We had a great deal of hope going into this latest Congressional effort to defund the abortion mafia known as Planned Parenthood. It seemed that the reconciliation process offered a perfect opportunity to obtain a clean Senate vote and avoid the filibuster by Planned Parenthood’s Democrat patrons in that body. The reconciliation process requires only a simple majority to pass.
The measure to defund Planned Parenthood has already passed the House by a large margin, and awaits Senate action.
Yesterday, the Senate Parliamentarian gave her approval to the measure, certifying that the bill could be enacted through the “Byrd Rule” – allowing a simple majority. Everything seemed on course for an historic vote to end the unholy partnership between the American taxpayer and Planned Parenthood – forced upon us for over forty years by a badly misguided Congress.
And now we learn that our hope hangs by a thread. It is no surprise that the liberal Republicans in the caucus are balking. But there are still enough votes if conservatives stand tall. But that weird purity virus has surfaced – threatening to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Sens. Mike Lee, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are threatening to vote against the reconciliation bill because it doesn’t go far enough in repealing provisions of ObamaCare – another feature of the bill.
What makes this so darn frustrating and even silly is the simple fact that Obama will veto the measure in any event. Purity makes little sense in this context.
What does make sense is for the entire Republican Congress to make a final and clear statement about ending our partnership with Planned Parenthood. While the effort to improve health care for women will require a new president to take effect – Republicans are foolish not to force an Obama veto heading into a critical election year. Instead of losing this fight over defunding in the byzantine halls of the Senate – let us expose Obama as the champion of abortion, the defender of human baby organ trafficking.
Please take a moment to call the offices of the normally pro-Life Senators having trouble figuring this situation out:
Sen. Marco Rubio: 202-224-3041
Sen. Ted Cruz: 202-224-5922
Sen. Mike Lee: 202-224-5444
For more background on the issue click here.