Make no mistake about this: the heartbeat of the present Democrat Party is abortion. More abortion, free abortion, many abortions and celebrating abortion. It has become the virtual sacrament of the Left.
And if there is one thing Donald Trump has done, even beyond his extraordinary leadership in economic matters, is threaten legalized abortion. He has begun correcting the destructive influence of a federal judiciary operating well outside the boundaries of the Constitution. There is hope now, even in the 9th Circuit, that common-sense protections for women and babies will be received with more respect for the Legislatures and the people they represent.
The president has also significantly reduced the taxpayer subsidies going to Planned Parenthood. There is the $60 million which the nation’s largest abortion provider lost by its refusal to abide by the law of Title X, which requires a clear separation between abortion services and family planning services. Trump is the first president since Reagan to require compliance with the law as a condition of receiving taxpayer funds. And the fact that Planned Parenthood chose to forego the money proves what we have long feared: That, despite the law and Planned Parenthood’s propaganda, taxpayers have been subsidizing Planned Parenthood’s abortion operations all along. The only reason they are leaving that kind of money on the table is because they cannot – and have never – meet the clear congressional requirement that “family planning services” not be used in any way to help subsidize abortions.
But the President has gone further in threatening the sweet privilege the Abortion Industry has long enjoyed. His Administration has just published new rules to fully implement federal law as it relates to abortion services under ObamaCare. Despite the fact ObamaCare required that any insurance plan covering elective abortion carry a separate and discreet bill for abortion insurance, no such bills have ever been sent to those insured. Once his scam insurance revamp was enacted, Obama simply declared that it would be “good enough” if the costs of elective abortion services were hidden in one premium bill to the insured.
Soon, that little subterfuge will be no more. In states where abortion insurance is allowed, people will soon be receiving a separate bill for an elective abortion fund – even if they do not want an abortion. Men, for example, covered by ObamaCare insurance will have to pay the extra premium if they live in states like California and Illinois. The subsidies for abortion in such states will soon become a personal problem for those obtaining health care through Obama Exchanges.
We could go on at much greater length to explain the ways in which Donald Trump is threatening the abortion policies and priorities of the Left. But pro-Life principles are at the core of the Trump Presidency, and explain the hysteria which grips Democrats across the land.
Donald Trump must be removed at all hazards – before something happens to Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
We must continue to lift this man and his family up in daily prayer as he wrestles not just against the likes of Nancy Pelosi – but against dark principalities and spiritual realms.