
Great Christmas Dinner

We are thrilled to report that the annual ICL Christmas Dinner & Auction was the best yet. We were blessed with a full room, terrific auction items and a host of wonderful volunteers who made this event truly special.

State Treasurer Ron Crane provided a powerful address to the crowd about his life-long commitment to the values which brought everyone together. And it was heartwarming to see so many of his family in attendance as he was honored for his leadership on pro-Life issues.

Crane speaks 5 best good crow shot of banquet Jaime 3 at banquet

We were also blessed to have KIDO’s Kevin Miller serve as the Master of Ceremonies for the event. It is awesome to see Kevin outside the studio and fighting for the values which make him a statewide treasure.

To make the evening even more special, folks were graced by the beautiful voice of Christian recording artist Jaime Thietten. She performed a number of pieces from her new Christmas album and it helped set the mood for this wonderful Christmas Season.

Pro-Life patriots in the room had a chance to meet all three of the GOP candidates running for governor, and it was an honor to have congressional candidates Russ Fulcher and Michael Snyder host tables at the event. Former Lt. Governor Dave LeRoy was also there.  And two of the candidates for Lt. Governor in next year’s GOP Primary – Steve Yates and Rep. Bob Nonini – helped support the dinner and spent the evening meeting pro-Lifers from across the Treasure Valley.

This event involves a lot of hard work by a lot of people – but it is always a special evening. It helps to bring into focus the heartbeat of the Christmas Season.

Thanks again to everyone who came, the candidates and officials who honored the pro-Life movement and the folks who generously support this work.

Dozen AGs Defend Preborn Children

State Attorneys General in a dozen states recently filed a “Friend of the Court” brief in a lawsuit being brought by Planned Parenthood against the state of North Carolina.

That southern state has had a 20-week ban in place since Roe v. Wade was handed down. But it amended the law a couple of years ago to tighten the exemptions under which late term abortions may be permissible.  The amendment allows abortions after 20 weeks only when the mother’s life is threatened or a continued pregnancy would likely result in a serious physical impairment of the mother.

Planned Parenthood claims that those tighter restrictions violate its constitutional rights, as well as the constitutional rights of its future, potential clients.

Among the many bizarre aspects of abortion law is the wide latitude federal judges have granted Planned Parenthood to bring civil lawsuits. Generally speaking, a person must demonstrate at least probable harm in order to have standing in a federal lawsuit.  Yet Planned Parenthood is regularly allowed to challenge laws on the basis that they represent hypothetical people who may never actually seek an abortion.  Even more bizarre is that conflation of an individual woman’s purported constitutional right to an abortion with claims by Planned Parenthood that it has, somehow, acquired those same constitutional “rights”.

It is that kind of legal slop which is tolerated and essential to Planned Parenthood’s tyranny of the federal court system.

The 12 states rising to help defend North Carolina and preborn children across the nation are: West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota and Texas. We note, with real disappointment, that Idaho’s Lawrence Wasden is not among the list.

The lawsuit is pending in a North Carolina federal district court.

Death by Vending Machine

Boise State University is considering offering its students a new convenience: “Emergency Contraception” via vending machines stationed around the Boise campus. Students could simply buy these deadly drugs without the inconvenience of driving to a drug store.

Most pro-Lifers already know how dangerous “Emergency Contraception” can be to the baby and the mother. But a few facts should be reviewed.  “Emergency Contraception”, or the “Morning After Pill” can be used to end a pregnancy at the earliest stages of a baby’s life by tricking the woman’s uterus into rejecting the new life.  The chemicals in “Emergency Contraception” cause the uterus to prevent a baby’s implantation into the uterine wall.

To be sure, ingesting EC pills do not always cause a chemical abortion. But they can, and do.

One of the tragedies of this drug is the fact that a woman taking them will never know for sure whether she has ended the life of a newly conceived human being. While a denial system may help her cope over her lifetime, a lingering shadow lurks: Was there a baby?  Did I end her life by swallowing those pills?

Given the life-and-death nature of these dangerous chemicals, it is more than disturbing that Boise State University would make such drugs available through a vending machine. As if the decision to end a human life were no more important than buying a Coke or a bag of Fritos.

