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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Statement on Senator Larry Craig

David Ripley, Executive Director, issued the following statement to Idaho’s Channel 6 this afternoon in reaction to the swirl of controversy and innuendo surrounding U.S. Senator Larry Craig:

First of all, let me say that our prayers go out to Senator Craig and his family as they publicly endure this tragic set of circumstances.

Secondly, I would ask that folks take a breath and give this situation some time before making judgments. My own perspective is greatly colored by the despicable campaign of the Idaho Statesman and their ace pitcher, Dan Popkey. It’s just about the sleaziest "journalism" I’ve ever heard of. It is difficult to overestimate the emotional and psychological impact his year-long “investigation” would have on any of us. And I know of no one who could endure such scrutiny unscathed.

I believe Senator Craig has earned the benefit of any doubt. At a minimum, I hope he is able to fulfill his term because he has largely done right by the people of Idaho.


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