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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Be Very Worried ...

In tonight’s State of the Union address, President Obama unambiguously proclaimed that he will “stay the course” on nationalizing health care. Despite public polls, despite massive public demonstrations, despite historic reversals at the polling booth – Obama has called his party to follow him over the cliff and enact “health care reform”.

It is so irrational as to be downright scary.

Perhaps Rep. Smith is right when he calls President Obama “abortion obsessed”. Because of all the special interest groups at the congressional trough – the most dedicated to ObamaCare is the Abortion Lobby. They know that passage of this monstrosity means a huge windfall for the baby-killing industry. More importantly, enactment of ObamaCare will mean a substantial increase in the carnage brought upon us by the Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe.

In light of that sober threat, Idahoans must press our Legislature to take pre-emptive action. We must urge the Legislature to enact SB1270, which provides conscience protections for our medical professionals. (Is it not obvious that, by protecting their rights, we are really protecting ourselves?)

That bill is now before the Senate State Affairs Committee.

We must also urge the Legislature to enact HB 391 – introduced by Reps. Clark, Luker and Labrador. This bill asserts our liberties under the 10th Amendment of the Constitution to make our own health care decisions.

The time to defend your family is now. Let your legislators know you are paying close attention.

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