
Please Pray for Our Legislature

Idaho’s Legislature returns to the Capitol today.  The hopes of many rest upon their shoulders.

There is a sense of an increasing oppression overlaying our country and state.  The heavy hand of government is disturbing.  The failure of our federal, state and local governments to operate in any kind of normal fashion adds to the general anxiety.  Companies and stores, taking their cues from various political and social leaders, too often treat customers as unwelcome intruders – rather than the souls who pay the bills.  Many governmental agencies won’t even meet us that far: taxpayers should simply leave a message or send an email.

We are watching, with a sense of powerlessness, the great dysfunction in our electoral system and the failure of our constitutional institutions to do anything meaningful about it. 

We are scandalized by giant social media companies attacking the free speech liberties of Americans – both the powerful and the lowly; apparently doing so with the encouragement of many in government, and seemingly without consequence.

There is much work to be done at the Legislature.  We have several bills we hope to enact which will help save more babies from the deadly scalpels at Planned Parenthood.  But our ability to be effective this winter depends upon a restoration of an accountable, accessible government.  We must pray that the Legislature finds the resolve and statesmanship to defend constitutional government; we must join together and encourage our elected representatives to help restore a functional society. 

Given the disastrous developments on the national stage in recent months, it is more vital than ever that Idaho leads by example in protecting liberty and constitutional principles.

May God grant our Legislature the vision and courage we desperately need at this hour.

Gratitude As We Begin 2021

As we begin an uncertain 2021, it is important to reflect on the blessings of 2020.  That is, of course, no easy task.  And yet it is most important in the midst of trials.

There is no reason to reflect at any length of the trials of 2020.  It was a year like none other in American history.  It began with a corruption of the Constitutional provision for impeachment; then proceeded to months of rioting and lawlessness in major cities, with Democrats rooting on their street activists from the bleachers.  And then there was Covid, Covid … and more Covid.

Leftists across the nation took full advantage of the Chinese Virus to manipulate and mangle election laws in order to maximize their chances to win the presidency.  As of this writing, it remains to be seen whether they succeed.

In the midst of such outrageous abuse of the American people, it is understandably difficult to find the blessings of 2020.  And yet, they are there.

We can be grateful for the courage and determination of our President, Donald Trump.  His leadership during 2020 will shine for generations.  He managed to keep America’s economy functioning during an unprecedented health scare, preaching courage and hope while most other “leaders and experts” worked feverishly to drive the herd into isolated caves.  He led efforts to provide the various states with health care equipment and facilities, while lashing the medical community to produce a vaccine in record time.  And all year, he defended our core values, the Constitution – while beating back a savage personal and political attack from the Left unseen since the days of Lincoln.

But we may also be grateful for the opportunities 2020 presented:

Parents and families were able to spend more time together.  And those same parents may well have learned a great deal about the failings and prejudices of our modern educational system.

We were able to gather in places of worship, after our right to do so was temporarily suspended in an initial over-reaction to the advice of our expert class.  Even now, religious liberty and the First Amendment are under assault across the nation.  But that, too, is an opportunity for gratitude – for it shows us in a most powerful way to better appreciate what we may have taken for granted.  Hopefully, the gathering together in worship of our Creator will forever more be less of a chore and filled with more joy as a result of what we’ve endured in 2020. 

In fact, 2020 is loaded with such demonstrations of our vulnerability to the technocratic state.  Going to work, to school, to the grocery store have all been impeded by a government apparatus few of us would have believed possible just a year ago.  For those with the eyes to see … this past year has shown how very fragile our Constitution and liberties are.  We have now seen first-hand that there is a whole army of political and cultural leaders determined to remake the nation and bequeath the next generation a European-ized version of America in which the freedoms to assemble, to worship, to own property, to work, to redress our government… to live … are no longer inviolable rights – but merely nice suggestions.

Let us be grateful for the mortal threats of 2020, and resolve to make 2021 better.  Let us pray that the new year will be one which sees patriots rising in defense of our heritage. 

And let us continue to beseech Heaven that the Lord will come to our aid and deliver us from evil.

Presidential Proclamation on Religious Freedom

Today is the 850th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket on December 29, 1170. Thomas Becket was a statesman, a scholar, a chancellor, a priest, an archbishop, and a lion of religious liberty.

