Voice of the Pre-Born Child
Idaho Chooses Life is a leading voice of the pre-born child in Idaho. Our sole objective is to provide accurate information and resources to mothers, families, health organizations, and elected officials to help them preserve the sanctity of life.
Idaho Chooses Life was founded as a political action committee in 1996 to support pro-Life candidates for public office and to lobby for preborn children at the Idaho Legislature. It remains the only social conservative PAC registered in Idaho. It is our firm belief that every candidate for public office ought to have a pro-Life value system. Respect for the sanctity of human life is a foundational principle of Western Civilization. Without a basic appreciation of the human being’s value—no person is qualified to hold public power over others. We seek to support the work of other pro-Life organizations — whether in the Legislature, in pregnancy centers staffed by dedicated volunteers around the state or in our churches. We give glory to God for the miracle of Dobbs and celebrate the fact that the Defense of Life Act is now the law in Idaho. Thousands of babies have already been saved.
But the work is not done. We must redouble our efforts to ensure that every child is welcomed into the human family – not only here in Idaho, but across the land.
Our Mission Statement
Over 60% of abortions involve some form of coercion.
In Virginia, a homeless woman testified that she was forced to choose between an abortion and staying at the shelter.
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If you're pregnant or think you might be...
Assistance is available for testing and other free and confidential services.
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This month in pro-life history
Notable national and Idaho events in the history of the fight to protect the life of pre-born children.
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We are grateful for their leadership and commitment to the Gospel of Life
Each year, Idaho Chooses Life gives its “Friend for Life Award” to people who have made extraordinary contributions to the defense of preborn children. read more