DeParle) than Sebelius. His people have also been working overtime to make sure a “grassroots” effort is in place to defend Sebelius from her radical history. The pro-abortion group calling itself, “Catholics United”, has already announced an off-shoot, “Catholics for Sebelius”. They have even issued a press release claiming that she led efforts to reduce abortion in Kansas while governor. The truth is no obstacle to these people: Abortions actually increased in Kansas by 6.5% between 2005 and 2006. Sebelius will have tremendous power over the fate of preborn children and health care providers as she assumes control over the nation's largest civilian department, which spends something like one-quarter of the federal budget. It is a horrific prospect. Labels: abortion, health and human services, Sebelius Tuesday, March 20, 2007 Statesman Story Mischaracterizes Judge Winmill  The Idaho Statesman ran a front-page story yesterday on a big case now before Idaho’s federal judge, Lynn Winmill. It involves the tragic abuse of parental authority by Boise City police, St. Luke’s and officials at the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare. In 2002, the Mueller family brought their sick newborn baby girl to the emergency room because she was running a fever. Doctors recommended a spinal tap on the infant to check for meningitis. The Muellers declined the recommendation – knowing that odds were less than 5% that the baby was suffering from that disease. They were concerned about the potential side-effects of the procedure and told doctors they wanted other options.
But we live in an era of growing medical arrogance. Too many in the medical profession have confused their role because of a lack of spiritual humility.
In any event – in this case, doctors called in Health & Welfare officials who seized the infant from the parents. They performed the spinal tap and found nothing. But days passed before the little baby was returned to her parents.
The Muellers filed suit in federal court.
In relating the story, the Idaho Statesman characterizes Judge Winmill as a champion for parental rights. More particularly, the paper says that Winmill “determined the U.S. Constitution protects the rights of parents to make almost all medical decisions for their children.”
On the basis of what we know about this horrible case – Judge Winmill has pronounced a just result. He is probably due a great deal of credit for striking a counterblow on behalf of parents.
But the story is loaded with irony. This is the same federal judge who overstepped his authority to ensure that Idaho’s Parental Consent was blocked from being enforced for the past three years.
According to this same federal judge – it is “unconstitutional” for parents to be told after an emergency abortion that their daughter is suffering from a physical condition so serious that an abortionist had to immediately kill their grandchild. Who cares whether the girl needs follow-up medical care? She’s just collateral damage in the war to protect the abortion option.
Winmill has also ruled that it is “unconstitutional” for state judges to report suspected cases of sexual abuse when dealing with girls in a judicial bypass setting. Such a report, Winmill says, “might have a chilling effect” on a girl’s “right” to commit abortion. Apparently Winmill’s version of the Constitution requires us to turn our backs on girls suffering from physical and sexual abuse at home – at least if defending that girl would somehow threaten the “sacred right” of abortion.
Of course, it is impossible to know what is in Judge Winmill’s heart as he wrestles with these various questions involving an ever-encroaching government and medical bureaucracy. Still, we wonder aloud about his apparent inability to construct a coherent view of the U.S. Constitution and the natural parental rights which precede it.
Labels: abortion, Meullers, Winmill Friday, March 16, 2007 Henry Hyde Endorses Hunter for President  He has been called the Lion of the Pro-Life Movement. Until his retirement from Congress, Henry Hyde was the undoubted leader of congressional efforts to defend America’s preborn citizens from the scourge of abortion. Even now his shadow and legacy looms large, his name synonymous with efforts to turn back the hounds of death loosed by the Supreme Court in 1973.
This week, the Honorable Henry Hyde announced his decision to throw his considerable weight behind Congressman Duncan Hunter’s bid for the presidency:
“There is a national cry for a true conservative candidate. I submit this cry has been answered by Duncan Hunter. He brings a wealth of experience, great foreign and domestic knowledge, and an energetic spirit to this race for the White House.”
That is undoubtedly a heady endorsement, and may indicate the beginning of national move toward a conservative candidate with unquestionable pro-Life credentials. Hunter has a stellar pro-Life record in Congress, and has introduced legislation in every session he’s served to overturn the Supreme Court’s devastating Roe v. Wade decision.
