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Here Comes the Great Con

July 23rd, 2024

What an extraordinary week we have just been through.  President Trump was very nearly killed by an assassin during an inexplicable failure by the Secret Service to perform even the most rudimentary security precautions.

Then came an amazing Republican Convention.  We witnessed President Trump’s amazing comeback from 2020 … and the emotional terror of the assassination attempt … to accept the party’s nomination for the third straight time.  More than that – the convention was illuminated by the voices of many ordinary Americans: the Gold Star parents of servicemen lost in Afghanistan; the parents of an American citizen held captive by terrorists in Gaza; the victims of illegal immigrant crime; a courageous cultural star recount her awakening after years of being manipulated by the Democrat Media Machine.  A very inspiring week.

And then the Empire struck back.

Within a week of President Trump’s heroic escape … the Stalinesque leaders of the Democrat Party forced an incumbent president to quit on his own re-election campaign.  The clique in charge of this political machine determined that Biden had outlived his usefulness.  Despite having raised some $300 million; despite winning something like 98% of the delegate votes over the past half year; despite repeated public declarations that he was ready to finish the race – the Stalinists who run the Democrat Politburo have ordered Biden to leave: We can do this the easy way … or the hard way. Mr. Chauncey Gardner is expendable. And it is truly alarming that this kind of unaccountable private power could be so effectively wielded against a sitting President of the United States.  But those are the days in which we live; the days from which we desperately need to escape.

And within twenty-four hours, the Stalinist-Democrats have gathered up some $85 million in new corporate funding for their chosen replacement: VP Harris.  And like dutiful sheep, a majority of the delegates once elected to support Biden … have already flopped to support The New Leader.  Wow. 

(One could only hope that there is enough integrity left in this party that they will quickly and quietly destroy any tv ads, bumper stickers or radio jingles claiming to be the “defenders of democracy”.)

But the priority for the Democrat Ministry of Truth will be to turn its considerable powers to the matter of selling America on what a wondrous Leader Kamala Harris will become if we but give her the keys to what is left of the Republic.  They will be hard selling us the notion that Harris is “brilliant” … “a tough prosecutor” … “young and energetic” … blah … blah… blah.  And at least one of those things might be more or less true.

What concerns us most is that Kamala Harris is even more obsessed with abortion than Joe Biden; even more hostile to Christianity than our nominally Catholic president.  In fact, it may be the case that Harris has been a key engineer, driving Biden to ever more radical abortion policies.

Let us review just some of the highlights from Harris’ public service:

  • As Attorney General of California, Harris employed the full weight of state government to persecute and prosecute an American hero because he had the wits and courage to expose Planned Parenthood’s grossly evil baby parts business.  You will recall that David Daleiden conducted a series of undercover videos detailing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of aborted baby parts back in 2014 and 2015.  But rather than using her office to prosecute and shut-down such illegal and immoral practices – Kamala Harris went after Daleiden.  She sent armed agents to his apartment in San Diego to seize all of his computers, video files, records; she led efforts to get a court order forbidding him from making any of his damning videos public.  She made David Daleiden the criminal – not Planned Parenthood.

Without doubt, Planned Parenthood owes their survival after this scandal to Kamala Harris.

  • Ms. Harris has fought to strip doctors and nurses of conscience protections – making it a condition of their medical license that they perform abortions and other procedures they find objectionable.
  • Ms. Harris has also demonstrated an intense hostility toward pregnancy care centers.  She actually got legislation passed in California requiring pro-Life centers to advertise Planned Parenthood’s abortion services inside their facilities.

What a disaster it would be for Kamala Harris to somehow gain the White House.  She is a wholly owned agent of Planned Parenthood.

As we witness these extraordinary events, it is important to steel our hearts for the outrages yet to be revealed.  We must strengthen our hearts for battle … and we must appeal to the God of Heaven for wisdom and resolve to meet this most dangerous threat to the Republic.