
Will the American People Put the Clinton Crime Syndicate Out of Business?

The startling news that the FBI has reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s “Email Scandal” just days before the presidential election is only the latest evidence of the rampant corruption which follows Bill and Hillary Clinton like Pig-Pen’s cloud of dirt. Any American older than about 40 has spent a lifetime reading and hearing about the sordid private lives and financial schemes of the Clinton Crime Family.

That corruption is rooted, we believe, in the deepening evil that Hillary has embraced over her public career in the form of legalized abortion. Back in the days when she was only the First Lady, Hillary still carried a sense that abortion was not a good option for women.  While she defended the “need” for legal abortions, Mrs. Clinton always made a point that it should be rare; that it was regrettable.

But the Hillary campaigning for the presidency today no longer has any sense of shame or regret over abortion. Now she openly demands that abortion be celebrated.  She insists that those Christian denominations which still believe God and His Holy Writ need to be “reformed” and even undermined by Democrat political operatives.  The Hillary walking into the Oval Office will not only insist that abortion on demand is legal – but that it be free to women and girls here and abroad.  And she brazenly lifts up Planned Parenthood as an “heroic” organization, entitled to unlimited taxpayer support.

When you can casually justify the slaughter of millions, what is a little graft? When you can publicly embrace Planned Parenthood as “heroic” – what is a lot of lying?  Her moral descent is painfully obvious.

Locally, it is well past time for Idaho Republicans like Mike Kingsley (Lewiston) and Rep. Lynn Luker (Boise) to go on offense: They need to confront their Democrat opponents with the horrifying list of Clinton’s crimes. They need to ask Rep. Rusche and Steve Berch whether they still support their Democrat nominee.  The voters in those swing districts have a right to know.

On a broader front, it seems clear that no justice will come from Washington, D.C.   The Clinton Crime Family can only be put out of business by the American people.  We must insist upon a basic standard of integrity and at least some measure of virtue in our elected officials.



Apparently our sense that there are disturbing similarities between the Gambino and Clinton Families is a view shared by others.  On Sunday, former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom made the following statement during a national radio interview:

“The Clintons, that’s a crime family.  It’s like organized crime, basically.  The Clinton Foundation is a cesspool.  It’s just outrageous how Hillary Clinton sold her office for money.  And she’s a pathological liar, and she’s always been a liar.  And God forbid if we put someone like that in the White House.”