
Today Is Not a Celebration For Every Mother

As we rightly honor those women who brought us into this world today, who sacrificed so much of themselves to nurture our lives, it is also appropriate to pray for those women who are hurting today.

For all the brave talk and propaganda from the Abortion Industry, we know that women who submit to abortions are not simply killing their own children – they are plunging a dagger into their own hearts. They are cutting themselves off from the great gift of life. And separating themselves from the tremendous blessing God has offered to each mother.

That same God can and will provide healing, should a woman seek His help. But the loss of a child to abortion cannot be undone.

It is not hard to imagine that many women suffer deeply on a day like this. No magic marker cards or handmade clay bowls that can be used for any number of creative purposes. No burnt toast for breakfast from little hands with a need to show their abundant love for the woman who means the world to them.

While we celebrate the bravery of our mothers – who launched upon the great adventure of motherhood without much of a manual – let us remember those hurting women who struggle with the aftermath of their decision to abort. Let us ask that the Lord of Life gives them a gentle hug today.

Hillary Assumes Pontifical Powers

Candidate Hillary Clinton, terminally corrupted by privilege and ambition, delivered a speech to the “Women in the World” summit recently. It was her first official campaign speech since declaring the continuation of her interrupted campaign for the presidency, and it was no accident that her central message was “Death to preborn Children!”

We have known for some time that abortion would be Hillary’s primary campaign message.

What made this particular speech unique was Hillary’s bold declaration that God needed to get His act together on this whole abortion thing. It was past time to update the Ten Commandments.

Clinton proclaimed that “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” if women were to come into full possession of their right to kill preborn children.

Now, of course, most of those “religious beliefs” are based upon clear teachings within Scripture that teach us to hold children precious, to sacrifice ourselves for others – and, above all, not to kill the innocent. What Clinton and her comrades on the Left do not seem to understand is that our religious beliefs are not a matter of personal opinion, but, rather, one of submission to our Creator.

Clinton is not the first self-proclaimed leader to shake a fist at the Almighty. One can presume that He is not particularly impressed; though His heart is undoubtedly grieved.

And we can all be grieved that a person of such arrogance stands a chance of becoming president over this great nation.

Pro-Lifers need to be in earnest prayer that the Lord will not allow that to happen. We can ask Him to soften her heart and illuminate her understanding. We can ask Him to protect His little ones from her ambition and wrath.

Mad, Evil Science in China

Scientists Begin Human Experiments

Reports surfaced this week that a team of biologists in China have been conducting gene modification experiments on tiny humans. They are attempting to re-engineer the human race with an eye toward eradicating disease, aging and other maladies.

Numerous scientists, journalists and ethicists have raised a ruckus over the implications of a science in which the basic fabric of human identity could be permanently manipulated by people with an agenda or vision of a new world order. They are, of course, correct to do so. After all, what is being done by Professor Junjiu Huang, could potentially alter the human race by creating genetic traits which can become hereditary and, therefore, part of the general gene pool.

It doesn’t take much imagination to see what might go wrong with such a mad scientific endeavor.

What few are discussing, however, is the fact that Huang and his Chinese team are conducting these experiments upon human embryos.

He claims that these tiny humans are “non viable” – but that stretches credibility. If these embryos are alive, then they are already “viable” and fully human. And we know from the news reports that the tiny babies are very much alive.

So not only is the research objective inherently dangerous, the project is deeply flawed from a moral perspective because it requires experimentation upon human beings – who are then destroyed after Huang collects his data. There once was a consensus within the medical and scientific community that human experimentation – particularly experimentation without the consent of the subjects – was inherently evil; that consensus derived from the exposure of programs in Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan during WWII. Scientists like Huang would once have faced criminal prosecution for such abuse of human beings.

But we live in a world of great moral confusion. The pursuit of legalized abortion has produced an environment in which the civilized world no longer takes for granted the supreme dignity of the human person.

In a rational world …

This story would be frontpage everywhere. But we don’t live in a world of reason, but of corrupted politics and growing hedonism.

Newspapers, television stations, schools and even baseball teams pay annual homage to “beating breast cancer”, raising millions of dollars to support outfits like Komen. But instead of racing to find a cure for breast cancer – how about we take note of science which gives us some big clues about how to avoid breast cancer in the first place?

