
Finally – A Little Justice

A couple of years ago, the nation was confronted with the barbaric nature of the Abortion Industry when the Center for Medical Progress publicized a series of videos demonstrating a huge black market in aborted baby parts. At the center of that trafficking-scheme-for-profit stands Planned Parenthood.

While the nation’s largest abortion chain has yet to be held accountable, prosecutors in California (of all places) have secured the first guilty plea from two of Planned Parenthood’s crime partners – DV Biologics and DaVinci Biosciences. The firms have agreed to pay some $7.8 million in fines and penalties.  In addition, they have agreed to close their businesses. Permanently.

The prosecution by the Orange County District Attorney came after a formal referral by the Congressional Selective Investigative Panel on Infant Lives – headed by Congressman Marsha Blackburn.

This is real progress and puts real pressure on the nefarious Planned Parenthood abortion syndicate going forward.

However, according to reports by our colleagues at Operation Rescue, this development has even greater scandal: The owners of the two companies in question happen to be close associates of Hillary Clinton.  It turns out that both companies are owned by members of the Isaias family – Estefano, Andres and Roberto.

Apparently these folks absconded with millions of dollars in stolen money from a bank they ran in Ecuador. They face criminal indictments in their native country.  The Ecuadorian government claims that this crime family has bankrupted many citizens of this poor Central American country, and cost the Ecuador economy something approaching $660 million.

While Clinton was Secretary of State, the Ecuador government sought the extradition of the Isaias Family to face justice. But because of generous contributions to a slew of Democrat politicians in America, Clinton moved to deny the request.

“Hillary Clinton allowed a known crime family into the United States so they could sell Planned Parenthood’s aborted baby parts for profit,” said OR President Troy Newman. “This connects Clinton to the illegal baby parts trade, in addition to improperly giving special favors to criminals in return for financial donations.  The FBI should include her in their ongoing investigation.”

The potential corruption here is nearly unbelievable. We will report on further developments as we discover them.

Here is a link to the Operation Rescue report.

French Government Criminalizes Pro-Life Speech

The government of France has recently enacted a law which makes it a crime to offer women information about the risks or alternatives to abortion. Persons running Pro-Life websites which post “false” information about abortion could face 2 years in prison and a 30,000 euro fine.

The leftists in control of France’s national government have determined that they are the only appropriate source of information on abortion – and they have officially concluded that abortion does not entail any moral, psychological or physical consequence for the women and girls of France.

French officials also caused a stir when they banned a commercial showing a smiling young child, who also happened to have Down’s Syndrome – an ad that had absolutely nothing to do with abortion. Officials claimed they were acting because some women who aborted Downs babies might be made to feel uncomfortable by the commercial advertising.

The President of the French Conference of Catholic Bishops has written the president, Francois Hollande, objecting to the oppressive nature of the new law. “Is the slightest encouragement to a woman to keep her child qualified as ‘psychological and moral pressure?” Archbishop Georges Pontier asked.

Despite concern over the falling birth rate in France, the government provides free abortions to women and girls in that country as a key part of its socialized program of medicine.

While Americans may find it hard to believe that a western nation could embrace such totalitarian policies, we need to recognize that this is the kind of regime Planned Parenthood and its political minions would impose in this nation if given the opportunity. Another reason to celebrate Hillary Clinton’s defeat.

Will the American People Put the Clinton Crime Syndicate Out of Business?

The startling news that the FBI has reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s “Email Scandal” just days before the presidential election is only the latest evidence of the rampant corruption which follows Bill and Hillary Clinton like Pig-Pen’s cloud of dirt. Any American older than about 40 has spent a lifetime reading and hearing about the sordid private lives and financial schemes of the Clinton Crime Family.

That corruption is rooted, we believe, in the deepening evil that Hillary has embraced over her public career in the form of legalized abortion. Back in the days when she was only the First Lady, Hillary still carried a sense that abortion was not a good option for women.  While she defended the “need” for legal abortions, Mrs. Clinton always made a point that it should be rare; that it was regrettable.

But the Hillary campaigning for the presidency today no longer has any sense of shame or regret over abortion. Now she openly demands that abortion be celebrated.  She insists that those Christian denominations which still believe God and His Holy Writ need to be “reformed” and even undermined by Democrat political operatives.  The Hillary walking into the Oval Office will not only insist that abortion on demand is legal – but that it be free to women and girls here and abroad.  And she brazenly lifts up Planned Parenthood as an “heroic” organization, entitled to unlimited taxpayer support.

When you can casually justify the slaughter of millions, what is a little graft? When you can publicly embrace Planned Parenthood as “heroic” – what is a lot of lying?  Her moral descent is painfully obvious.

Locally, it is well past time for Idaho Republicans like Mike Kingsley (Lewiston) and Rep. Lynn Luker (Boise) to go on offense: They need to confront their Democrat opponents with the horrifying list of Clinton’s crimes. They need to ask Rep. Rusche and Steve Berch whether they still support their Democrat nominee.  The voters in those swing districts have a right to know.

On a broader front, it seems clear that no justice will come from Washington, D.C.   The Clinton Crime Family can only be put out of business by the American people.  We must insist upon a basic standard of integrity and at least some measure of virtue in our elected officials.



Apparently our sense that there are disturbing similarities between the Gambino and Clinton Families is a view shared by others.  On Sunday, former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom made the following statement during a national radio interview:

“The Clintons, that’s a crime family.  It’s like organized crime, basically.  The Clinton Foundation is a cesspool.  It’s just outrageous how Hillary Clinton sold her office for money.  And she’s a pathological liar, and she’s always been a liar.  And God forbid if we put someone like that in the White House.”