Before the Magna Carta was drafted, before the right to free exercise of religion was enshrined as America’s first freedom in our glorious Constitution, Thomas gave his life so that, as he said, “the Church will attain liberty and peace.”

Thomas Becket’s death serves as a powerful and timeless reminder to every American that our freedom from religious persecution is not a mere luxury or accident of history, but rather an essential element of our liberty. It is our priceless treasure and inheritance. And it was bought with the blood of martyrs.

As Americans, we were first united by our belief that “rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God” and that defending liberty is more important than life itself. If we are to continue to be the land of the free, no government official, no governor, no bureaucrat, no judge, and no legislator must be allowed to decree what is orthodox in matters of religion or to require religious believers to violate their consciences. No right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous, and virtuous society than the right to follow one’s religious convictions. As I declared in Krasiński Square in Warsaw, Poland on July 6, 2017, the people of America and the people of the world still cry out: “We want God.”

On this day, we celebrate and revere Thomas Becket’s courageous stand for religious liberty and we reaffirm our call to end religious persecution worldwide. In my historic address to the United Nations last year, I made clear that America stands with believers in every country who ask only for the freedom to live according to the faith that is within their own hearts. I also stated that global bureaucrats have absolutely no business attacking the sovereignty of nations that wish to protect innocent life, reflecting the belief held by the United States and many other countries that every child — born and unborn — is a sacred gift from God. Earlier this year, I signed an Executive Order to prioritize religious freedom as a core dimension of United States foreign policy. We have directed every Ambassador — and the over 13,000 United States Foreign Service officers and specialists — in more than 195 countries to promote, defend, and support religious freedom as a central pillar of American diplomacy.

We pray for religious believers everywhere who suffer persecution for their faith. We especially pray for their brave and inspiring shepherds — like Cardinal Joseph Zen of Hong Kong and Pastor Wang Yi of Chengdu — who are tireless witnesses to hope.

To honor Thomas Becket’s memory, the crimes against people of faith must stop, prisoners of conscience must be released, laws restricting freedom of religion and belief must be repealed, and the vulnerable, the defenseless, and the oppressed must be protected. The tyranny and murder that shocked the conscience of the Middle Ages must never be allowed to happen again. As long as America stands, we will always defend religious liberty.

A society without religion cannot prosper. A nation without faith cannot endure — because justice, goodness, and peace cannot prevail without the grace of God.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 29, 2020, as the 850th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket. I invite the people of the United States to observe the day in schools and churches and customary places of meeting with appropriate ceremonies in commemoration of the life and legacy of Thomas Becket.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day of December, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fifth.


This is No Time for Surrender

As we see the media engage in a 24/7 campaign to create a new reality, wherein Joe Biden is president, it is important for the faithful to resist the seduction.  Donald Trump won the election on November 3rd, and may yet prevail to claim the presidency in 2021.

Let’s start with the proposition that Donald Trump did a superior job as president during his first term.  And not simply on the pro-Life front: Economic growth, foreign policy, race relations and managing the Chinese Virus were all examples of incredible leadership.  The president also deserves credit for running an incredible campaign against the highest odds and a frightening coalition of dark forces – from pretend Republicans like Cindy McCain to covert intelligence operatives to the corporate media and Big Pharma.  The power and effectiveness of his campaign against such forces is beyond doubt given the fact that he helped add seats to the US House, and protected the Senate Republican majority.  One cannot overlook the millions of voters he added to his totals over 2016. 

And that campaign brings us to this critical observation:  The future of the pro-Life movement, and the Republic itself, hangs on the outcome of the legal/political/spiritual battle in about 5 states.  Between them, those 5 states control 63 electoral votes.  And the cumulative margin between Trump and Biden – accepting for the moment the “official” results – is roughly 119,000 votes.  That is 8/100 of a percent of the votes cast in America for president.  Virtually all of them show a margin of less than ½ of a percentage point separating Biden and Trump. 

It is astonishing to realize that so much hangs on such a razor thin margin.

And much – too much – is at stake.  Obviously the lives of millions of preborn children are at risk if Joe Biden is able to shuck and jive his way into the White House.  But there are millions of lives at risk across the globe – Taiwan, Israel, Korea, Central Europe will all be tragically impacted by a failure to secure Trump’s second term.

And, for that reason, it is impossible that we should surrender.  We must continue to rattle the Gates of Heaven and seek the Lord’s intervention on behalf of those at deadly risk.

