
Terrible Era Comes to an End

Yesterday marked the day that industrialized slaughter of preborn babies ended in Idaho.  We are still suffering the death throes of the old regime – but make no mistake: Idaho has entered a new era with the Abortion Ban (the “Trigger Law) going into effect.  As the Abortion Industry and their allies in the Democrat Party, the state’s Media and the Medical Establishment fight a rear-guard action to persuade Idahoans that we should keep killing our own children – it may be hard to appreciate this historic moment.  That would be a shame, because August 25th is a unique and glorious day in Idaho history.  It is the day that the War on Babies ended, at least in Idaho. It is the day that the Law provided legal protections for all babies, from conception to birth. It is the day that Idaho welcomed preborn children back into the human family.

Never again will Idaho allow abortion to be normalized as “health care”.  Never again will abortion be used as a casual birth control method. No matter the thrashing, fear mongering or propaganda efforts launched by Planned Parenthood and the Medical Establishment  – Idaho has forever turned its back on elective abortion.

A friend sent us a photo yesterday of an empty parking lot at Planned Parenthood’s Meridian office.  That is an image of silence – the day the shelling and killing stopped. The day that living began anew.

Glory to God! 

And thanks and praise to all those faithful heroes of the pro-Life movement who fought over these past five decades to bring that day of peace into being.  Many of those heroes aren’t with us any longer.  Others have faded into quiet retirement from public life.  But giants they remain, and upon their work we were able to build a path to getting the Trigger Law passed in the 2020 Session of the Idaho Legislature. May the Lord bless them all for their faithfulness and sacrifices. 

As wondrous as August 25th is – the work of the pro-Life community has just begun.  We must diligently and patiently work to persuade our neighbors that the Abortion Ban is the correct policy for Idaho.  We must show our neighbors that Life is a better answer to our problems than Death.  We must open our hearts to those moms and babies and welcome them into our homes and communities.

And we must stand courageously, doggedly to answer the lies and attacks launched by the Death Merchants at Planned Parenthood. 

But for now – we ask that you spend time giving thanks to a gracious God.  In His kindness, He has given us a new opportunity to savor and humbly accept His great gift of Life.