
The Sick World of Wasserman Schultz

The DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, declared today that national Democrats back an absolute right for women to kill their offspring.

In a media exchange with Republican Sen. Rand Paul, Schultz declared, “I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story.”

What does that mean?

That means Democrats oppose making sure parents have knowledge and involvement when their teenage daughter decides to abort her baby.

That means Democrats oppose a waiting period, or making sure that women and girls understand the risks and alternatives to an abortion before ending their baby’s life.

That means Democrats support killing a full-term baby in the middle of a healthy delivery – otherwise known as partial birth abortion.

Ms. Schultz’s unambiguous support for abortion-on-demand could well extend outside of the womb to include a “post-birth” period where a woman can gain extra time to determine whether the baby lives or dies; during the magical period when a baby somehow acquires “personhood” and the right to exist.

Gone would be any restrictions on how late an abortion could be performed, or by whom. Various state laws requiring a qualified physician would disappear in a Democrat universe. Presumably, folks like Kermit Gosnell would be free to prey upon women and defenseless babies.

In a world created by Ms. Schultz, Planned Parenthood would no longer have to abide by any of the laws established by the FDA in using dangerous drugs like RU-486.

What a wonderfully sick world that would be.