
Leftist Judiciary Strikes Again

Obama judges on the federal bench continue to fight for his radical agenda. On Friday, Judge Wendy Beetlestone issued a nation-wide injunction against new rules established by the Trump Administration to protect the conscience rights of Christians.  She found that the “Constitution” protected the right of the federal government to force Christian employers to purchase insurance covering abortion-causing drugs – even though the federal government no longer seeks to impose such draconian conditions on religious orders like Little Sisters of the Poor.

What is especially annoying about this edict is the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has litigated the issue of the “Obama Contraceptive Mandate” at least three times. And each time, the Court has defended the religious liberty rights of employers.  Yet, on numerous occasions, district courts have seemingly defied the Supreme Court by searching for some pretext to issue contradictory orders upholding Obama’s dark agenda.

It is important to remind readers that the policy question of forcing employers to provide abortion-causing drugs – like the Morning After Pill – was never established by Congress, let alone the Founding Fathers. Even when Nancy Pelosi and her gang ran the Congress, and enacted ObamaCare, they did not have the votes to force employers like Little Sisters or National Right to Life to pay for abortion insurance.  Instead, they gave the Secretary of Health & Human Services authority to fill in the details on what benefits insurance companies had to provide under ObamaCare.  Kathleen Sebelius, a true radical advocate of abortion rights, served as Obama’s Secretary of HHS.  And it was Sebelius who created, by administrative rule, a so-called “right” to have abortion causing drugs covered by basic health care plans.

So – this federal judge in Pennsylvania recognizes the authority of a department bureaucrat to establish a “right” – but does not recognize the authority of the subsequent administration to modify or even eliminate that same “right”. Of course.  Sadly, this is not a unique display of tortured ad hoc reasoning by the federal judiciary.  The entire edifice of abortion law is so bizarre and illogical that it bewilders everyone who enters Alice’s world.

Fortunately, it seems likely that this judge will eventually be reversed. But time and resources will be wasted in the months it takes to fix this latest abuse of power.

Right to Life Endorses Trump

The National Right to Life Committee announced yesterday that it was formally endorsing Donald Trump for President. In a public statement, NRLC focused on Hillary Clinton’s radical agenda to expand abortion in America – while acknowledging Trump’s oft-repeated commitment to appointing pro-Life judges to the federal bench.

After securing the nomination, Mr. Trump issued a public list of eleven potential nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court in the event that he gets the opportunity to make such appointments. The list of possible candidates was met with universal acclaim by pro-Life activists familiar with the records of those individuals.

Mr. Trump has also repeatedly stated his intention to end the federal government’s partnership with Planned Parenthood – America’s largest merchant of prenatal death.

By contrast, Hillary Clinton has led her party into a deeper partnership with the world’s most nefarious organized crime ring. She has endorsed Planned Parenthood’s demand for public financing of abortions and pledged to appoint abortion adherents to all levels of the federal judiciary.

Mrs. Clinton has even gone so far as to call for a reform of Christian theology in order to end formal opposition to legalized abortion.

The urgency of this presidential contest was highlighted by revelations that abortion cheerleader Barack Obama has – in addition to his Supreme Court appointments – made some 326 appointments to federal district courts around the country. He has been immensely successful in packing the courts with liberals.  As of now, he has managed to gain a majority of Democrat appointees in 9 of the 13 federal court circuits.  With a lifetime license to kill and destroy, these liberal federal judges will be wreaking havoc on American justice for decades.