
A Look Behind the Curtain

So much of the abortion business is hidden behind the dark veil of “privacy”. But every once in awhile, the truth bleeds out.

LifeSite is carrying an interview with a nurse who has gone public with her personal journey through the murder factories which is Planned Parenthood. Marianne Anderson assisted with abortions for two years at an abortuary in Indiana. One of her functions was to administer sedatives to women and girls who paid extra for that consideration.

She recounts sex slaves being driven through the abortion clinic by their “owners” and forced into abortions. Teenage girls being pressured into abortion by mothers.

Anderson says that if girls started to cry during the “procedure”, abortionist Michael King would bark at them, “Now you chose to be here. Sit still. I don’t have time for this.”

She tells of another abortionist who would talk aloud to the various baby parts he was responsible for accounting after the killing was done: “Come on, little arm, I know you’re here! Stop hiding from me.”

“The sound the suction machine made when it turned on still haunts me,” she told LifeSite News.

Her story forces us to not only confront the emotional and physical terror faced by women and girls in submitting to an abortion, but it reminds us of the terrible toll this business must take on the people who deal destruction for a paycheck day after day. Clearly some of these people are emotionally imbalanced. Others are deeply wounded by the work they do. Many, no doubt, would like to escape and practice actual life-affirming medicine.

May the Lord of Heaven take pity on them.

Abortion the Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift

Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards has a thought about the perfect Valentine’s gift: buy your girlfriend an abortion.

After all, what could be more thoughtful? For only $300 – $500, a girl could have a lifetime of kind returns: It carries a lifetime of guilt and remorse, long after the boyfriend has moved along to greener pastures.

LifeNews reports on a web video Planned Parenthood has produced, with their president holding a heart. Inside the heart is an inscription: “What Women Need for Valentine’s Day: Safe + Legal Abortion”.

The organization is infamous for abusing holidays to spread their message of casual death for preborn children, so this is certainly nothing new. It is not even the most outrageous. (Their blasphemy during the Christmas Season cannot be measured).

Nevertheless, the contempt for women and girls on display is very disturbing. Even more troubling is their trivialization of the destruction of another innocent human being.

The Mystery of God’s Blessings

A recent scientific study demonstrates the mercy and grandeur of God’s design.

Apparently the cells from a preborn child are shared with the mother during pregnancy. Researchers found that two types of cells were transferred to the mom – immune cells and mesenchymal cells.

The latter are thought to be special cells that help in the regeneration and healing of adult tissue.

This seems to be a concrete example of God’s blessed promise:

“I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life so that you and your children may live ….” (Deuteronomy 30:19).

U.S. House Votes to End Abortion Subsidies

Idaho’s two congressmen, Raul Labrador and Mike Simpson, voted with the majority yesterday to end Obama’s secret subsidy of elective abortions under his health care scheme. HR 7 passed by a vote of 227 to 188. 187 Democrats and one Republican opposed the measure to strictly prohibit any taxpayer funding of elective abortions under ObamaCare.

The legislation is a post-hoc fix which became necessary when the Democratic majority in the Senate, along with President Obama, opposed amendments to ObamaCare which would strictly apply the Hyde Amendment to ObamaCare.

According to LifeNews, the Kaiser Foundation recently published a report estimating that over 6 million abortions will be paid for through Medicaid expansion and federal premium subsidies under ObamaCare.

This is in addition to the serious problem of “contraceptive” coverage already discussed by Idaho Chooses Life in a press release last week. Information came to light last fall confirming that Idaho’s Insurance Exchange is selling insurance plans which provide abortion-causing drugs like Ella and the “Morning After Pill”. As pointed out by several pro-Life organizations, this seems to violate Idaho law. Our news release has gone largely unnoticed by the state’s media, and we are unaware of any Idaho politician being forced to comment on the disturbing revelation.

The actions by Idaho’s Congressmen to end publicly-financed abortions will probably remain symbolic, however, since the legislation is expected to die a quiet death in the U.S. Senate.

