
Risch and Crapo Support Abortion Ban

Idaho’s two pro-Life senators, Mike Crapo and Jim Risch, voted this week for legislation that would ban abortions across America after a baby has reached 20 weeks’ gestation. Unfortunately, Senate Democrats used the filibuster rule to block the legislation.  It has already been passed by the U.S. House of Representatives.

The defeat leaves America as one of only 7 countries in the world that allow abortions so late in the pregnancy, regardless of the rationale. We belong to an elite club with the likes of North Korea, Vietnam and China.

President Trump issued a statement lamenting the set-back:

“We must defend those who cannot defend themselves. I urge the Senate to reconsider its decision and pass legislation that will celebrate, cherish and protect life.  Under my administration, we will always defend the very first right in the Declaration of Independence, and that is the right to life.”

No doubt we need to get more pro-Life Republicans elected later this year to the U.S. Senate. But we also need to press our legislators to fix the ridiculous filibuster rule which has produced so much gridlock.  The nation simply cannot afford to be held hostage to a militant minority.

President Trump Declares Sanctity of Life Day

What an extraordinary development. On Monday, the President issued a proclamation honoring the pro-Life cause and the movement which has refused to accept the deranged morality of the Supreme Court.

President Trump was as clear about his pro-Life convictions as is he about most things: “Though the fight to protect life is not yet over, we commit to advocating each day for all who cannot speak for themselves.”

This is but another amazing development in the presidency of Donald Trump. He has indisputably established himself as the greatest pro-Life champion to occupy the White House in the Roe era.  What makes him so unique is that he is not simply supportive of one pro-Life law or another – he has established an Administration which advocates a pro-Life philosophy.  Trump is not willing to make a deal here or a concession here.  He wants his presidency to be pro-Life at every opportunity.

It is downright thrilling.

Trump does not merely respond to pressure from the Life Lobby to help with the new project for defending the innocent. He has identified himself as one our members, even a leader of the movement in his own right.  We just have never seen that kind of leadership before.

May the Lord continue to protect and guide him. And may the Congress get on the train and strengthen this historic moment.

Planned Parenthood Appropriates MLK Holiday

We have been informed that Idaho Planned Parenthood took advantage of the Martin Luther King Holiday to organize teenagers to lobby their legislators at the State Capitol on Monday. The call it “Teen Lobby Day”.

We don’t yet have information about how many legislators actually held meetings with these young people, but our understanding is that it was a pretty aggressive effort.

We’re more interested in the underlying moral and social questions associated with using minors to push Planned Parenthood’s perverse sexual agenda. Let’s start with the proposition that it is illegal for young people under the age of 17 to engage in sexual conduct; by legal definition and long-standing social custom, such persons are not capable of giving valid consent to sexual activity – even with a peer.

Yet Planned Parenthood would present these children as authorities to Idaho’s policy makers on matters of sexual behavior and its consequences. They advocate for access to free contraception, STD testing and abortion services.  At a most basic level, this is an outrageous abuse of these young people.

This is but a most recent example of the pernicious affect Planned Parenthood is having on our culture and the lives of our children. By manipulating teenagers into becoming their free lobbyists, they send a powerful message to young people across Idaho which demeans the law and moral standards: Planned Parenthood makes it clear that they think teenagers have every right to engage in sexual activity – indeed, that such behavior is “normal” and should be accepted as such even by the icons of our state government.

And, furthermore, Planned Parenthood demeans those teenagers by taking advantage of them to enculturate them into a dangerous lifestyle and ensnaring them in the work of a most evil organization. Looks like grooming and victimization to us.

And how ironic that Planned Parenthood should engage in such a shameful practice on the day set aside to mark King’s fight for a better social order.

Jane Roe’s Daughter Lives

Guest Opinion by Casey Mattox

There is a 48-year-old woman, born in Texas, who should be dead right now. In fact, she should have never been born. Forty-three years ago, the Supreme Court decided that the Texas law that prevented Jane Roe from ending the life of her unborn daughter was unconstitutional. But by the time the Supreme Court issued its decision in 1973, she had already been born and adopted by a family—likely not knowing that all that ink spilled in Roe v. Wade was about her.

Norma McCorvey was “Jane Roe.” She claimed then that her pregnancy was the result of a rape, although she became outspokenly pro-life and publicly admitted that this, and virtually every fact on which her case was built, was a lie. Both McCorvey and Sandra Cano, the Doe of Doe v. Bolton—Roe’s companion case from Georgia decided the same day—became outspoken pro-life advocates who swore that their cases were built on lies.

But before the Supreme Court could decide whether McCorvey did have a constitutional right to end her unborn daughter’s life, it had to overcome a procedural obstacle that slowed down the process—a delay that factored into whether her daughter would ever have a family.

Because of that delay, McCorvey had already had the child by the time the Supreme Court issued its decision in January 1973. She had been adopted into a Texas home, perhaps somewhere in the Dallas area where McCorvey lived. The court nevertheless said that McCorvey’s case was not moot since her circumstances were “capable of repetition” because courts would never be able to decide the question during the time of a woman’s pregnancy.

