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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Illinois' Corrupt Governor Has Long Carried Water for Abortionists

The shameless governor of Illinois, “Hot Rod” Blagojevich, has long been a paid agent of Planned Parenthood. Long before he put a U.S. Senate seat on the auction bloc, Blagojevich was happily taking abortion money to impose their agenda on the families of Illinois.

Three years ago, Gov. Blagojevich issued an Executive Order requiring pharmacists to fill prescriptions for abortion –causing drugs or face a loss of license. This rough shod treatment of medical professionals in Illinois is just what Planned Parenthood would impose on the nation.

Pharmacists in that state filed a lawsuit, insisting that they had the same rights of conscience as medical doctors. That lawsuit has been working its way through the state court system for the past two years.

On Friday, the Illinois Supreme Court issued an order reversing the actions of lower courts. Two previous courts found that the pharmacists’ claims did not even merit a hearing; the Supreme Court found that holding to be rubbish.

Planned Parenthood issued a statement affirming their firm belief that the courts would eventually uphold their agenda, despite a wealth of legal precedent supporting the right of medical professionals to refuse to participate in abortions as a matter of conscience.

This battle is an important front in the larger, national battle to protect the rights of medical professionals who still take the Hippocratic Oath at its plain meaning.

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