The American College of Pediatrics has issued such a call to action – by highlighting a substantial body of scientific research demonstrating that there is a causal linkage between breast cancer and abortion. The group calls attention to a recent study by Dr. Rebecca Johnson, as well as mega studies in China, Romania and India demonstrating that breast cancer epidemics are directly related to increasing rates of abortion.  In fact, there are now something like 57 studies, including at least one by the World Health Organization, demonstrating a linkage between abortion and breast cancer.

Solid research also demonstrates that the more abortions a woman undergoes, the greater the risk of developing breast cancer.

You ask how? What does abortion have to do breast cancer?

Dr. Jane Anderson, one of the Board members of the American College of Pediatricians, explained to Breitbart News last week:

“Induced abortion, prior to 32 weeks’ gestation, increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer, especially if that abortion occurs before a woman has experienced a full term pregnancy. Increased estrogen levels in early pregnancy prepare the breasts for breast-feeding; milk producing cells multiply rapidly. In an abortion, these calls are, in a sense, left in a state of suspended animation, ready to rapidly proliferate. Those cells are highly susceptible to carcinogens.”

Dr. Anderson also explained that a full-term pregnancy means breast cells are allowed to naturally mature, making them resistant to cancer over the course of a woman’s life.

But, of course, this is not revolutionary news. We have written in this column many times about this scientific research – and bemoaned the cruel and evil conspiracy to hide this information from women and girls because it threatens the profits of Planned Parenthood and the corrupted form of feminism they peddle.

In a rational world, we’d be racing to reduce the risks of breast cancer instead of soullessly demanding that more women are sacrificed on the altar of a deadly ideology.

Typo or Guilty Confession?

Well… she’s back.

Hillary Clinton, gripped by inordinate ambition since high school, is certain that the world really needs her. She is once again foisting herself upon the public – now in a “Scooby Doo” van. Pity the poor folks of Iowa.

In making her public announcement, Clinton issued a press release in which she included the following claim to fame:

“From her mother’s own childhood – in which she was abandoned by her parents – to her work going door-to-door for the Children’s Defense Fund, to her battling to create the Children’s Health Insurance Program, [Hillary’s] fought children and families all her career.”

Media smurfs immediately censored the Clinton Campaign, looking askance at the poor proof-reading skills of those extraordinarily gifted and talented people surrounding Team Clinton. How could they let such a big goof in her first official press statement?

But we believe there is more here than meets the casual glance.

For it is indeed true that Hillary Clinton has fought against babies in the womb during her entire public career. Her blind support for abortion on demand makes her among the most dangerous political figures in America. In her view, no baby has any claim to life or our regard unless the mother finds it convenient.

Clinton’s insistence that abortion is at the core of womanhood has also served to wreck havoc on families and our culture.

So, inadvertently perhaps, Hillary has finally spoken the truth about herself and her vision for this nation.

Ever Heard of The Society of Family Planning?

An article appeared last week of a controversial medical experiment underway at the University of Hawaii, funded at least in part by “The Society of Family Planning”.

The Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children (would that be only “dead children?) is conducting a clinical research project to study the effects of the drug oxytocin in reducing a mother’s bleeding during second trimester abortions.

The Center is asking women and girls who are between 18 and 24 weeks pregnant to come on in and submit to a little medical experimentation. Girls must be at least 14 years of age to participate. (And, given Hawaii’s casual attitude toward abortion, we don’t believe these girls will need a parent’s consent to either undergo the abortion or participate in the experiment.)

Apparently they will use only the D&E abortion procedure. (That is the really neat abortion procedure whereby the baby is torn apart limb-by-limb until it bleeds to death in the womb; a horribly cruel attack on preborn children which has just been outlawed in Kansas).

The outfit funding these medical experiments calls itself “The Society of Family Planning”. A number of doctors from around the country serve as Board members – but a review of its website does not give any hint as to how it acquires the money to finance these dark art practices.

Presumably, the 166 test subjects will be given free abortions, since the experiment is not without risks.

One of the goals of the study is to find out what happens to women who don’t get the drug oxytocin.

Pro-Life leader Troy Newman of Operation Rescue has publicly denounced the macabre experimentation upon women and their babies: “This study is reminiscent of Nazi concentration camp experiments. I pity the poor women who are being treated like lab rats, especially those are denied the drug to reduce the risk of hemorrhaging.”

