Promising Ruling From Supreme Court
May 29th, 2019The U.S. Supreme Court issued an important pro-Life ruling on Tuesday, overturning a bad precedent from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court ruled that states do have the authority to require the decent treatment of human remains from an abortion. The statute at issue comes from Indiana. That state responded to the scandal of Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in aborted baby parts by insisting that abortionists operating in the state provide proper burial of the preborn children they destroy.
There are several important details in this development. One is the fact that this decision was agreed to by 7 of the sitting justices – including pro-abort liberals Kagan and Breyer.
The other noteworthy development was contained in the original AP report of the decision. The mainstream media actually reported that the Supreme Court ruling had the effect of requiring the burial of aborted babies “as if they were human”. The story was written in such a way as to make it obvious that the reporter was unconscious of his/her gross bias. But the phrasing is nevertheless instructive.
Obviously, there is no other possible description of the life growing within that womb than ‘human’.
The ideology of being pro-abortion requires a suspension of science and reason. The preborn “fetus” cannot possibly be “human” – because that would lead to certain uncomfortable moral problems. And even in her dissent, the Supreme Court’s leading abortion cheerleader, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, asserted that a woman who seeks an abortion is “not a mother”. That woman may not be a proper mother, she may not want to be a mother – but the biological and spiritual reality is that she is – and will forever be – a mother by the act of conception.
We must continue to challenge the illogic and irrationality of our opponents, even as we celebrate the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding Indiana’s right to defend decency. The ruling may indicate the Court will be generous in affording state’s greater latitude in protecting preborn children from the horrors of abortion going forward. Let us pray so. And may the Lord grant us the mercy of seeing the monstrous ruling of Roe v. Wade soon discarded by the high court.