One cannot know how the Lord will respond or when He might intervene to rescue us from the blatant evil at work in this election.  We can only be certain that He is at work.

That said, there is reason to believe that the Lord may be allowing some of this drama to play out for awhile in order to further expose that evil and those characters eagerly sabotaging Trump’s defense of Israel, religious liberty and pro-Life values.  Indeed, this past week has offered many dark revelations about what a Biden Administration would look like.  As Democrats celebrate their “victory”, we are reminded of these verses from Psalm 73:

                “Therefore pride is their necklace; they clothe themselves with violence…the evil conceits of their minds know no limits.  They scoff, and speak with malice; in their arrogance, they threaten oppression….When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny.”

At this hour of national peril, we must stand strong and support the President’s bid to uproot the obvious corruption at work.  He appreciates that the threat to our Republic goes far beyond the outcome of a single election or person.

Let us be strong and await the Lord’s deliverance.  Join us in praying for the President, his family, and for the help he needs.

Please Join Us in Praying for Judge Barrett

The circus has returned to Washington, DC with the opening of hearings on Judge Barrett’s confirmation to the US Supreme Court.  It is unlikely that they will be able to smear her with alleged sexual misconduct or cropped yearbooks.  Democrats have, therefore, signaled that they are willing to go lower.

They will attack her for being a mother.  They will attack her for adopting two children from Haiti.  They will attack her for alleged votes on future cases.  They will call her filthy names and try every imaginable way to destroy her ego and self-confidence.  All this despite the fact that the liberal American Bar Association has judged her to be “well-qualified” for the position.  All this despite the fact that Judge Barrett has served with distinction for three years on the US Court of Appeals.

At the bottom of this confirmation battle, we have an intense spiritual fight over abortion and the abuse of power by the judicial branch.

We must support Judge Barrett and the Republicans in the Senate with faithful prayer during these trying weeks. 

Thankfully, Judge Barrett is a person who values prayer.  She made that publicly clear in her opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee.  She further expressed her gratitude for the prayers of the faithful around the country. This is the kind of humility the Supreme Court desperately needs.

The Real Kamala Harris

Democrats are working hard to repackage Sen. Kamala Harris as a pleasant, moderate woman who just wants to serve America.  That will be no small task.

Sen. Harris has a dark and nasty history that betrays a radical vision for America.  She was, for example, a leader in the effort to smear Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings.

But what troubles us most is the intimate relationship Harris has with Planned Parenthood.  Prior to entering the U.S. Senate, Harris served as Attorney General of California. She was that state’s senior legal officer when the horrific scandal of Planned Parenthood baby-parts trafficking became public.

Remember that video of an abortionist munching salad while negotiating the prices and procedures for acquiring organs harvested from babies?  Or the one where the abortionist wanted a Lamborghini from her partnership with the ghouls conducting medical research on the bodies of helpless babies?  Yeah … THAT scandal.

So one might think that a decent person, with large legal authority, would move to stamp out such barbarous and unethical behavior.  And one would be right.  If Kamala Harris was a decent person with a respect for the basic moral norms of Western Civilization.  But the fact is, AG Harris did not move to shut down these illegal operations.  Instead, she used the full force of her office to defend Planned Parenthood and to hunt down the pro-Life activists who had the audacity to expose America’s largest abortion provider.

Harris used her powers to suppress the public release of additional undercover videos.  She then sent no fewer than eleven armed agents of the California Department of Justice to raid the apartment of David Daleiden.  They confiscated his computer and all his video equipment.  She then charged Daleiden and several others with a string of felony charges – charges which they are still fighting.

Largely because of Sen. Kamala Harris, the notorious practice of harvesting body parts and organs from babies killed in abortion continues unabated; a practice reminiscent of the evil “medical research” Nazi doctors conducted upon prisoners.  Planned Parenthood has walked away, largely undamaged by its ghoulish side business.  The brave souls who exposed this evil?  They suffer ongoing persecution and prosecution in federal and state courts. 

That is the America that Harris seeks to impose on our future.  Where black is white, right is wrong … and babies are slaughtered for profit.  May God spare us.

The Lord Has This.

Many of us are worried about the future of our country as we enter the final stretch of the strangest presidential contest in history.  Will President Trump be re-elected?

