
French Government Criminalizes Pro-Life Speech

The government of France has recently enacted a law which makes it a crime to offer women information about the risks or alternatives to abortion. Persons running Pro-Life websites which post “false” information about abortion could face 2 years in prison and a 30,000 euro fine.

The leftists in control of France’s national government have determined that they are the only appropriate source of information on abortion – and they have officially concluded that abortion does not entail any moral, psychological or physical consequence for the women and girls of France.

French officials also caused a stir when they banned a commercial showing a smiling young child, who also happened to have Down’s Syndrome – an ad that had absolutely nothing to do with abortion. Officials claimed they were acting because some women who aborted Downs babies might be made to feel uncomfortable by the commercial advertising.

The President of the French Conference of Catholic Bishops has written the president, Francois Hollande, objecting to the oppressive nature of the new law. “Is the slightest encouragement to a woman to keep her child qualified as ‘psychological and moral pressure?” Archbishop Georges Pontier asked.

Despite concern over the falling birth rate in France, the government provides free abortions to women and girls in that country as a key part of its socialized program of medicine.

While Americans may find it hard to believe that a western nation could embrace such totalitarian policies, we need to recognize that this is the kind of regime Planned Parenthood and its political minions would impose in this nation if given the opportunity. Another reason to celebrate Hillary Clinton’s defeat.