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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Reflections on 2008

As we reflect on battle during 2008, there is much to be grateful for; it is important to cherish those victories even as we confront the reality of setbacks like the election of radical Barack Obama.

In Idaho, we can and should celebrate the closing of the Women’s Health Care abortion clinic on La Cassia, run for years by Dr. Boaz. This leaves five abortuaries in Boise: Planned Parenthood, St. Luke’s, Dr. Anthony Keys, Dr. Duane St. Clair and Dr. Darin Weyhrich.

This is undoubtedly a specific answer to prayer, as pro-Lifers have been gathering weekly for many years in front of the clinic asking for God’s mercy.

We can also be grateful for establishing a toe-hold in the battle to protect women and girls from coerced abortions. Governor Otter signed the first law in the country which begins to address the widespread problem of coerced abortions, over the objections of “pro-choice” groups like Planned Parenthood.

Our compatriots at Operation Rescue report that late-term abortions at the Tiller chop shop in Kansas have declined by some 54% as the legal and public pressure on Tiller’s operation have greatly reduced his ability to butcher children. We are grateful for the leadership of heroes like Phill Kline for their courage and stamina in holding this evil man accountable to the laws of men and God.

There is also encouraging news from the scientific community. Britain’s Telegraph reports that the scientific breakthrough around reprogramming adult stem cells has been hailed as the biggest scientific development of 2008 by the editors of Science magazine. This prestigious recognition of moral, effective alternatives to human embryo stem cell research might just spare the lives of millions – both born and preborn.

And we must also note that the electoral success given the Idaho pro-Life movement this year.

Despitethe tragic loss of Bill Sali in the Congress to a staunch abortion-rights advocate, the Abortion Lobby failed to add a single pro-abort vote to the Idaho Legislature. In fact, they lost ground in the House and Senate, promising new gains for the pro-Life movement in 2009.

We are grateful for your support this year, and ask the Lord’s blessing on you and your family as we enter a new year.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Illinois' Corrupt Governor Has Long Carried Water for Abortionists

The shameless governor of Illinois, “Hot Rod” Blagojevich, has long been a paid agent of Planned Parenthood. Long before he put a U.S. Senate seat on the auction bloc, Blagojevich was happily taking abortion money to impose their agenda on the families of Illinois.

Three years ago, Gov. Blagojevich issued an Executive Order requiring pharmacists to fill prescriptions for abortion –causing drugs or face a loss of license. This rough shod treatment of medical professionals in Illinois is just what Planned Parenthood would impose on the nation.

Pharmacists in that state filed a lawsuit, insisting that they had the same rights of conscience as medical doctors. That lawsuit has been working its way through the state court system for the past two years.

On Friday, the Illinois Supreme Court issued an order reversing the actions of lower courts. Two previous courts found that the pharmacists’ claims did not even merit a hearing; the Supreme Court found that holding to be rubbish.

Planned Parenthood issued a statement affirming their firm belief that the courts would eventually uphold their agenda, despite a wealth of legal precedent supporting the right of medical professionals to refuse to participate in abortions as a matter of conscience.

This battle is an important front in the larger, national battle to protect the rights of medical professionals who still take the Hippocratic Oath at its plain meaning.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Kansas Legal System Brought to Chaos by Abortion Lobby

Aided and abetted by Governor Sebelius and a corrupted state Supreme Court, the criminal prosecution of abortionist George Tiller and his pals at Planned Parenthood seems to be moving further away from justice.

In a press release dated yesterday, Operation Rescue informs the pro-Life community that defense attorneys for George Tiller have filed a motion to obtain all the records Prosecutor Phill Kline is using to prosecuting Planned Parenthood. The move confirms suspicions that the abortion allies are working closely together to beat their respective criminal charges – even though the cases are completely separate.

Planned Parenthood has been charged with a criminal complaint totaling 107 charges by Prosecuting Attorney Phill Kline.George

Tiller has been charged with some 30 misdemeanor counts by the Attorney General’s office.

This case is currently on hold until next month.Both defendants have been aggressive about putting Phill Kline on public trial, rather than defending themselves on the substance of the charges. In this, they have been abetted by a corrupted Supreme Court.

“The legal wrangling in these two abortion cases is unlike anything we have ever seen before,” said Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman. “It’s almost like the prosecutor is the one on trial, not the law-breaking abortionists.”

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Idaho Is Blessed by Judie Brown

Mrs. Judie Brown, President of the American Life League, spoke to a packed house on Friday night the annual ICL Christmas Dinner & Auction.

After some forty years in the battle to protect preborn children and their families from the scourge of abortion, Mrs. Brown has a wealth of wisdom to share –and blessed the Idaho pro-Life movement with some of that vision.

Speaking on the topic of “Obamaism vs. Truth”, Judie called the faithful to meet the huge opportunity created by the election of America’s most rabid abortion champion.

During his infamous remarks at Saddleback Church, Obama told Pastor Rick Warren that the question of when life begins is “over my pay grade”. The same argument was advanced by the Supreme Court when it imposed Roe on the nation. And that is where the pro-Life movement must focus its attack.

“Obviously, life begins at the beginning,” Mrs. Brown told the room. But the Supreme Court and Obama don’t want to get into the scientific details or facts. And none of Obama’s political opponents ever confronted him on the destruction of an innocent human being , which is central to the act of abortion.

As a result, most Americans were able to vote for a person like Obama without having to contemplate the true nature of his belief system, especially in the area of “abortion rights”.

Mrs. Brown challenged the audience to sharply focus the pro-Life movement on the question of personhood.

The event was a huge success and a real momentum builder as Idaho Chooses Life prepares for the upcoming Legislative Session. The Board of the organization is committed to an aggressive agenda. We will simply not hunker and play defense to Planned Parenthood’s agenda for the White House.

Judie Brown is the Grande Dame of America’s pro-Life movement; she inspired us and left many blessings behind.

We ask the Lord to continue watching over her and our friends at the American Life League.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Unstoppable Judie Brown Comes to Boise

Idaho Chooses Life is holding its annual Christmas Dinner & Auction this Friday evening, December 5th. We are most honored to have Judie Brown, President of the American Life League, as our guest speaker.

Mrs. Brown has been a national leader in the pro-Life movement since the very beginning of the American holocaust. Three years before the Roe court imposed its death sentence on millions of preborn citizens, Judie Brown was fighting to stop an inititiative in Washington state to make abortion a non-crime.

She helped found the American Life League in 1979, which has since grown to become the largest grassroots organization in the country.

Judie has written seven books, including her latest, Saving Those Damned Catholics. (Copies will be available at the dinner).

Limited seats are still available for this extraordinary event. Call our office immediately at 344.8709 for more information.

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