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Monday, March 09, 2009

President Approves Destruction of Human Embryos

In yet another bid to reimburse the Abortion Lobby, President Obama signed an Executive Order this morning allowing human embryos to be treated as a “cash crop” by bio-medical research firms and universities. He will even use federal tax dollars to make us all stock owners in the macabre enterprise.

Under the new regime, the federal government will finance embryonic stem cell research – which necessarily means the wholesale destruction of human embryos in order to harvest stem cells from these most vulnerable members of our species. In doing so, Obama continued to hold up the lantern-like hope that miracle cures will ensue. The far more certain result is that he has led us into a darker moral tunnel, where moral approval has been given to cannibalizing the weak.

Obama took pains to assure star-struck listeners in the media that he would demand “ethical” guidelines to assure us that human cloning does not follow; but this is merely the latest example of Obama’s patented slip-and-slide dance routine. The cloning of human embryos will be a certain outcome of his new policy. (This is known as “clone-and-kill”).

What he will not allow, at least not yet, is the cloning of an embryo who is allowed to live. That, by the president’s light, would be immoral.

This radical policy shift was expected, as President Obama made clear during the campaign.

If there is any upside to this development, it is that Obama has, we believe, reached the end of his easy gift list to the Abortion Lobby. From here on out, Executive Orders will not be sufficient to expand the scope and depth of the Death Culture Obama seeks to build. He will necessarily have to engage members of Congress as accomplices.

And that will allow the American people many opportunities to defend the preborn child -- and themselves.

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