And on the subject of Henry Hyde, allow us to share one of his more penetrating observations: "Ido not see the sanctity of life ethic being respected. I see us paying a fearful price, because there are about a million-and-a-half abortions every year. That's a terrible loss of human life and something this society should not tolerate. You measure a society's ascent from barbarism by how it treats the weak and the defenseless and the unwanted, and we have a lot to answer for in that regard."
Labels: abortion, Duncan Hunter, Henry Hyde Thursday, March 15, 2007 Senate Committee Passes Ultrasound Bill  HB248, legislation designed to ensure a woman considering abortion has the opportunity to see her baby on an ultrasound screen prior to the abortion, has been moved forward by the Senate State Affairs Committee on a 6-3 vote. Voting for the bill: President Pro Tempore Bob Geddes, Majority Leader Bart Davis, and Republican senators Mike Jorgenson, Denton Darrington, Brad Little and Curt McKenzie.
Voting against the bill: Republican Senator Joe Stegner and Democrat senators Edgar Malepeai and Clint Stennett.
The Idaho Women’s Network, Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union opposed the legislation. During testimony, Planned Parenthood lobbyist Burke Hays argued that the legislation was “cruel” – a refrain coming from all those testifying against. He contended that offering to show a woman an ultrasound image of her baby could inflict harm on a woman’s emotional health.
That spin was most effectively answered by Brenda Salsar, who works for CareNet of the Palouse, based in Moscow. She said that “it is time to quit patronizing women”.
Indeed, the whole Abortion Lobby reeks of paternalism-on-steroids. Planned Parenthood and friends know what is best for women, the poor little things they “serve”. They certainly know better than parents what children and families need – just ask them.
The bill now sits on the Senate floor – the final step in the legislative process. Your prayers and phone calls are appreciated.
Labels: abortion, Planned Parenthood Tuesday, March 13, 2007 Parental Consent Law Nearly Out of Legislature  Efforts to restore a Parental Consent Law in Idaho are nearing fruition. The House Health & Welfare Committee voted 11-1 to send SB1082 to the full House, where it sits on the 3rd Reading Calendar. All Republicans on the panel voted for the measure. They were joined by Democrats Margaret Henbest of Boise and John Rusche of Lewiston. Only Rep. Sue Chew of Boise voted against the bill.
We are expecting the House of Representatives to consider the measure on Wednesday or Thursday. Your prayers are needed.
Labels: abortion, parental consent, Planned Parenthood Monday, March 12, 2007 Hannity's Embrace of Giuliani is Disappointing  Conservative radio and TV personality Sean Hannity spent much of his radio show late last week explaining how he could see himself supporting Rudy Giuliani for President. Mr. Hannity explained that he liked Rudy, and admired him for the way he handled things in New York City following 9-11. Hannity acknowledged that he didn’t agree with Rudy on things like abortion, gay marriage, homosexual rights, taxes and gun control. Well, we should hope not. But the truly amazing part of Hannity’s national monologue was his rationalization(s) for abandoning his own value system in order to find a comfort level with his friend Rudy. We won’t go into all of it here. The central anxiety was how easily Hannity dismissed Giuliani’s commitment to abortion rights. While claiming to be “passionately pro-Life”, Hannity argued that the only thing a president can do in office is make “good” appointments to the Supreme Court. Then he said the amazing: “Let’s face it folks, the abortion debate in this country is over – until the hearts and minds of Americans are changed.” With all due respect, that is a jaded perspective on our current cultural situation, and it is a simplistic view of the presidency. Certainly appointments to the high court are essential to the pro-Life movement’s hope of seeing justice restored for our preborn children. But so are the appointments to all levels of the judiciary. Mr. Hannity claims that he has been assured by Rudy that he would appoint folks like Scalia and Thomas to the high court. But the obvious question is why? Why would Giuliani use one of his most important constitutional powers to appoint justices with whom he disagrees on nearly every single domestic issue? This simply makes not a shred of sense; it also contradicts the historical record of every president since the beginning of the Republic. In blindly swallowing such rubbish from his friend, Hannity is failing to force Giuliani into presenting American voters with a coherent and honest agenda. But a president’s ability to help create and defend a pro-Life culture goes well beyond the judiciary. Legislation presented to Congress can help rebuild the