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Kamala Harris Virtually Invented Lawfare:

July 25th, 2024


Suppression of evidence, hand-picked judges… jackboot raids of private residences … gag orders… Sound familiar?

As California Attorney General, Kamala Harris weaponized the powers of her governmental office to cover up Planned Parenthood’s illegal sale of aborted baby body parts and chill our First Amendment rights to speak freely about it.
It’s not hard to figure out why. Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry have been her major political sponsors for almost 15 years. And now they want her to be their extremist Abortion President.

I have first-hand experience with Kamala Harris’ weaponization of government. In late 2015, in retaliation for CMP’s undercover reporting on Planned Parenthood using partial-birth abortions to sell aborted babies and their body parts, AG Harris opened a criminal investigation, not of the traffickers of aborted babies—but of my reporting on it.

After a secret meeting with top Planned Parenthood officials implicated in the undercover videos, Kamala Harris ordered a raid on my home by eleven California State officers. Planned Parenthood specifically asked for the undercover footage to be seized.

You can review the facts in this video report CMP released previously:
Along with federal Judge William Orrick III—who opened, funded, and operated a Planned Parenthood clinic—AG Kamala Harris was Planned Parenthood’s not-so-secret San Francisco weapon to silence critical reporting on their wrongdoing and obstruct ethical officials’ attempts at holding them accountable for the barbaric crimes of selling aborted babies.

Would it surprise you to learn that Judge Orrick was also an early elite supporter of Kamala Harris for California Attorney General?

The fact is, my team and I have been fighting against a corrupt and coordinated lawfare campaign from Planned Parenthood’s key allies in both federal and state, civil and criminal court systems for NINE years!

Frankly, we never would have had a fighting chance if it wasn’t for your generous support all along the way.
We are still facing a nearly $25 million total fine from Judge Orrick (on appeal), remaining video recording charges in San Francisco (the only such case in California history!) that the Attorney General refuses to drop, and stonewalling from state and federal officials about our public records requests for the documentation of Planned Parenthood’s government-sponsored sale of aborted babies.

Your support has been key to allowing me and my team to: Keep the undercover videos online and circulating despite Kamala Harris and Judge Orrick’s attempts to censor them for Planned Parenthood Reveal Planned Parenthood’s criminal contracts with NIH-funded research universities to sell “proprietary” aborted babies for ownership of lucrative university royalties Prompt Congressional and federal law enforcement investigations of Planned Parenthood’s fetal trafficking and successful state enforcement against them in southern California and Texas Focus attention on the humanity of babies in the womb throughout pregnancy, leading to Mississippi’s successful 15-week-limit challenge and the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade, saving countless lives Help us file a pending federal civil rights lawsuit against Kamala Harris for weaponizing her office to suppress First Amendment rights We are busily at work on further investigative reporting to be published this summer. We must continue to speak and publish freely so that Kamala Harris cannot cover up Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby body parts any longer.