This year has been unlike any other in American history:  Riots and organized lawlessness.  A questionable declaration of a health care “crisis”, leading to huge social, economic and spiritual disruption.  On an almost daily basis we have the assertion of new power and control by some government agency and “experts” over more intimate details of our life.  Teachers asserting the power to determine whether our kids will go to school.  Sports shut down.  On and on the list goes.

Against that backdrop of our continual turmoil comes the Democrat Party and their candidates – Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

For months now, we have been told by the main stream media and many pundits that Biden has a commanding lead in the race.  Polls purport to show that Donald Trump doesn’t have a prayer.

And yet … both history and common sense tell us that something is wrong with the picture being painted.

There are striking oddities about the Democrat Party’s strategy going into the fall.  First, the candidate himself.  A majority of Americans believe that Biden has serious cognitive issues; one recent poll shows some 55% of voters believe that Biden is demonstrating a decline in mental faculties.  And anyone watching his attempts to complete sentences or answer the most basic questions understands that he is simply not up to the demands of the presidency.  It defies common sense to believe that the American people are ready to turn over the nuclear codes to a person in such a condition.

But the problems for Democrats go beyond the obvious weaknesses of their nominee.

In a trend that angrily defies both history and reason, Democrats everywhere have intentionally, repeatedly tacked further to the radical left as the campaign progresses.  With cities burning, Democrat mayors not only welcome the rioters back for nightly encores  – they brazenly advocate cutting or even eliminating taxpayer support for police departments.  As the economy reels from government-imposed shutdowns, Democrats insist that we open our borders to more illegal workers, shut down the energy sector and expand Medicaid to everyone.  And in a bizarre bid to “appeal” to moderate/swing voters, the Democrat Party is advocating for school closures even as they want the federal government to print more money to pay public employees and public retirees more money for not working.

In what universe does this strategy make any sense?  What party would offer AOC a prime speaking opportunity at their pseudo convention to advocate more communism?  In what alternate world does it make sense to pick a socialist from California – whose electoral votes are already bought and paid for – as the vice presidential candidate?

Despite all the daily chaos we’re presently enduring, certain fundamentals of politics remain true.  The purpose of campaigning in the closing weeks is to win over those moderate, less-ideological voters.  That is how candidates and parties build a majority vote.  By that measure, it is perfectly obvious that the Democrats are jetting along on a kamikaze mission of spectacular proportions.

What is not at all obvious, however, is why the Democrats and their national operatives seem oblivious to their ground-smashing trajectory.  After all, there hasn’t been a Democrat campaign this radical since George McGovern in 1972.

That election cycle does offer us a few important insights into what may be happening inside the Democrat Party.  That year also saw tremendous social tumult – as a result of racial tensions and opposition to the Vietnam War.  But, like 2020, there was more at play underneath that: The anarchist movement became resurgent through the “counter-culture” movement.  The emotionalism and passions of that movement overcame reason within the Democrat Party.  The party became so internally focused that it lost all perspective on its visceral impact on average Americans.  With each new radical prescription for “social change”, Democrats managed to alienate larger swaths of the American electorate.  Richard Nixon- not exactly the most charming incumbent –  was thereby re-elected in a landslide.

So there is that history from which to draw solace as we walk into the most consequential election in modern history.

But there is more.  While not pretending in any way to speak for the Lord, it seems quite possible that the Lord of Hosts has blinded the minds and wits of those presently running things at Democrat HQ.  A spirit of confusion has enveloped the Democrat Party.  Their pride and rage at the values of the Christian Church have clearly led them into a very dark place.  This is producing policy positions which are just plain childish.  (EG: With rising murder rates in most Democrat cities, let’s eliminate police officers).  Rather than working to appeal to moderate voters, Democrats are doubling-down on stupid.  The only explanation for such self-destructive behavior has to be spiritual.

America certainly does not deserve more of God’s mercy.  We continue to slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocents.  We have thumbed our noses at God’s teaching about sexuality, marriage and personal responsibility.  Many of those God-defying social blights have been officially enshrined by the nation’s highest tribunal.  So there is no doubt that we do not deserve another term of Donald Trump as president.  But, then, we didn’t deserve God’s grace in 2016 either.

Donald Trump has striven mightily these past three years to right the ship, to restore Christian values to society and the institutions of government.  No one has done more to defend preborn children.  No one.  The president has fought to defend religious liberty and conscience rights against the Democrats’ vicious agenda to effectively gut the First Amendment.  Trump has courageously fought for Israel, including his historic recognition of Jerusalem as its rightful capitol.  In fact, the list of Trump’s accomplishments in advancing Biblical values is truly magnificent, particularly when one remembers the unprecedented hostility he has endured from many quarters of society.