wall – as Bush did in developing health insurance benefits for preborn children. And defending the nation from the Abortion Lobby through the veto stamp is also an important weapon. We have seen President Bush wield it effectively in battling efforts to turn preborn children into a natural resource. But probably the single most important thing President Bush has done during his time in office is to address the nation on the pro-Life issue, his televised speech right before the awful events of 9-11. Leadership necessarily involves teaching and moral persuasion. It is highly likely that President Bush helped save many lives that night – because he used his moral authority to challenge troubled parents into realizing that abortion was not an acceptable “choice”. Abortion obviously involves the destruction of an innocent human life. We can be certain that no such moment will come with a President Giuliani. It is a real shame that Mr. Hannity is so comfortable bailing out on his own convictions in order to support virtually anyone wearing the “GOP” jersey, especially this early in the process. It is not like there are no legitimate conservative alternatives. Unfortunately, the pro-Life cause seems to be just another shopping list "issue” for Sean. He fails to appreciate the fact that abortion is the central battleground for America’s future. Labels: abortion, Bush, Giuliani, Hannity Friday, March 09, 2007 House Passes Ultrasound Bill  The Idaho House passed HB248 on a vote of 54 to 15 this week. It would require abortionists who use ultrasound equipment as part of their practice to offer women considering an abortion the chance to see their baby before they commit the act. The legislation is simple in language and concept – but potentially dramatic in its effect. Much of the abortion debate is a walk through Alice’s fantasy land. Things that are, are suddenly gone. Things we used to know – well, we’re not allowed to know once inside the story. Women who like the idea are carrying a baby in their womb; those who are upset or inconvenienced can choose to believe it is a mere tumor only needing excision. And we are required to stand by and support her choice of realities. But a live picture of a growing, moving, tiny human being is difficult to argue with. As they say, it could be worth a thousand words – especially if those words are merely rationalizations and outright lies. Limited experience in other states indicates that seeing an ultrasound image of her baby convinces many women to walk out of the abortionist’s office. A number of Democrats supported the legislation – including Margaret Henbest, Branden Durst and James Ruchti of Pocatello. We are also surprised that just one Republican voted against the bill – Tom Trail of Moscow. Perhaps the most surprising vote was cast by freshman Democrat Jerry Shively of Idaho Falls. He joined with a majority of Democrats in supporting Planned Parenthood in their opposition to the bill. The bill is now in the Senate State Affairs Committee awaiting hearing early next week. Labels: abortion, Planned Parenthood, Shively Monday, March 05, 2007 Cancer Society Subsidizes Planned Parenthood  In a further display of the disturbing relationships between the cancer fundraising industry and the Abortion Lobby, STOPP International reports that Planned Parenthood of Iowa has received a grant of $3,000 from the American Cancer Society. According to records uncovered by this American Life League organization, the grant is to be used to “train staff to provide smoking-cessation assistance to patients”. That may strike you as a worthy endeavor. However, consider that this funding is used to help support the on-going administrative costs of running America’s largest abortion enterprise. What is the obvious connection between killing babies and helping folks end their smoking behavior? Surely there are more appropriate organizations to partner with.
Consider also that this kind of grant allows Planned Parenthood to expand its influence and credibility as a legitimate health care provider. Beyond the hard cash – that is the obvious reason Planned Parenthood would go after such a grant.
This is at least the second instance of a “cancer-fighting” outfit using its money and credibility to assist Planned Parenthood. Affiliates of the Komen Foundation have provided crucial funding to PP clinics around the country, ostensibly for breast cancer screening programs.
The cross-pollination between the cancer and abortion industries provides important clues about why so much political and cultural opposition has developed to scientific work around the connection between abortion and breast cancer. We are seeing a similar phenomenon around present attempts to shut down skeptical and intelligent discussion of Al Gore’s “Great Global Warming Decree”.
One can only conclude that a common political agenda continues to undermine the welfare of American women.
