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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obama Allies Wage Aggressive Effort of Deception

An aggressive campaign is underway to deceive pro-Life voters into believing that Barack Obama is “acceptable” and not really the rabid abortion advocate he’s been portrayed to be.

That effort has both an evangelical and Catholic flavor.

We saw evidence of that in Obama’s willingness to attend a forum hosted by Rick Warren earlier in the year. That didn’t work well for Obama, as you may remember, because he could produce no coherent explanation for being both a “Christian” and clueless about the Lord’s intentions regarding innocent human life. (This was the moment of his infamous, “over my pay grade” comment).

Now we learn from Bill Donohue of the Catholic League that a long-term strategy has been underway in the Catholic community to confuse the faithful. He tells LifeNews.Com that George Soros has pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into several front groups going back to 2005 in order to aid them in their campaign of heresy.

“Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good” and “Catholics United” have been very active this year producing propaganda designed to mask Obama’s pro-abortion views even as Obama out-bid Hillary Clinton for the support of groups like NARAL and Planned Parenthood.

In an odd way, this strategy is confirmation of the potential power of the pro-Life community across the country to determine the outcome of this presidential race. Yet the news is a warning that serious prayer is needed in these final days. We must ask the Lord to protect our brothers and sisters from this deception and propaganda; we must ask that Obama be revealed as the menace he is to preborn children and their mothers.

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