Huge Pro-Life Rally in Nation’s Capitol

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national march 2014LifeNews reports that hundreds of thousands of Americans gathered together in Washington DC yesterday to protest abortion and its terrible toll on the nation. The most conservative estimate is that over 56 million babies have been destroyed in the forty-one years of the Roe travesty.

Meanwhile, our president issued a press statement celebrating the fruits of legalized abortion, declaring that the mechanized murder of defenseless children had somehow “liberated” America and allowed many to fulfill their dreams. How bizarre, how dark.

Idaho pro-Lifers will gather this Saturday at the State Capitol. The March for Life begins at 1 pm at Julia Davis Park with a rally to follow on the Capitol steps. Hope to see you there!

Cuomo Displays Leftist Arrogance

Has it really come to this? A duly elected governor of one of the most populous and powerful states in the Union actually believes that citizens who don’t agree with his liberalism should vacate his kingdom?

Governor Andrew Cuomo, raised at the knee of his father as a prince owed the inheritance of power, money and influence, announced on the radio last week that pro-Life New Yorkers should simply leave his state. They are not wanted; perhaps soon they won’t even be tolerated.

Of course the pro-Life community in New York was not the only group of citizens smeared as “extremist”. Cuomo finds gun rights advocates, limited government activists and most Christians very difficult to tolerate and has invited them to simply leave his realm.

We are living in days when the outrage bucket is sloppy-full: It is getting hard to work up much emotion for the latest abuse of the common man by our political elite. Yet we must resist the temptation to look the other way. This Cuomo statement betrays a contempt for the average citizen which is downright scary. To put it in some kind of context: Remember those history classes when we learned the founding principles? Remember the story about a nation founded by throwing off the shackles of a corrupt English nobility who were entitled by birth to rule over a rabble? Or the idea that the citizens of this nation were sovereign?

Or what about the funny notion that these guys worked for us?

History has shown us many faces of the tyrant, though not many examples come to mind in the American experience. Cuomo’s public statements seem unique, if only for their breathtaking honesty and arrogance. We pray our fellow citizens in New York rise up to reject Cuomo’s monarchial ambitions.

Pro-Life Community Calls on Insurance Exchange to Stop Funding Abortions

• Julie Lynde: Executive Director Cornerstone Family Council Idaho (208)-954-3222
• Brandi Swindell Founder/CEO Stanton Health Care (208)-867-1307
• David Ripley, Executive Director, Idaho Chooses Life (208)-344-8709
• Jason Herring, President Right to Life of Idaho (208)- 869-3335
• Kerry Uhlenkott, Legislative Coordinator Right to Life Idaho (208)-983-7275

Pro-life leaders call for Governor Otter and the Idaho Legislature to ban the abortion drug ELLA from state health exchanges.

In an e-mail dated November 7, 2013, Governor Otter’s office confirmed to Idaho’s Pro-Life Community that chemical abortion is available through health insurance plans sold by Idaho’s state based health exchange. Idaho’s plans DO include coverage for the abortion inducing drug, ELLA.

Idahoans are now forced to comply with Obamacare’s HHS mandates issued by executive Kathleen Sebelius.

ELLA is chemically and functionally similar to Mifepristone (RU-486), the FDA approved abortion drug. They share identical modes of action. They share serious, substantial safety concerns for women’s health.
Early in 2013, the architects and proponents of Idaho’s state based exchange were aware that Idaho taxpayers would be forced to pay for this abortion inducing drug. Many even rejected a pro-life bill to protect Idahoan’s freedom of conscience and reclaim some state sovereignty in the state health exchange. This would have protected citizens from being coerced to foot the bill for the morally objectionable process of abortion.
We were told that the state exchange would give us a seat at HHS table. Ms. Sebellius apparently demands that Idaho be seen and not heard.

Women deserve to know that a prescription drug could cause an abortion. Women deserve to know that ELLA could cause serious complications for their health. Pharmacists have an ethical right to know that ELLA may cause an abortion. And they deserve to know that drugs like ELLA have serious, documented health risks; including blood transfusion and death.