Procedural history is never the exciting part of a lawsuit. But for McCorvey’s unborn daughter, the dry complexity of legal procedure is the reason she exists today. Fortunately for a three-year old girl, “the wheels of justice grind slowly,” and by the time the court issued its decision, a Texas family had adopted her. If the courts could have moved more quickly, she (and her family) would have never had that chance.

It is unknown to me whether the adoptive family ever even knew that their daughter was the supposedly unwanted child who was the subject of Roe. As far as we know, they raised her not knowing who she was and certainly never telling her.

This week many are talking about the more than 60 million people whose lives have been brutally ended by abortion. And rightly so. The numbers are staggering. Imagine the average attendance at every NFL, NBA, and NHL game – gone. Eliminated. The population of the 18 states in the area from Arkansas and Wisconsin in the East to Idaho and Nevada in the west: gone. More than either the Hispanic or the African American population of the U.S.

It’s horrific. But it’s also personal. And today somewhere, maybe still in Texas, there lives a 48-year-old woman, perhaps with a family and a career of her own, with beautiful children that she loves dearly. Perhaps with a husband and family that can’t imagine life without her. The 58 million other babies deserved that same chance at life. Like McCorvey’s daughter, they were all created in the image of a loving God and would have been loved and wanted by someone. That’s why we fight. That’s #WhyWeMarch.

LifeNews Note:  Casey Mattox is an attorney with Alliance Defending Freedom. Follow him on Twitter @CaseyMattox


Take a Peek at Dystopian Liberalism

Ever wonder what America can look like if we allow Planned Parenthood and the rest of the Radical Left to define our legal and cultural norms?

Our sophisticated friends in Canada are putting on just such a show for our educational benefit. The socialist Prime Minister has banned government funds going to any project or group which does not endorse his abortion-on-demand politics.  The particular flash point is a program which provides grants to various entities that offer summer youth jobs.  And this is likely only a pilot effort in a plan to leverage all government money to force ideological conformity.

Churches or private charities which hold or teach pro-Life values are no longer eligible to receive government grants for the jobs program.

After some push-back, Prime Minister Trudeau stood his ground this past week, declaring that “women’s reproductive rights [is] where we draw the line as a country”.

It is important to ponder that this move does not strictly involve pro-Life actions by grantees. Now, in order to participate in the program, these churches and charities must affirm that they, too, believe in a woman’s right to terminate her baby’s life in order to put kids to work in the summer.  It is a thought- police kind of action completely unrelated to the program itself.

Such totalitarian impulses have surfaced in America. Planned Parenthood has actually passed legislation in a couple of states requiring pro-Life pregnancy centers provide information about where women can abortions.  Even here in Idaho, Democrat legislators have publicly expressed the view that medical personnel should not be able to work in health care if they have objections to assisting with abortion or assisted suicide.

We may take comfort from the fact that we have greater personal liberties here in America because of the Constitution than our northern neighbors – but that would be a big mistake. Our educational system is depriving too many students of a proper understanding of the Constitution and our republican form of government.  Even our history.  Too many of those students go on to careers in the law or public service.  Those rights, bestowed upon us through tremendous sacrifice, are only as good as our ability and willingness to defend them.

Trump Honored by Pro-Life Movement

President Trump was given Operation Rescue’s “Malachi Award” earlier this week for his leadership in moving the pro-Life agenda forward. The organization makes the award each year to the person they identify as making the greatest contribution to the cause.

“Since [President] Trump took office, he has accomplished more for the pro-Life agenda than any other president,” said Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, in a press release.

The organization highlighted eight major accomplishments in Trump’s first year. Among them was the placement of Justice Neil Gorsuch on the nation’s high court.

Operation Rescue also commended the President for his decision to cut off funding for international abortion organizations and his support for the DOJ investigation into Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in aborted baby parts.

Much to be Grateful for in 2017

We’ve just heard news that a Planned Parenthood abortuary has closed in Iowa, after some twenty years of destroying countless lives. The move comes because the Iowa Legislature has redirected public health care dollars away from the nation’s largest abortion chain to bona fide health care providers.

This is just the latest in many pro-Life victories this year.

The assumption of the presidency by Donald Trump leads the list. Not only is he on pace to become the greatest pro-Life president in history – we must always judge his actions and leadership in the context of what might have been: President Hillary Clinton.

Our president has made substantial gains in defending Life: He has ended taxpayer funding for international abortions. He has created a policy at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services which officially acknowledges that human life begins at conception.

President Trump, in cooperation with the Republican Congress, has repealed the mandate forcing Americans to purchase health insurance – with its many Planned Parenthood subsidies.

We have also seen the President restore religious liberty protections by revising the rules imposed by Obama on private employers to pay for abortion causing drugs.

And toward the top of our gratitude list has to be the appointment and confirmation of conservative federal judges, which ought to provide some living space for conservative causes – most importantly, the pro-Life cause – for years to come.

There is much reason to give thanks to a Creator who still intervenes in the affairs of mankind.

