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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Conscience Bill Introduced in Idaho Senate

Nancy Pelosi and President Obama are still working overtime to bring their health care revolution home. While the Massachusetts senate defeat obviously stunned them for a bit – all signs indicate that the grave threat to America’s future has by no means passed.

It remains to be seen if they can find a desperate path forward. But we must remain vigilant. One Democrat consultant explained it this way: The Democrats are in a position similar to bank robbers when the alarm rings. What do you do? You’ve already broken in the bank, already flashed your hardware. Logic dictates that you take a minute to collect the money before hoofing it down the street.

It is in that context that we moved forward this week with legislation in Idaho to protect the conscience rights of Idaho medical professionals – nurses, physicians, pharmacists, physicians assistants.

ObamaCare threatens not just to greatly expand abortion – it fails to protect our doctors and nurses from being compelled to participate in procedures they know are morally wrong. ObamaCare expands abortion while creating new pressures to prematurely end the lives of seniors and the disabled.

Given our great dependence upon doctors and pharmacists and nurses – it is fairly obvious that, by protecting the integrity of these vital professions, we are actually protecting ourselves and our families.

We need your help.

SB1270 is now pending before the Senate State Affairs Committee. We would greatly appreciate your help in encouraging members of that panel to support our legislation.

Please take a moment to send an email to the following legislators in the next couple of days.

Chairman Curt McKenzie
Sen. Monty Pearce
Sen. Denton Darrington
Sen. Robert Geddes
Sen. Bart Davis
Sen. Joe Stegner
Sen. Russ Fulcher

We are also most anxious to have your prayer support as we wage battle to protect the gift of Life.

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