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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Obama's Pact With Planned Parenthood

We want to thank our friends at Baptist Press for posting a complete transcript of Barack Obama's speech before Planned Parenthood on July 17, 2007. During that fateful meeting, Obama was engaged in a bidding war against Hillary Clinton for the hearts of America's Abortion Lobby.

For those who might be seduced by pretty words and an impulse to contribute toward 'change', read these words about Obama's passionate commitment to abortion-on-demand:

"But [my campaign] is more than just about standing our ground. It must be about more than protecting the gains of the past. We're at a crossroads right now in America and we have to move this country forward. This election is not just about playing defense, it's also about playing offense. It's not just about defending what is, it's about creating what be in this country. And that's what we've got to work together on.

"On this fundamental issue of [abortion rights], I will not yield and Planned Parenthood will not yield....The first thing I'll do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do....That's why I think it's important for us obviously to get not only a Democratic White House [but a stronger] Congress as well to protect these rights."

And what is the "Freedom of Choice Act"? It would completely federalize the abortion issue. All state laws which restrict abortion-on-demand at any point in the pregnancy would be declared null and void by Congressional fiat. That means Idaho's Parental Consent law or Ban on Tax-Funded Abortions would be superseded by a new federal act.

America's families should be gravely concerned by Obama's agenda. He is one with Planned Parenthood in believing that abortion is essential to womanhood; that killing preborn children can be rationalized as a kindness.

Perhaps most chilling of all, is the priority Obama places on killing preborn children. His FIRST priority is not jobs, terrorism, energy independence or education. That suggests a derangement which should create grave doubts in the hearts of all rational observers.

Read the entire speech for yourself:

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