That record of faithfulness inspires confidence in God’s extension of grace to America by allowing Donald Trump another term.

The next few months will be a time of great upheaval and conflict.  With every day we are confirmed in the certainty that we do not know what the future holds.  But we do know who holds that future in His blood-stained hands.  May the Lord deliver us from evil.

The Gravity of Gorsuch’s Odious Edict

Much of the conservative punditry has focused their angst on John Roberts and his continued pandering to the left side of the Supreme Court.  Granted, the recent DACA decision is a disappointing attempt to square a circle – but it seems fixable.  At least if Donald Trump is reelected.

The more important decision is Justice Gorsuch’s opinion to force America to accept the patently false “fact” that the drafters of the original federal statute barring employment discrimination meant to include the entire “Alphabet Population” in their definition of “sex”.  It is a shocking development.  Mr. Gorsuch was recently appointed to the Supreme Court as an “originalist”, a “strict constructionist”, a jurist who would help restore a limited judiciary and a respect for the rule of law.

Wow. To see him lead the effort to blatantly legislate from the bench is pretty disheartening.

And it is crystal clear that Mr. Gorsuch indulged himself in the sordid business of turning the 9-member Supreme Court into something of a “super legislative branch”.  We have witnessed the Idaho Legislature and many county commissioners wrestle with the social and moral implications of “adding the words”.  Many hours of testimony and legal analysis have gone into the question in the Capitol building.  And the Legislature has rejected the notion of legitimizing “gender identity”.  (We grieve for the wasted time of those many Idaho legislative heroes whose work has just been cast aside).

Our elected lawmakers – including members of the U.S. Congress – have been peremptorily overruled by the “Uber-Legislators” wearing really smart black robes.  And they have, therefore, set in motion a social revolution with dire consequences for America and our children.

Aside from the abuse of constitutional authority, it really is astonishing to see a man like Neil Gorsuch lend credibility to the absurd notion that gender is not a matter of biological reality  – but one of opinion or choice or pop trend.  It is such an anti-intellectual posture that one is left completely bewildered trying to account for how one of Gorsuch’s clear intelligence could validate such nonsense.  His opinion is nothing less than another attack on the whole foundation of Western society — and its embrace of an objective, knowable reality.

While the Gorsuch opinion is not a finding of the U.S. Constitution per se – it is clear that the present court will have no problem creating a plethora of new “rights” for the Alphabet Crowd once given the opportunity.

But let us return to this issue of Gorsuch’s abuse of Constitutional authority.  It is an axiom of conservative philosophy that the role of the US Supreme Court and federal judiciary should be greatly proscribed.  It does not have the legitimate authority to create new law or new rights; those are powers reserved to the People and their elected representatives.  Yet here we are: a Court we thought was “conservative” has betrayed, again, those principles.  Once more we discover a justice may not have been honest when interviewed for the position.  (And why does this only happen with Republican appointments to the bench?)

The obvious abuse of authority by Mr. Gorsuch and Mr. Roberts presents a serious challenge to the conservative movement: Our hopes for shrinking the abusive power acquired by the federal judiciary can no longer rest entirely on the proposition that we must win elections and find the “right” person to serve on the high court.  Of course, that strategy must continue to be pursued; it is simply elementary that that strategy is insufficient.  There will always be guys like Neil Gorsuch.

We must think deeper about this profound problem – as it is among the chief threats to a functioning and accountable Republican form of government.

We submit that the Founders would not be particularly shocked by a judiciary which continues to arrogate power to itself.  Some of the more learned might have predicted it, based upon their mature understanding of man’s nature.  In fact, they bet on it.  They crafted a Constitution built upon the assumption that man would seek to build personal and institutional power; the Founders then set those baser ambitions against one another.  We know this mechanism as “checks and balances” – and it was that grappling for competing power interests which would preserve our freedoms and accountable government.

This gets us closer to the problem at hand.

Upon just a rather lazy contemplation of our current straits, it becomes obvious that what we are missing is any real check upon the federal judiciary.  That branch of government is out of control, and threatens our very liberty to govern ourselves, because the other branches of government have failed to provide a meaningful check upon power-grabbers like John Roberts.  The Executive Branch, particularly under President Trump, cannot be much maligned for negligence in this matter since they are in regular conflict with the judiciary.