The Sick World of Wasserman Schultz

The DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, declared today that national Democrats back an absolute right for women to kill their offspring.

In a media exchange with Republican Sen. Rand Paul, Schultz declared, “I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story.”

What does that mean?

That means Democrats oppose making sure parents have knowledge and involvement when their teenage daughter decides to abort her baby.

That means Democrats oppose a waiting period, or making sure that women and girls understand the risks and alternatives to an abortion before ending their baby’s life.

That means Democrats support killing a full-term baby in the middle of a healthy delivery – otherwise known as partial birth abortion.

Ms. Schultz’s unambiguous support for abortion-on-demand could well extend outside of the womb to include a “post-birth” period where a woman can gain extra time to determine whether the baby lives or dies; during the magical period when a baby somehow acquires “personhood” and the right to exist.

Gone would be any restrictions on how late an abortion could be performed, or by whom. Various state laws requiring a qualified physician would disappear in a Democrat universe. Presumably, folks like Kermit Gosnell would be free to prey upon women and defenseless babies.

In a world created by Ms. Schultz, Planned Parenthood would no longer have to abide by any of the laws established by the FDA in using dangerous drugs like RU-486.

What a wonderfully sick world that would be.

Thank You Governor Otter

Governor Butch Otter signed HB 154 this week – our legislation to better regulate chemical abortions in the state.

We are grateful for his continued support of the pro-Life movement, his defense of those most vulnerable babies in the womb.  Governor Otter has created a tremendous pro-Life legacy.

Thank you Butch.

You Are the Virus

The United Nations is working tirelessly to reduce the number of people living on the planet.

In a recent media interview, UN “climate chief” Christiana Figueres argued that we should all make “every effort” to cut down on the number of humans. Apparently one reporter pressed the elite activist on what methods she would support to achieve a “sustainable” human population. 

While Figueres declined to be publicly specific, the U.N. has long been pushed abortion, sterilization and birth control upon the world. International elites like Bill Gates and Al Gore are outspoken in demanding “fertility management” – i.e., killing preborn children – as an essential component of solving the “global warming crisis”.

Al Gore told a troupe of believers at the World Economic Forum that “empowering women and making ‘fertility management’ ubiquitously available … is crucial to the future shape of human civilization.”

Such blather has been a dominant message from the Left since at least the 1970’s – to rather amazing effect, given the fact that virtually none of the dire predictions from social engineers and pseudo-scientists have materialized over those decades. Still the babies are being killed. Families are becoming smaller, and even more rare. 

When one begins to see the connections behind the agendas of organizations like the U.N., the environmental movement and players like Bill Gates, we can better appreciate the fact that the fight to protect preborn children from their evil clutches is also a fight for the survival and dignity of each of us. Human beings are not some kind of virus to be cleansed from the earth.

Good for Them …

I had the opportunity to be in the House State Affairs committee hearing on SB 1146, legislation sponsored by Sen. Curt McKenzie to help families dealing with severe epilepsy in chilren. It was some of the most heart-breaking testimony I have ever seen during my time working the Idaho Legislature.

McKenzie’s bill would provide some legal protections to parents who treat seizures with an oil extracted from the cannabis plant.  Parents testifying argued that other medical treatments had proven ineffective at arresting seizures, which can last for hours.

On the first pass through, the legislation died on a tied-vote, largely upon fears that this bill would open the door for legalizing marijuana in the state of Idaho. Such fears seem greatly misplaced, as this oil has no psychotropic side-effects. That sets it apart from the masquerade of “medical marijuana” – which has already created huge problems for states like Colorado and Oregon.

To blindly ban any by-product of a plant, simply because there are illegitimate and even evil uses to which that same plant or herb might be put, strikes me as unreasonable. After all, we read in Genesis that God gave mankind dominion over such matters for his care and well-being:

                “The God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and

                every tree that has fruit with seed in it….God saw all that he had made, and it was very

                good.”       (Genesis 1:29, 31).

Fortunately for the families suffering with this heart-rending situation, the State Affairs Committee reversed itself later this week. We commend those legislators who changed their votes: It was the compassionate and life-affirming thing to do.

                             – David Ripley