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Thursday, November 06, 2008

A Very Dark Day for America's Forgotten Citizens

Certainly history has been made. We would like nothing better than to be able to join in the celebration over Barack Obama’s historic victory. His election is truly a breakthrough for people of color – and for the nation as a whole.

But we are overcome with grief for the millions of preborn children who will suffer their worst days in the “Age of Obama”. We would like to look forward with hope, as do so many black and Hispanic Americans, to the fruits of America’s first black president. But we are restrained by the certain knowledge that America’s minority communities will be further decimated by a racist Abortion Industry, led by Planned Parenthood. This death machine will be coddled and funded by a new president sold out completely to the belief that a desire to shed one’s self of an inconvenient, if innocent, baby ought to be permanently protected by the U.S. Constitution.

There are many painful ironies here. Barack Obama is the personification of the Civil Rights movement, its glorious triumph. Yet his rise to power has been fueled by a callous and willful disregard for the civil and human rights of America’s preborn citizens. His historic victory was achieved in large measure by the most pedestrian of methods – trampling on the rights and lives of those even weaker.

Obama’s bloody competition with Hillary Clinton to gain the endorsement of Planned Parenthood on stacks of dead babies will serve as prelude to the most dangerous period in history for America’s preborn children.

While he may have great difficulty enacting the Freedom of Choice Act, Obama will have a long and unbridled period during which he can further pollute the federal bench with abortion partisans. Even in a single term, Obama will greatly strengthen the Abortion Industry’s stranglehold over federal case law.

And that brings us to yet one more irony in this election: Moderates like John McCain played a pivotal role in frustrating President Bush’s ability to rescue the federal judiciary. That sad legacy sapped McCain’s energy and resources during this past general election. No doubt he will not feel compelled to play a similar role in the days of Obama’s reign.

The pro-Life movement must face the coming storm with courage and faith.

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