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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

California "Catholic" Honored by Church and Planned Parenthood

The California Catholic Daily reports that LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a professed Catholic, was just “honored” at big Planned Parenthood banquet in Los Angeles for his role in helping defeat a Parental Notification measure on last year’s ballot.

Mr. Villaraigosa recorded radio spots for Hispanic voters, urging them to reject the proposal – endorsed by the Catholic clergy of the state. Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles made specific appeals to Hispanic Catholics, urging them to support the measure.

But polling data indicates that it was His Honor the Mayor who carried the day. Hispanic support melted, which proved decisive in defeating the measure.

Tragically, Cardinal Mahony is partly responsible for the mayor’s credibility among Hispanic voters. The Cardinal led an “interfaith service” honoring Villaraigosa on the eve of his inauguration, going so far as to lead a procession from the Cathedral to the steps of City Hall – all in honor of Villaraigosa’s inauguration as mayor of Los Angeles.

Villaraigosa's award was given at a big LA fundraiser for Planned Parenthood Federation of America. It was hosted by some Hollywood types, including Lauren Graham, Neil Patrick Harris and Stanley Tucci.

Villaraigosa must be quite the politician. After all – not many folks are simultaneously honored by the Catholic Church and Planned Parenthood. But perhaps it is the Cardinal of Los Angeles who is the master politician.

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