Hillary to Toast Abortion Today

Democrat Hillary Clinton will pay an official visit to Planned Parenthood as one of her first political acts following her seizure of the presidential nomination. She will address the organization’s political action committee leadership in Washington, D.C.

She will thank the nation’s largest abortion chain for funding her presidential campaign, and plead for even greater help in beating Donald Trump this November.

Following her formal remarks, it is expected that Ms. Clinton will join Cecile Richards and other Planned Parenthood officials in hoisting a few champagne toasts to congratulate one another on the 30 or 40 million babies destroyed at Planned Parenthood facilities during their long and sordid partnership.

Hillary Clinton’s Declared War on Minority Babies

In celebration of Planned Parenthood’s early and passionate embrace of her candidacy, Hillary Clinton immediately responded with a gush of promises to move their agenda forward if she is elected.

Among her commitment: Repeal the Hyde Amendment restriction on using tax dollars to directly pay for abortions.

Here is her quote:

“Any right that requires you to take extra measures to access it is no right at all. Not as long we have laws on the books like the Hyde Amendment making it harder for low income women to exercise their full rights.”

This revelation of Clinton’s radical agenda requires serious reflection because the implications are many.

The first thing we must note is that the Clinton/Planned Parenthood agenda on tax-funding abortions helps reveal the true motives behind President Obama’s drive to impose their “contraceptive” mandate on Americans. The press to impose “free contraceptives” is but the first round in a larger agenda. They want free abortions as well.  We see all across the nation a coordinated drive to conflate “abortion rights” with guaranteed access to abortion.

Let’s skip – for a moment – the dark moral consequences of Clinton’s radical position.

Consider the rationality of the Clinton/Planned Parenthood argument: A constitutional right must be obtained for the citizen by the government. This would be akin to arguing that, since the 2nd Amendment guarantees Americans the right to bear arms – the government is required to purchase guns and ammunition for every citizen desiring a weapon, but who feels they cannot afford a firearm and the ammunition necessary to use same.  (Imagine the Democrat response to such an absurd demand!)

But, of course, the pro-Life community’s defense of the Hyde Amendment is not based on saving tax dollars. It is based on the obvious fact that taxpayer funding of abortions means more abortions.

So the direct implication of Clinton’s demand for “free abortions” is a substantial increase in the number of abortions occurring in America. That cannot be disputed.  That is evil.

We credit Rush Limbaugh for seeing that this policy push by Clinton has even darker practical implications. “Free abortions” means tax funding abortions for poor women through the Medicaid program.  A disproportionate share of women on Medicaid are minorities.  Thus, one of the unavoidable consequences of Clinton’s cry for more abortions is the destruction of even greater numbers of black and brown babies.

Here is how Rush Limbaugh framed the matter earlier this week:

“Here’s Mrs. Clinton promising free abortions, which is an incentive for Medicaid recipients. Now, if a Republican came out and said this, the first person erupting like a jack-in-the-box would be the Reverend Jackson, followed closely by Al Sharpton.  They would both be screaming that this is tantamount to racial genocide, that this Republican is giving away abortions to the poor, and they would say, ‘We all know who the poor are’….”

But here we have the self-anointed champion of minorities pushing for a radical policy change that will actually lead to greater decimation of the black and Hispanic communities in America, and Democrats across the nation applaud.  How shameful.

We will take this matter even further: At this point in her career, Hillary Clinton has become indistinguishable from her heroine, Margaret Sanger. Now Mrs. Clinton is too smart to use the hateful rhetoric of the Planned Parenthood founder – which means she is plenty smart enough to know that her rabid support of abortion will achieve the goals articulated many decades ago when Sanger proudly sought to weed out the human race of undesirables.

Sound too harsh? Comparing Hillary Clinton with Margaret Sanger?

Consider this: When Hillary Clinton received the Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood in 2009, Clinton said that she was “in awe” of Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger.  And she is much too smart, too educated, not to be fully aware of Margaret Sanger’s contempt for minorities and the poor; or Sanger’s admiration for authoritarians like Hitler and Stalin willing to use their police powers to impose anti-Life policies upon their peoples.

At all hazards, Hillary Clinton must be stopped from following Barack Obama into the White House. Within months, she will make Obama’s awful abortion record look like some kind of pro-Life march.


For more background on the important issues raised in this commentary, see the excellent article by Professor Paul Kengor now on LifeNews.

Hillary Assumes Pontifical Powers

Candidate Hillary Clinton, terminally corrupted by privilege and ambition, delivered a speech to the “Women in the World” summit recently. It was her first official campaign speech since declaring the continuation of her interrupted campaign for the presidency, and it was no accident that her central message was “Death to preborn Children!”

We have known for some time that abortion would be Hillary’s primary campaign message.

What made this particular speech unique was Hillary’s bold declaration that God needed to get His act together on this whole abortion thing. It was past time to update the Ten Commandments.

Clinton proclaimed that “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” if women were to come into full possession of their right to kill preborn children.

Now, of course, most of those “religious beliefs” are based upon clear teachings within Scripture that teach us to hold children precious, to sacrifice ourselves for others – and, above all, not to kill the innocent. What Clinton and her comrades on the Left do not seem to understand is that our religious beliefs are not a matter of personal opinion, but, rather, one of submission to our Creator.

Clinton is not the first self-proclaimed leader to shake a fist at the Almighty. One can presume that He is not particularly impressed; though His heart is undoubtedly grieved.

And we can all be grieved that a person of such arrogance stands a chance of becoming president over this great nation.

Pro-Lifers need to be in earnest prayer that the Lord will not allow that to happen. We can ask Him to soften her heart and illuminate her understanding. We can ask Him to protect His little ones from her ambition and wrath.