With that grateful heart, we pray the Lord richly blesses you and your family in 2018. And may He lead us to even greater pro-Life victories in the year ahead.  It promises to be among the most challenging we have ever faced.

May Your Christmas be Richly Blessed

There is no more “pro-Life” event than the celebration of the Lord’s birth.  It is important, as we finish plans for presents and meals and visits, that we are celebrating the most mysterious and momentous event in world history.  The Creator of the Universe humbled himself to become man.  That humility is highlighted by the lowly station He assumed as He shed His glory to become a helpless newborn.  Born in a stable, straw in His crib.  At that moment Jesus became every man.  And it is so important to appreciate that He also became every precious baby.  He did not become the Savior at his birth… but became the Son of Man at His holy conception.

The heart of the pro-Life movement is a fight to honor that seminal moment in human history.  That precious baby Jesus is the reason for the season.  And He is the true energy and power behind the pro-Life movement. Hallelujah!


We pray that the Lord of the Universe richly blesses you and your family this Christmas Season.  We hope that your singing, and feasting and gift-giving and fellowship is full of His love.

And we want you to know how grateful we are that you are partnered with us in this great cause.  Thank you.  And Merry Christmas!

Leftist Judiciary Strikes Again

Obama judges on the federal bench continue to fight for his radical agenda. On Friday, Judge Wendy Beetlestone issued a nation-wide injunction against new rules established by the Trump Administration to protect the conscience rights of Christians.  She found that the “Constitution” protected the right of the federal government to force Christian employers to purchase insurance covering abortion-causing drugs – even though the federal government no longer seeks to impose such draconian conditions on religious orders like Little Sisters of the Poor.

What is especially annoying about this edict is the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has litigated the issue of the “Obama Contraceptive Mandate” at least three times. And each time, the Court has defended the religious liberty rights of employers.  Yet, on numerous occasions, district courts have seemingly defied the Supreme Court by searching for some pretext to issue contradictory orders upholding Obama’s dark agenda.

It is important to remind readers that the policy question of forcing employers to provide abortion-causing drugs – like the Morning After Pill – was never established by Congress, let alone the Founding Fathers. Even when Nancy Pelosi and her gang ran the Congress, and enacted ObamaCare, they did not have the votes to force employers like Little Sisters or National Right to Life to pay for abortion insurance.  Instead, they gave the Secretary of Health & Human Services authority to fill in the details on what benefits insurance companies had to provide under ObamaCare.  Kathleen Sebelius, a true radical advocate of abortion rights, served as Obama’s Secretary of HHS.  And it was Sebelius who created, by administrative rule, a so-called “right” to have abortion causing drugs covered by basic health care plans.

So – this federal judge in Pennsylvania recognizes the authority of a department bureaucrat to establish a “right” – but does not recognize the authority of the subsequent administration to modify or even eliminate that same “right”. Of course.  Sadly, this is not a unique display of tortured ad hoc reasoning by the federal judiciary.  The entire edifice of abortion law is so bizarre and illogical that it bewilders everyone who enters Alice’s world.

Fortunately, it seems likely that this judge will eventually be reversed. But time and resources will be wasted in the months it takes to fix this latest abuse of power.

Finally – A Little Justice

A couple of years ago, the nation was confronted with the barbaric nature of the Abortion Industry when the Center for Medical Progress publicized a series of videos demonstrating a huge black market in aborted baby parts. At the center of that trafficking-scheme-for-profit stands Planned Parenthood.

While the nation’s largest abortion chain has yet to be held accountable, prosecutors in California (of all places) have secured the first guilty plea from two of Planned Parenthood’s crime partners – DV Biologics and DaVinci Biosciences. The firms have agreed to pay some $7.8 million in fines and penalties.  In addition, they have agreed to close their businesses. Permanently.

The prosecution by the Orange County District Attorney came after a formal referral by the Congressional Selective Investigative Panel on Infant Lives – headed by Congressman Marsha Blackburn.

This is real progress and puts real pressure on the nefarious Planned Parenthood abortion syndicate going forward.

However, according to reports by our colleagues at Operation Rescue, this development has even greater scandal: The owners of the two companies in question happen to be close associates of Hillary Clinton.  It turns out that both companies are owned by members of the Isaias family – Estefano, Andres and Roberto.

Apparently these folks absconded with millions of dollars in stolen money from a bank they ran in Ecuador. They face criminal indictments in their native country.  The Ecuadorian government claims that this crime family has bankrupted many citizens of this poor Central American country, and cost the Ecuador economy something approaching $660 million.

While Clinton was Secretary of State, the Ecuador government sought the extradition of the Isaias Family to face justice. But because of generous contributions to a slew of Democrat politicians in America, Clinton moved to deny the request.

“Hillary Clinton allowed a known crime family into the United States so they could sell Planned Parenthood’s aborted baby parts for profit,” said OR President Troy Newman. “This connects Clinton to the illegal baby parts trade, in addition to improperly giving special favors to criminals in return for financial donations.  The FBI should include her in their ongoing investigation.”

The potential corruption here is nearly unbelievable. We will report on further developments as we discover them.

Here is a link to the Operation Rescue report.