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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Senate Committee Passes Ultrasound Bill

HB248, legislation designed to ensure a woman considering abortion has the opportunity to see her baby on an ultrasound screen prior to the abortion, has been moved forward by the Senate State Affairs Committee on a 6-3 vote.

Voting for the bill: President Pro Tempore Bob Geddes, Majority Leader Bart Davis, and Republican senators Mike Jorgenson, Denton Darrington, Brad Little and Curt McKenzie.

Voting against the bill: Republican Senator Joe Stegner and Democrat senators Edgar Malepeai and Clint Stennett.

The Idaho Women’s Network, Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union opposed the legislation. During testimony, Planned Parenthood lobbyist Burke Hays argued that the legislation was “cruel” – a refrain coming from all those testifying against. He contended that offering to show a woman an ultrasound image of her baby could inflict harm on a woman’s emotional health.

That spin was most effectively answered by Brenda Salsar, who works for CareNet of the Palouse, based in Moscow. She said that “it is time to quit patronizing women”.

Indeed, the whole Abortion Lobby reeks of paternalism-on-steroids. Planned Parenthood and friends know what is best for women, the poor little things they “serve”. They certainly know better than parents what children and families need – just ask them.

The bill now sits on the Senate floor – the final step in the legislative process. Your prayers and phone calls are appreciated.

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