Labels: abortion, breast cancer, Idaho Chooses Life, Planned Parenthood, pro-Life Friday, March 02, 2007 Risch Honored at ICL Event Lt. Governor James Risch was given the 2007 “Friend for Life Award” at the annual ICL Legislative Reception on Thursday evening. In presenting the Award, ICL Executive Director David Ripley acknowledged the many years of public leadership Risch has offered to the State of Idaho. “During his many years in the Idaho State Senate, there was not a single pro-Life bill considered by that body which was not shepherded and defended by Jim Risch. The last I remember was the Idaho Ban on Partial Birth Abortion in 1998,” Ripley said. “But his leadership and contributions certainly did not end there. During his short time as Governor of Idaho last year, he made it a high priority to fix the distribution problem at the Department of Health & Welfare. For many years, we struggled to get the DHW to provide Informed Consent brochures to every woman and girl undergoing abortion – as the law required. Governor Risch made it his business to ensure that materials got into the hands of women considering abortion. Those materials are not perfect – but they do contain important information about the baby’s development, and agencies willing and able to help women find an alternative to abortion. “In addition, Governor Risch issued what we believe to be the first pro-Life Proclamation in Idaho history, when he proclaimed “Life Chain Sunday” in Idaho. That proclamation is a wide-ranging declaration of pro-Life principle,” Ripley concluded in presenting the award to Jim and Vickie Risch. In accepting the award, Governor Risch said he was humbled by the honor simply for doing his job on behalf of Idaho’s families. “It has been my privilege to help from time to time in the long battle to restore Idaho’s preborn citizens to full recognition and protection under the law,” Risch said. Risch joins the likes of pro-Life heroes like Helen Chenoweth, Bill Sali, Tom Loertscher, Gerry Sweet and Halli Stone – previous recipients of the organization’s highest award. Labels: abortion, heroes, Idaho Chooses Life, Risch Tuesday, February 27, 2007 Senate Approves Parental Consent  The Idaho State Senate approved SB1082 on a 23-12 vote Monday morning. The vote puts the legislation well on its way to becoming law. During debate, the bill sponsor, Sen. Russ Fulcher, argued that it was more than ironic that our teenage daughters needed our permission to get an aspirin from the school nurse – but we wouldn’t even be informed after an abortion as things now stand.
The only Democrat to support the measure was Sen. Diane Bilyeu of Pocatello. Sen. Edgar Malepeai, also from the Pocatello area, supported the measure in committee, but switched his vote on the floor. He said during debate that he was just troubled by how the legislation would affect girls coming from dysfunctional homes.
There were some other pleasant surprises. A number of freshmen cast votes on their first pro-Life legislation: Jim Hammond of Post Falls; Lee Heinrich of Cascade; Steven Bair of Blackfooot and Jeff Siddoway of Terreton.
Sen. John Goedde of Coeur d’Alene, who usually doesn’t support pro-Life legislation, cast a vote in support of the bill.
Probably the most disappointing vote came from John Andreason of Boise’s District 15. Without comment, he voted against the bill. Sen. Andreason has voted at least three times for Parental Consent legislation during his 7 terms in the Senate. But he bailed out on principle yesterday, voting against legislation which is considerably weaker than those previous versions.
The measure now heads to the House State Affairs Committee.
Here is how the full Senate voted:
02/26 SB1082 as amen - PASSED - 23-12-0
AYES – Bair (R), Bastian (R), Bilyeu (D), Cameron (R), Corder(R) Darrington(R), Davis (R), Fulcher (R), Gannon (R), Geddes (R), Goedde (R), Hammond (R), Heinrich (R), Hill (R), Jorgenson(R), Little (R), Lodge(R), McGee (R), McKague (R), McKenzie (R), Pearce (R), Richardson (R), Siddoway (R)
NAYS – Andreason (R), Broadsword (R), Burkett (D), Coiner (R), Kelly (D), Keough (R), Langhorst (D), Malepeai (D), Schroeder(R), Stegner (R), Stennett (D), Werk (D) Absent and excused – None Floor Sponsor – Fulcher Title Approved - to House Labels: abortion, Idaho Chooses Life, parental consent
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