
How Much Will ObamaCare Cost Us?

In the midst of the heated struggle in Washington, D.C., the ObamaCare Exchanges have ducked scrutiny by the media. Of course, there have been stories about the websites and technical “glitches”. But those are not the important questions.

First among the critical questions: How much will policies cost Idahoans?

Just yesterday, the Heritage Foundation published data on premiums under the new Obama Insurance Company. It is not pretty.

For a single person, age 27, premiums are expected to rise by a whopping 86%. A single Idaho adult, age 50, will see premiums increase 34%. By comparison, an Idaho family of four will see relatively modest increases of “only” 9% in their monthly premiums.

But this is certainly not the end of the story. The Heritage numbers do not include information about the all-important deductibles associated with the new ObamaCare policies. We will continue to hunt for information about this critical component of any family’s financial situation.

Families in 21 states are facing double-digit increases in their premiums next year. Even more disturbing, Heritage projects that in just five states will families see any relief in the already-high cost of providing health care to spouses and children. That means increases are coming for virtually every family in America – despite Obama’s repeated claims that he will save the average family $2500 a year on their health insurance costs.

It is clear from such painful data that Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Idaho’s senators were right to stage a last-minute struggle to prevent ObamaCare from pounding America’s hard-pressed families. Sadly, they lost the battle, and now we will all pay the price.

Part of that defeat came from a failure of messaging: From the beginning of Cruz’s crusade in Senate, the media characterized his strategy to defund ObamaCare as something extraneous to the grave fiscal and debt issues facing the nation. But, in truth, ObamaCare was/is central to the question of America’s long-term financial health. Obama has doubled the national debt in his first five years in office. And that is without ANY of the insanity of ObamaCare hitting the nation’s bleeding checkbook. By the end of his term, we will all look back at the “good old days” when America was in bondage to a “mere” $17 trillion.

Meanwhile, Idaho’s Obama Exchange continues to plug faithfully along, adding expertise and competence to a disastrous social policy.

Abortion and the Insurance Exchanges

We recently talked with an Idaho Legislator who wanted to know if the state insurance exchange was carrying policies which provided for elective abortions. The answer is, we don’t know for sure.

Two specific Idaho laws forbid the coverage of elective abortions. The most recent was enacted by the Legislature two years ago as we faced the threat of ObamaCare in one form or another. That “opt-out” bill took advantage of a specific provision of the federal law, and it stated that states could protect preborn children and taxpayers if they enacted legislation prohibiting such coverage in either the federal or state exchanges. Idaho Chooses Life brought that bill and succeeded in getting passed.

That would seem to settle the matter.

However, there is another provision of ObamaCare which requires that an elective abortion rider be available in all the states – though not necessarily at taxpayer expense. It has always been unclear how these two seeming contradictory provisions of the ACA would work out in real life.

Congressman Chris Smith (R-CT) took to the House floor this week and urged Americans looking at buying policies through the various exchanges to beware that they might be sucked into providing money to cover elective abortions. There is a surcharge buried in the fine print of insurance policies which gives the client the option to contribute to an “abortion fund”. Only by positively opting-out at the time of initial sign-up can a person be protected from aiding and abetting in the destruction of another human being.

In fact, Smith and some 60 other members of Congress have introduced legislation called the “Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act” to force insurance exchanges to plainly and clearly inform potential customers whether the policies they might purchase include either abortion coverage or an abortion surcharge designed to finance the abortions of others.

This complex funding scheme is but a symptom of the evil being perpetrated upon the American people by President Obama through his health-care take over.

Only time will tell whether the Idaho Exchange is a participant in this particular outrage.

And even if elective abortions – or its indirect funding – is prohibited by the Idaho version of the Obama Exchange – it is clear that they are participating in the destruction of human life by requiring policy holders to pay for coverage of abortion-causing drugs like the “Morning After Pill”, now available to children of any age without adult supervision.


Join pro-Lifers from across the Treasure Valley this Sunday afternoon as we launch another Life Chain.

This prayerful event is an opportunity to stand with others gathering together in over 1500 American cities and reminding our neighbors of the threat posed by abortion.  We will plead for the lives of preborn children and urge mothers to understand that there are loving options to aborting their babies.

Join us!  We will meet on Milwaukee Street, across from the Boise Mall, at the intersection of Westpark.  2 pm.  If you can’t stand for the two hours, we’ll gratefully receive any time you can spare!

Each year we see miracles happen.  Don’t miss them.

We ask our friends to join with us in praying for the Lord’s blessing of this event, that He might use it to save lives and draw our community closer to Him.

House Tries Again to Fund Government

Late last night, members of the U.S. House of Representatives passed another version of the government funding authorization, with the proviso that ObamaCare be delayed for one year. The new Continuing Resolution passed by a vote of 231 to 192. (8 members of Congress failed to vote, including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi who was busy with social priorities back in California).