The University is also doing these college students no favor by helping to disguise the potentially-serious health risks associated with using “Emergency Contraception”. Despite offering official approval to sell EC drugs over the counter, the FDA has never required serious medical research into the long-term health risks associated with consuming hyper-doses of the same drugs used in standard birth control pills.  There is evidence, however, that the regular use of birth control drugs can seriously compromise a woman’s health by increasing the risks of cervical and breast cancer.

We urge our readers to speak with their legislators about this matter. As a publicly-funded university, we believe it is an outrage that BSU would facilitate death-by-vending machine.


Here is a link to the KTVB Story

Fight to Save Baby Suffers Setback

The Trump Administration was handed a set-back in its quest to save the life a preborn baby. After a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals upheld the Administration, a full gathering of judges ruled that HHS must help the illegal immigrant mother obtain an abortion.  An abortion in such a case would involve at least some taxpayer participation.

The full bench of the 10th Circuit asserted that the teenage mother, in federal custody because she entered the U.S. illegally, is entitled to the full protections of the U.S. Supreme Court’s edicts under Roe v. Wade and Casey.

The mother in question is a teenager, and came to Texas without her parents. And the baby threatened with destruction has already entered the 16th week of his or her development.  Texas law prohibits abortions after the 20th week.

Officials at the Department of Justice and Health & Human Services have yet to announce whether they will comply with the ruling of the DC Circuit Court, or appeal directly to the U.S. Supreme Court for an emergency stay.

President Trump Fights for Immigrant Preborn Baby

A court battle has been raging over the fate of a preborn child in Texas. The baby’s mother is a 17-year old illegal immigrant who apparently came across the border to obtain an abortion.  Because she is in federal custody, she is demanding that American taxpayers pay for the abortion.

Texas AG Ken Paxton has been fighting against a tax-funded abortion, arguing that immigrants who come to the U.S. illegally do not thereby constitutional rights- particularly a right to elective abortion. “Texas must not become a sanctuary state for abortions,” he has proclaimed.

President Trump has engaged in the effort to protect the life of the preborn child.

The Office of Refugee Resettlement has intervened in the case, insisting that refugee shelters cannot facilitate abortions for minors without the director’s express and specific approval. Director Scott Lloyd, appointed by President Trump, has withheld his approval.  So the ACLU has stepped in to force the issue in court.

The abortion champion won the first round before Judge Tanya Chutkan – an Obama appointee.

But the Trump Department of Justice entered the fray and appealed the district court ruling. The U.S. Court of Appeals in D.C. blocked the lower court’s ruling yesterday.

We are most encouraged by the pro-Life integrity being demonstrated by the President and various appointees. Please join us in praying for the life of that little one.

Franks Calls for End to Filibuster

Our friend, Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona, spoke with the media yesterday about his legislation to outlaw late-term abortions in America.

“We’re going to protect unborn children once they’ve reached the beginning of the sixth month, because that’s clearly at a time when there’s no real medical authority that would say they don’t feel pain. They do indeed feel pain at that age,” Franks said in an interview the Daily Caller.

He emphasized during the interview that the U.S. was one of only 7 nations that allows elective abortion after six months into a pregnancy. As we’ve reported before – America is in a Club of Horrors that includes countries like Vietnam, North Korea and China.

He is encouraged by Sen. McConnell’s commitment to hold a vote on the Graham-Crapo bill, but worried that Democrats will use the filibuster rule to defeat the bill.

Franks called upon McConnell to dump the filibuster rule:

“It’s a bad rule. It means that the American people don’t get a debate and it’s something that has to be changed.”

In fact, Congressman Franks went so far as to say that if McConnell lets the filibuster rule defeat this legislation to protect innocent babies, “he should find something else to do because he’s lost his way.”

McConnell Commits to Late Term Abortion Ban

During his news conference with President Trump this week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell publicly committed to a vote on the Pain-Capable Abortion Ban sponsored by Sens. Lindsey Graham and Mike Crapo. Perhaps we will see a vote before Christmas

That is certainly good news. The legislation, which will serve as a ban on late-term abortions after 20 weeks, has already passed the House.

However, it seems likely to end in more disappointment for the pro-Life community.

It is our understanding that this legislation will be subject to the Democrat filibuster. That means we will witness another victory by the Democratic minority because of arcane Senate tradition; thereby thwarting the Trump Agenda and defying the desires of the American people.  And the horrific practice of dismembering babies in the womb continues.