The real culprit in this tale of degrading freedom is Congress.  It has been an eternity since the U.S Congress has done anything meaningful to check the abuse of power which streams from our federal benches.

We propose that the conservative movement begin demanding of politicians seeking federal office a concrete action plan for holding the judiciary accountable.  The U.S. House of Representatives has at its disposal a huge weapon in the form of the appropriation process.  They also have the ability to override decisions like the one just foisted upon us by Gorsuch, by amending the original discrimination in employment act by making it clear that sexual “identity” does not meet the requirements of special protections.  It could also include particular protections for religious and moral objections to protect the First Amendment rights of employers.

But let’s discuss some other potential challenges to the arrogance of the judicial oligarchy.

We could demand that members of the U.S. Senate begin holding impeachment hearings on those members of the judiciary who have been convicted of crimes.  We might also demand that Congress approve an amendment to the Constitution withdrawing life-time appointments for all members of the federal bench – and granting ten-year renewable terms for lesser judicial offices at the district and appellate levels.  This might strike an appropriate balance between the need for an independent judiciary and the need for greater judicial adherence to the actual words and intent of the U.S. Constitution.

What if Congress enacted a ten-year term for each district and appeals court appointee?  Congress might require that, at the end of that term, a judge would have to be re-confirmed.  This would give senators the opportunity to review the work of said judge to see if they have upheld their oath of office.  Those with a clear record of abusing their authority could be denied reconfirmation, thus opening the position to a new nominee.  This change alone would likely have a profound impact on those judges tempted to impose schemes reordering society in their image.

This is by no means presented as an exhaustive list of reforms and actions available to Congress –  merely a beginning point to generate a new way of thinking about how to meet this most lethal threat to our Republican form of government.

Without a robust and concerted effort by the Congress to arrest the judiciary’s abuse of power, the trajectory is clear.  It is simply irrational to continue to pin all our hopes on individual nominees to restrain themselves in the face of gross temptation.  We must demand a restoration of institutional checks upon the judiciary’s lust for power.  No more hand-wringing at public rallies.  We must insist upon action.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Last night’s Trump rally was just what the doctor ordered.  After one challenge, crisis or outrage after another – it was downright thrilling to hear President Trump offer a full-throated defense of all that is great in America.  He gave voice to millions who wonder how the media and their Democrat allies could portray a nation so differently from the one we have actually experienced.  He provided comfort to the millions of us who weep over the destruction of our cities and history.  And Mr. Trump defended the thousands of men and women who wear the badge and answer the call to service.

Yes, this society continues to be challenged by serious problems.  And we live in an era in which “solutions” are thrown against the wall by socialists and other pundits; yet rarely do they bother to do the hard work of understanding the exact nature or scope of the problem.  This trend is even more pronounced now that most information in the public domain comes via Twitter or Wikipedia.  New demagogues pop up like mushrooms via podcasts or Facebook.

We are greatly blessed to have a president with the courage and vision of Donald Trump.  May the Lord continue to protect him and guide him.

“Literally a Life and Death Election”

Earlier this week, Planned Parenthood publicly announced its inevitable support of Joe Biden for President.  In doing so, they cited his work with Obama in expanding abortion through the “Affordable Care Act”.   And, of course, his 100% pro-abort record as a member of the US Senate was lauded by the group.

There’s not much news in talking about Planned Parenthood’s endorsement of Biden.  It has long been a matter of public record that Joe Biden abandoned his Christian principles for the applause of the mob. And, of course, Planned Parenthood has never had as bold an opponent as they have in President Donald J. Trump.  They would endorse anyone challenging our current president.

We bring this endorsement to your attention because of a comment made in the press release by the acting president of Planned Parenthood: “This is literally a life and death election”.

Finally, we have some common ground with Planned Parenthood.  The lives of tens of thousands of babies and their mothers could be at stake in this election; perhaps it is not too much to say that the next generation is at risk by the election of Joe Biden and his abortion cronies.

No president has done more for the pro-Life movement than Donald Trump.  We desperately need him to be re-elected if we are to have any hope of ending this tragic and horrific regime of legalized abortion.  God showed great mercy on America by allowing Trump to win in 2016.  We pray that His mercy for our nation is not yet exhausted.