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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Pressure Builds on Kansas Politicians

Late term abortionist George Tiller helped kill 19-year old Christin Gilbert in 2005 by performing a botched late-term abortion at his Wichita, KS death mill. That death has helped focus new scrutiny on a lucrative practice which attracts women and girls from across the country to this once-conservative state.

Complaints were filed at the time of Ms. Gilbert’s death with the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts. Those complaints were set aside by a board controlled by Democrat Governor Kathleen Sebelius – a pro-abortion politician who has received millions in campaign dollars from America’s most notorious abortionist.

Former Attorney General Phill Kline filed another complaint with the medical board last October. In that complaint, Mr. Kline charged that Tiller regularly performs late-term abortions in violation of state law. The KSBHA contends that that complaint is still under investigation.

On Tuesday, Operation Rescue filed additional documents with the board, in an attempt to bolster Kline’s original filing – and to build public pressure on the board to do its duty under the law.

Operation Rescue spokeswoman Cheryl Sullenger pleaded with the medical board: “Tiller and his abortion business create a clear and present danger to viable preborn babies and their mothers. Swift action must be taken to stop further loss of innocent life.”

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