Perhaps it is important to remind our elected officials that the filibuster rule cannot be found in the Constitution. There is no mention in those founding principles of the Republic that every piece of legislation must acquire a super-majority in order to become law.  There is not even a federal statute to that effect.  It is simply a Senate Rule – a long standing tradition, if you will.

And, just maybe, there was a day when such a rule was a good idea. Maybe it worked to level things out and encouraged bi-partisanship.  But that would be a day long since passed.  The new Democrat Party has no interest in compromise, bi-partisanship or comity.  It exists to serve its masters – organizations like Planned Parenthood and donors like George Soros.  And Democrats know full well that the dysfunction of the U.S. Senate is in their vital interest.

Why Republicans have not awakened to these obvious facts defies explanation.

Nothing could be more soothing to the general public than a restoration of confidence in the U.S. Congress. And that confidence has everything to do with getting the people’s business done.  Set aside the question of abortion for a minute – how about simply restoring the basic appropriation process?  How about addressing the huge backlog of House-passed legislation awaiting action?

Senate Republicans must come to terms with the fact that they are in a gun fight. They need to come to the fracas armed with something more lethal than a salad fork.

Eliminate the filibuster rule.

Sen. Crapo Sponsors Late Term Abortion Ban

Idaho’s Mike Crapo has signed on to be an original co-sponsor of the Pain-Capable Child Protection Act in the U.S. Senate.

This legislation, similar to a bill passed by the Idaho Legislature in 2011, would ban abortions after 20 weeks’ gestation. It is based upon medical research demonstrating that preborn children experience profound pain during an abortion, particularly when the standard “dismemberment” procedure is used.

This barbaric practice of pulling the baby apart limb-by-limb, if used to kill barnyard animals, would result in felony convictions for cruelty to animals. But in modern America, it is a practice performed by Planned Parenthood on defenseless babies and shielded by their allies on the federal bench.

Senator Crapo has been a champion of the pro-Life cause throughout his public career, going all the way back to his heroic efforts in the Idaho Senate in the 1990 session.

Idaho’s House members, Raul Labrador and Mike Simpson, voted for the House version of this legislation earlier this week. It remains to be seen whether Senate Majority Leader will schedule a floor vote on the bill.

U.S. House Passes Late Term Abortion Ban

The House posted a strong vote yesterday in favor of legislation that would outlaw abortions of babies after the 20th week of a pregnancy.  There would be exceptions for the life of the mother, and instances of rape or incest.  Idaho’s Raul Labrador and Mike Simpson joined with 235 other congressmen to support the proposal brought forth by our friend, Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona.

Prior to the House vote, President Trump issued a public statement supporting the legislation, arguing that its passage was a critical step toward rebuilding a culture of life in the United States.

How right he is. Did you know that there are some 430 abortion clinics around the country which perform abortions on babies after 20 weeks’ gestation?

Even more chilling: America is one of only 7 countries in the world that permit late term elective abortions. We are joined by Canada, China, Netherlands, North Korea, Singapore and Vietnam.  Quite a disturbing company to be in.

This is actually the third time such a restriction has passed the Congress. And each time, the bill has become mired in the stalling tactics of Senate Democrats who owe their office to Big Abortion.  Without strong leadership and reform of Senate rules, it is hard to see this present version faring much better.  But we live in a world of miracles as well as tragedy.  So it is rational to hope that soon America will recover its role as the beacon of righteousness in a world craving such leadership.

President Trump Goes After Planned Parenthood Money

While Congress continues to dither over fulfilling its promise to defund Planned Parenthood, President Trump is pressing forward to close the many revenue streams Obama wove into the federal tapestry during his dismal years in the White House.

In addition to Medicaid funding and Family Planning grants, Obama subsidized the abortion merchant by granting them various contracts. One such revenue stream involved hiring Planned Parenthood to help sign up people for ObamaCare.  The Department of Health & Human Services has already cut those dollars by 84%.  The cuts means a loss of multi-millions to Planned Parenthood.

The Trump Administration is also slashing money for sex education grants, a new program established by Obama. Cuts are expected to exceed $200 million – and one of those Planned Parenthood affiliates hardest hit is Planned Parenthood of the Greater Northwest.  This is the regional operation which oversees Planned Parenthood’s operations in Idaho.

This is welcome news, but we must continue to press the fight until Planned Parenthood is completely removed from the backs of hardworking taxpayers. That requires Congressional leadership and action.