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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

GOP Presidential Race Muddles Along

Mitt Romney, now a leading contender for the GOP presidential nomination on the basis of impressive fundraising efforts, continues to be dogged by his disingenuous and ham-handed politicization of the abortion issue.

After building an impressive record as a “progressive” Republican in Massachusetts, Mr. Romney has decided that being “pro-choice” is no longer politically expedient. He has spent several months explaining his conversion to a skeptical grassroots – sometimes with effect. But in recent weeks, Romney has taken the approach of denying his own past. Now he has gone so far as to suggest that he has always been “pro-Life”, even while helping to finance Planned Parenthood.

This tactic not only raises deeper concern about Romney’s understanding of the abortion issue – but his integrity as well.

Another hopeful – sometimes nearly crowned by the media even before he officially announces – is also having trouble with his apparently cynical treatment of the American Holocaust during a lengthy public career. Fred Thompson, TV star and agile politician, apparently spent most of his years in the Senate maintaining relationships with both sides of the abortion struggle. He has finally acknowledged lobbying for Planned Parenthood. And now ABC News reports finding “position papers” in his Senate archives outlining both a “pro-Life” and “pro-abortion” position.

Meanwhile, a press release from Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas is touting his strong showing in Iowa among grassroots Republicans. He is proud of placing 3rd in a statewide straw poll, even though he was outspent by a margin of 10-to-1.

There is no doubt that the conservative movement is hungry (desperate?) for strong and proven leadership. Perhaps Brownback will be that champion. He joins Congressman Duncan Hunter as one of our few viable options as the race moves toward resolution.

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