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Monday, March 05, 2007

Cancer Society Subsidizes Planned Parenthood

In a further display of the disturbing relationships between the cancer fundraising industry and the Abortion Lobby, STOPP International reports that Planned Parenthood of Iowa has received a grant of $3,000 from the American Cancer Society. According to records uncovered by this American Life League organization, the grant is to be used to “train staff to provide smoking-cessation assistance to patients”.

That may strike you as a worthy endeavor. However, consider that this funding is used to help support the on-going administrative costs of running America’s largest abortion enterprise. What is the obvious connection between killing babies and helping folks end their smoking behavior? Surely there are more appropriate organizations to partner with.

Consider also that this kind of grant allows Planned Parenthood to expand its influence and credibility as a legitimate health care provider. Beyond the hard cash – that is the obvious reason Planned Parenthood would go after such a grant.

This is at least the second instance of a “cancer-fighting” outfit using its money and credibility to assist Planned Parenthood. Affiliates of the Komen Foundation have provided crucial funding to PP clinics around the country, ostensibly for breast cancer screening programs.

The cross-pollination between the cancer and abortion industries provides important clues about why so much political and cultural opposition has developed to scientific work around the connection between abortion and breast cancer. We are seeing a similar phenomenon around present attempts to shut down skeptical and intelligent discussion of Al Gore’s “Great Global Warming Decree”.

One can only conclude that a common political agenda continues to undermine the welfare of American women.

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