The last section of the ObamaCare language specifically prohibits the Department of Health & Human Services from enforcing its Contraceptive/Abortifacient Mandate on American employers who object for reasons of conscience.

Both Idaho Congressmen – Raul Labrador and Mike Simpson – voted for the latest attempt by House Republicans to keep the government operating past the September 31st fiscal year deadline.

Democrat leader Harry Reid has indicated that he will not convene the Senate today to even consider the revised compromise language adopted by the House of Representatives.

Must Read: David Kupelian

A dysfunctional federal government; a Republican Legislature cooperating with the Obama Administration in imposing ObamaCare upon the citizens of Idaho; a culture in which abortion, pot smoking and homosexuality have been “mainstreamed” by a relentless media and corrupt political class.

Every sit back and wonder if you are the crazy one?

David Kupelian has a provocative column running on WorldNetDaily which is well worth your time:

“How America Morphed Into Bizarro World”.

Regular prayer is in order during these days of profound moral confusion.  Despair and silence are not.

The Closer We Get, the Worse It Seems

We’re now about two weeks from the official launch of Obama’s health care revolution. It is anyone’s guess as to what will actually transpire when the enrollment period begins. But the last couple of weeks have not been pretty.

A review of the headlines shows that public opposition is growing, while the nation’s political class – particularly Republicans – continues to fiddle. Organized Labor has risen up to raise serious objections to ObamaCare and the devastation it will wreak upon existing health insurance plans they fought so hard to secure. But their friends in the White House have rejected pleas for an extra-legal fix of the problems caused by Obama and Democrats in Congress.

Instead, Obama has spent his time figuring out how to help members of Congress and their staffs get special exemption from the provisions of the very law they are imposing upon the American people. The greed and self-seeking of our national political class is simply disgusting.

Meanwhile, we learn that health care rationing is being implemented as an essential part of ObamaCare. The state of California, which seems to have a more advanced system in place to implement this “obamanation” than other states, has announced a package of plans to be available on its insurance exchange. Insurance companies are severely restricting the doctors and hospitals they will cover as part of their “networks”.

One doesn’t have to be rocket scientist to figure out that pushing more people to fewer health care providers will increase wait times and discourage people from seeking health care until problems become acute.

And then there is the news that Sebelius will order doctors and hospitals to collect “behavioral and social” data on patients. This data will become part of our permanent “Electronic Health Record” , stored and maintained by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Such data records will be linked to public health departments. In addition to data on gun ownership, this database will seek to track sexual patterns.

The more we learn about this scheme, the worse it gets. In fact, it seems a kind of madness has gripped has gripped our political class. The corruption of our Constitution and the ensuing threat to our privacy and personal liberty is so very painful to witness.

It would seem that the only clear option for the average American is to resist ObamaCare by refusing to participate in Obama’s exchanges. Perhaps Idahoans can “vote with their feet” next month when Governor Otter reveals his version of ObamaCare. If few people cooperate, maybe we can force an admission by the ruling class that Americans will not be hogtied.

Rush Limbaugh Bemoans America’s Chemical War Against Children

The Dean of the Conservative Movement in America took time on his show this morning to challenge the prevailing humanitarian superiority of Obama’s Administration following the presidential address last night to the nation. President Obama rightly called upon America’s attention to the outrage of a government using chemical weapons against civilians – including children.

But Limbaugh pointed to Obama’s stark hypocrisy on the use of chemical weapons by recalling the permanent American war against babies in the womb, largely financed by unwilling taxpayers. Millions of America babies are killed each year through the use of chemical weapons in the form of RU-486 and the “Morning After Pill”; yet few voices of outrage are raised in alarm.

(Where is Senator Huff & Puff – a.k.a., John McCain – on this issue of huge moral import?)

Perhaps the difference is that we don’t have handy pictures of those American babies, bundled in piles for the world to see.

It is too easy to turn away from the American slaughter of the innocent. They pass silently and privately into death, shrouded by a conspiracy so that we don’t have to confront our own holocaust.

Please read Limbaugh’s powerful commentary for yourself.

Machinery Grinds On

As the world watches Obama succumb to the superior diplomatic skills of Vladmir Putin, the federal and state bureaucracies grind on with their blind mission to animate the monster of ObamaCare. Over 10,000 pages of new regulations, in addition to the hills of paper being created by Idaho’s own health insurance exchange bureaucracy.

We now learn that virtually every company in America is being forced to help Obama implement his mad scheme: A company with even a single employee must notify – in writing – each employee about the health insurance exchange and the availability of federal subsidies. Failure to do so could result in a $100 per day fine. So, at the point of a bayonet, private employers will join the ranks of Hollywood and the NFL in a high-stakes propaganda effort in selling the Obama Exchanges as they launch early next month.

Welcome to the new America.

