
Thank you Monty & Lenore

Idaho’s recent primary election brought mixed results for the pro-Life community and our hopes of restoring legal protections to preborn babies.

Without going into the details of all the races, we want to take a moment to honor two legislators who lost their seats last week. They have been precious leaders in the fight to safeguard babies and women and we will certainly miss them.

Sen. Monty Pearce has led efforts to pass pro-Life legislation during his stellar career, which goes back to his two terms in the Idaho House in 1999-2002. He is one of those few who has earned our Friend for Life Award.

Rep. Lenore Barrett is a fearless champion of conservative causes, including the sanctity of human life. There is no one who has been more faithful during her 22 years in the Idaho Legislature.

Both legislators have never compromised in the battle for Life.

What makes their defeat so difficult to stomach is the way in which it was achieved. Late last week, the Idaho Conservation League issued a press release crowing about their role in misleading the voters in Districts 9 and 8 about the records of Lenore and Monty. Disguising their role as “sportsmen”, the Environmental Movement, in conjunction with House Democrats, waged a nasty last minute campaign which neither legislator was able to answer.

There is time to prepare for dealing with this kind of politics going forward. But for now, we want to pause and honor these two fine people who have served Idaho so well. They will be missed by many, including those of us who seek to save the lives of babies and their mothers.