Taxpayers have a right to be free from being coerced to pay for actions that violate their conscience.

Brandi Swindell, President and Founder of Stanton Healthcare a life-affirming medical clinic, states:

“It is extremely troubling that the citizens of Idaho will be forced to pay for abortion-inducing drugs through the state’s health exchanges. Governor Otter’s office has confirmed that the drug ELLA will be included in the exchanges. ELLA is an abortifaciant, which destroys an innocent life.  The citizens and especially the women of Idaho deserve better than having to violate their consciences, core beliefs and faith values by having to pay for abortion inducing drugs. We agree with the overwhelming majority of Americans that abortion is not health care and shouldn’t be included in any coverage.”

Julie Lynde, Executive Director of Cornerstone Family Council said:

“Offering ELLA in the state health exchange is contrary to Idaho’s stated commitment preferring live birth over abortion. It is contrary to who we are in Idaho.  Forcing Idahoans to become financially complicit in something they find morally repugnant is despicable. ELLA is the chemical cousin of RU-486 & has serious safety risks for women. HHS is keeping Idaho women in the dark and endangering their health to promote the abortion industry’s radical agenda.  Idaho leaders must stand up for Idaho citizens and stand against the HHS political ideology that is trampling the great state of Idaho.”

Kerry Uhlenkott, Legislative Coordinator Right to Life of Idaho said, “The emergency contraceptive, ELLA , is an abortifacient because it can prevent the implantation of a newly-conceived embryo. Even Dr. James Trussell, a member of Planned Parenthood’s national Medical committee and one of the leading authorities on emergency contraception, has said that doctors have a duty to inform women that emergency contraception could prevent a newly conceived embryo from implanting in the womb, causing an abortion. *

Since the emergency contraceptive, ELLA, has the potential for causing the death of a newly conceived human child, it is dead wrong for citizens in Idaho to be forced to violate their conscience by having to pay for this
abortion-inducing drug.”

David Ripley, Executive Director of Idaho Chooses Life said:

“The confirmation of Idaho’s insurance exchange being involved in funding abortion-causing drugs is very disturbing, and would seem to violate Idaho Law. This is why we pushed so hard last year for the Religious Liberty Amendment (to the state exchange) It’s impossible for Idaho to partner with ObamaCare without becoming enmeshed in President Obama’s agenda to expand both abortion and tax-funded support of the Abortion Industry.
The Legislature must revisit the question of protecting Idaho citizens. They have no business helping Obama trample our First Amendment guarantee of religious liberty.”

Jason Herring, Pastor and President of Right to Life Idaho said:

“The citizens of Idaho need to be aware of the fact that Ella is a potential abortifacient. By the FDA’s own admission Ella can disrupt a pregnancy after ovulation has occurred. If we hold that life begins at conception then
we must protect life at all stages of development.

At four weeks into the pregnancy a child is the size of a poppy seed. That’s incredibly small, and yet at one time we were all that size with a world of potential and possibilities awaiting us. If faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, then microscopic faith the size of a human cell is all it takes to respect life in its beginning.”

In response to this, we…the united pro-life community in Idaho…. call upon Governor Otter and the Idaho legislature to embrace quality health care, respect the taxpayers of Idaho, protect and respect the women of Idaho, and protect innocent human life by banning ELLA from all state health exchanges.


Campaign for Fetal Pain Law Suffers Setback

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a brief order today, denying an appeal of a 9th Circuit edict in a case dealing with Arizona’s Fetal Pain Law. The liberals managing the 9th Circuit had ruled in May of last year that Arizona’s law violated the U.S. Constitution and its hidden provision granting women the “right” to destroy their babies via abortion. Arizona appealed the 9th Circuit injunction to the Supreme Court, asking that it be allowed to enforce the state law which banned abortions after approximately 20 weeks’ gestation.

The Supreme Court’s inaction effectively allows the injunction to remain in place.