Even as more bricks fall upon the private sector, Republican leaders in Congress continue to shy away from a direct confrontation with Obama over the menace of his health care scheme. Rather than use the power of the purse to shut down ObamaCare, Speaker Boehner and his cohorts intend to finance ObamaCare through a continuing resolution. But to appease their conservative base, Republicans in Congress will pass yet another piece of legislation to repeal ObamaCare – safe in the knowledge that such legislation will not become law, will not interfere with the grinding forward motion of the federal government’s plan to consume the nation’s health care system.

One is tempted to pronounce such GOP stratagems pure cynicism.

The last line of defense against ObamaCare will be the American people themselves. Long before the next election, the public will get its best shot at derailing the president’s scheme by avoiding the insurance exchanges altogether. In about a month, we will begin to see whether the public is participating in the exchanges in large enough numbers to make ObamaCare anything close to functional.

A wholesale avoidance of the Obama exchanges might be enough to embolden the House Republicans to use the power they have under the Constitution to defend our birthright of liberty.

Emergencies a Regular Occurrence at Abortion Shops

Dr. Bryon Calhoun, an OB-GYN at West Virginia University, was recently interviewed by Operation Rescue about the state of health care for women who submit to abortions. He told their reporter that he sees women suffering from botched abortions on a regular basis at the emergency room in Charleston; an average of once a week.

“These people [ post-abortive women] are told to come to our hospital because the abortion clinic providers do not have hospital privileges to care for their patients, so we must treat them as emergency ‘drop-ins’,” Calhoun said. He adds,

“No other medical providers are allowed to care for patients, have no backup coverage, and then abandon them to the emergency room. … The fantasy of women’s reproductive health seems to allow these individuals who perform abortions some special dispensation to provide substandard care.”

The “fantasy” he refers to is the media-fueled notion that the Abortion Industry is committed to protecting women and their health. Like drug dealers who peddle drugs on street corners, abortionists are only interested in their clients for as long as the money is good. Once they meet the demand, collect the money, they are done with the people they claim to serve.

All across the nation, in various states, Planned Parenthood and their abortion colleagues are fighting attempts to hold them accountable to decent standards of medical care. In California, they are pressing the Legislature to make it legal for nurses to perform abortions as a strategy to improve profit margins.

It is striking that the Death Industry would be so brazen with the profound moral and health scandal of Kermit Gosnell just months old. It is a reflection, we believe, of the national atmospherics engendered by President Obama and his unwavering loyalty to the Abortion Industry. They clearly believe he is big enough to protect them.

Guest Opinion: Boomers Too “Special”?

Boomers Too “Special” to Die Naturally?

By Wesley J. Smith

Oh good grief. We Baby Boomers are such a pain. It’s always about us: Me. Me. Me.

And now, according to Time, we are supposedly going to change “how we die.” (“A Good Death: How Boomers Will Change the World a Final Time.”)

For eons, folks grew old, endured the symptoms, and died when it was their time-according to God’s will, some would say, even if it involved fighting through lingering illness, pain and suffering, or years of mental or physical incapacitation. A “good” death was about having lived long enough to see grandchildren, put one’s affairs in order, and pass away surrounded by a loving family.

Well, that’s because earlier timesdid not have the medical means to do otherwise. But supposedly, nowwe are different:

Boomers don’t see it that way. To them, a good death is more about a good life. When they can’t have that any longer, it’s time to pull the plug. This will be the first generation to broadly eschew painful life-extending procedures and make the most of palliative care to live better in fewer days, and then die with dignity.

But that’s not true. Hospice, which allowed for this approach, has been with us for more than forty years. My dad died in 1984 under hospice care, eschewing life-extending treatment and dying pain free from metastatic colon cancer. We Boomers aren’t pioneering this approach in the least!

But here is where things could get dangerous. Apparently to “die with dignity” is to kill ourselves: Boomers are supposedly going to lead the way into assisted suicide:

Suffering people have long sought an early end, of course, and many have done so quietly-or not so quietly in the case of patients of euthanasia advocate Dr. Jack Kevorkian. But we are now seeing the beginnings of a broad movement that will change the game for good. “People are starting to think about aid-in-dying as the next civil rights movement,” says Goldstein. “Death with dignity is the final frontier of human rights and freedom of expression.”

So what was once a taboo subject-how to die-is now in open discourse. The “death café” movement encourages people to meet and discuss the concept of a good death. This dialogue is being fed in part by less rigid adherence to organized religion, which has strong views surrounding death and dying, and advances in medicine and technology that make it easier to feel you can control pain and symptoms and the way you die.

Okay. I get it. Nothing new here. Just tired advocacy for assisted suicide masking itself as the newest news about the Boomers.

Boomers are not a great generation. To the contrary, we did shamefully little considering how much we were given.Too busy patting ourselves on the back, perhaps, and breaking the china.

Frankly, I think we are going to leave quite a mess. And if we do open the spigots to assisted suicide, it will be to our everlasting shame.