Today’s development means that Idaho’s Fetal Pain statute also remains unenforceable because Idaho is under the jurisdiction of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Proponents of the law had hoped that the Supreme Court would be more receptive to the law because of scientific research surrounding the baby’s development, as well as evidence showing that late-term abortions are more dangerous to a woman’s health. While the Supreme Court did not rule on the merits of the Fetal Pain Law in Arizona, it does represent a set-back for the pro-Life movement.

Hopes for a reconsideration of the core issues rest with another appeals court circuit reaching a different conclusion than that derived by the 9th Circuit.

Wasden Joins Other AGs in Petitioning Sebelius

Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden is one of eleven attorneys general from around the nation pressing the Secretary of HHS, Kathleen Sebelius, to stop changing ObamaCare through Executive Fiat. A letter signed by the group was sent last week protesting the numerous changes which have been ordered by the federal regime without Congressional approval.

The letter specifically called-out the regime around Obama’s decision to allow policies which are prohibited by the federal statute to be re-issued. The executive branch cannot simply change duly-enacted laws by itself.

A key portion of the letter reads:

“We support allowing citizens to keep their health insurance coverage, but the only way to fix this problem-ridden law is to enact changes lawfully: through Congressional action. The illegal actions by this administration must stop.”

Submission of the letter is seen as a precursor to potential legal action.

The attorneys general also urged the Secretary to properly deal with widespread concerns over the security of private information being collected by government websites as part of the ObamaCare application process.

The Many Blessings of 2013

As we close the books on 2013, it is valuable to search for news of the blessings which may have missed our attention in an environment dominated by Barack Obama’s evil agenda for preborn children.

Let’s give thanks for the recent rulings by federal judges in New York and Houston rightly declaring Obama’s attempt to strip Americans of their Religious Liberties void. The president’s attempt to force employers to purchase baby-killing drugs for their employees is reeling, and we need to continue pressing the Lord for release from this heavy burden in 2014.

We give thanks also for the 10 Republican Senators, 1 Democrat Senator and 32 House Republicans who voted with us in the 2013 Session to amend Governor Otter’s Insurance Exchange so as to safeguard the religious liberties of Idahoans from the threat of Obama’s abortion mandate. While that effort was unsuccessful, we have hopes that the law can yet be amended or repealed.

Much of the past few weeks were dominated by the comments of the Senior Duck Man, Phil Robertson. He stood unapologetically on the Lord’s side in our culture wars. We celebrate the fact that the Lord stood with Robertson and moved His People to rise up against the cultural terrorists of the Left. They suffered their worst rebuff in many years. Perhaps all that anti-bullying media is beginning to bear fruit.

The Lord is due praise and thanks for bringing Star Parker into Idaho last month. It was one of our best Christmas Dinner celebrations, and she provided a spark of enthusiasm for the work ahead. And speaking of that dinner, it is important to acknowledge God’s grace in holding up this ministry during a tough year; we are still standing because of His loving mercy for preborn children and those who would defend them.

Pro-Lifers should also celebrate news that a record 87 Killing Centers shut their doors in 2013. Operation Rescue reports that the number of Abortuaries operating in America has been cut to 582. Looking back, that is a huge drop-off from the high of 2176 Abortuaries back in 1991.

And we declare a blessing the publication of a major new study exposing the connection between an abortion history and increased risks of contracting breast cancer. While the liberal press and Cancer Industry continues to suppress this information reaching women – we are confident that the Truth will win out.

Among the most encouraging news of 2013 was the decline of public support for both Barack Obama and his scheme to impose federal control of healthcare. It would seem the People have begun to awaken to threats and deceptions of ObamaCare – a trend we fully expect to continue into the new year.

We are hopeful about the year ahead. We look forward to seeing what the Lord will do to liberate His People from the oppression which seems to have spread across the nation. There is good reason to look forward to the ousting of Prince Harry from his Senate perch, and a modicum of sanity being restored to our nation’s capitol.

However that battle turns out, we pray the Lord’s protection and blessing upon you and your household!

And we ask for your prayer support as we prepare to wage battle in the 2014 Session of the Idaho Legislature.