
Tammy Nichols for the House in District 11

The Board of Idaho Chooses Life has voted to endorse Tammy Nichols for the Idaho Legislature in District 11 (Nampa).

This race is an open contest to replace Rep. Gayle Batt. Gayle has been a tremendous voice for preborn babies at the Legislature, and it is a real blow to lose her in the Idaho House of Representatives.  However, we are confident that Tammy will continue to advance Gayle’s pro-Life agenda at the Statehouse.

Not only did Mrs. Nichols provide us with a great questionnaire, she has a proven pro-Life history.

By contrast, none of the other Republicans running in this district bothered to respond to our candidate survey. That is very troubling.

We ask for your help in getting Tammy Nichols elected on Tuesday.

Zollinger for House in Idaho Falls

Idaho Chooses Life strongly endorses Bryan Zollinger for the Idaho House in District 33 (Idaho Falls).

This seat has opened up because of the retirement of Rep. Linden Bateman. The loss of Bateman is a tremendous blow to the pro-Life movement, as the good representative was one of the strongest, most determined champions of preborn children in public office.  It is unlikely he will ever be truly replaced.

That said, Bateman’s legacy is at stake in this race.

We sent both GOP candidates detailed surveys on their views regarding critical life issues. Only Mr. Zollinger responded.  His answers inspire confidence that we can trust to carry Linden’s mantle forward.

By contrast, David Smith did not bother to respond. While that means we have no specific information about this views – experience teaches us that Mr. Smith will likely be no defender of babies in the womb.  Even if he has vague pro-Life views, his failure to answer specific questions for voters in District 33 has to mean that the Life issue(s) holds no priority for him.

We urge the good people of Idaho Falls to send a strong pro-Life legislator to Boise: We ask for your support of Bryan Zollinger on Tuesday.

We Need Moyle Back in the House

Rep. Mike Moyle has earned our endorsement for re-election to a 10th term in the Idaho House.

Since his first days in the Legislature, Moyle has been a leader on questions of tax policy and economic development. That natural leadership was recognized by his colleagues early on, explaining his many terms as Majority Leader.  It is a heavy burden and no one works harder than Moyle to serve Idaho.Moyle, Denney and Fulcher; 0308

But it is his compassion and leadership on family issues – particularly the defense of preborn children – which has earned our highest respect and gratitude.  Regardless of the day or craziness of the legislative calendar, Moyle always makes time to help advance the cause of the Life.  It was this kind of leadership which led us to give him our “Friend for Life Award” in 2009.

Moyle is being challenged by a moderate Republican – Michael Greenway – in next week’s primary.

We have been told by voters in the District that Greenway has confessed to being “pro-choice” on abortion. That explains why he refused to respond to our questionnaire.  That value system disqualifies Greenway to serve in the Legislature.  Pure and simple.

We pray that the Republican voters of Star and Eagle see fit to return Mike Moyle to the Legislature. The simple fact is that we need him there.

Trial Lawyers Plot Public Heist

With the release of candidate finance reports this week, we have learned a great deal about the race for the Supreme Court seat. The most startling fact is that the Idaho Trial Lawyers are engaged in a massive effort to place one of their own on the high court.

Robyn Brody, an unassuming attorney from Rupert, has shocked experienced political observers by amassing some $175,000 in her bid to win a seat on the high court. How could a first-time, unknown candidate for public office generate such a huge sum of money just weeks after announcing her candidacy?  The answer is found in the large number of law firms (29) investing money in her.

The speed with which Brody has raised and spent money strongly suggests that the Trial Lawyers have been planning this campaign for some time. In fact, it seems likely that they recruited Brody to run, a perfect unknown commodity who could sweep to a seat on the Idaho Supreme Court with the financial backing of dozens and dozens of criminal defense and plaintiff attorneys who desperately want, apparently, a friendly face on the highest court.  Their scheme hinges on a tidal wave of money to overwhelm voters before folks can figure out what is really going on.

We are also deeply troubled by the fact that Ms. Brody is being supported by a rather long list of liberal, pro-choice attorneys – like Rory Jones, lead attorney for Planned Parenthood in its current lawsuit against the state of Idaho.

Brody’s money pile also answers the question about the curious “rating” by members of the State Bar Association of the candidates. It is clearly implausible that attorneys from around the state would be in a position to offer objective ratings of the candidates based upon personal knowledge of them.  Now we know that it was the Trial Lawyers Assn. which Gerry-rigged the numbers that Ms. Brody is touting in her literature.

We don’t know what Ms. Brody’s values are, because candidates for the bench don’t answer such questions. But the list of her supporters should give Idahoans tremendous cause for concern.  And the biggest question we will have to answer next week is whether Idaho voters will allow the Trial Lawyers to buy a seat on the Supreme Court.justice cartoon

McKenzie for Supreme Court

The Board of Idaho Chooses Life has voted to endorse Sen. Curt McKenzie for the open seat on the Idaho Supreme Court, now held by retiring Justice Jim Jones.

McKenzie has a 100% pro-Life record over his 7 terms in the Idaho Senate. He has sponsored and co-sponsored pro-Life legislation, including a measure which prohibits the State Insurance Exchange from using tax dollars to pay for abortions.

Sen. McKenzie earned our Friend for Life Award in 2012.

In addition to his pro-Life values, McKenzie brings a proven record of defending the religious liberties of Idahoans. One of his most important tests came in the fight to establish a state insurance exchange.  We asked legislators to amend the bill by including language to protect Idaho’s employers from being forced to provide insurance coverage under ObamaCare that violated their religious beliefs.  This measure would have stopped the state from helping Obama force Christian employers into paying for abortion-causing drugs like Ella and “Emergency Contraception”.  McKenzie was one of only 11 senators to vote for our Religious Liberty Amendment in 2013.

There is no doubt that the most important qualification for any judicial candidate is a proven adherence to the principles and values which gave rise to a republican form of government in America. The Constitution is a clear and precise defense of our liberties and a systematic limitation on the powers of government.  We are being destroyed by judges who believe they are part of a new high priesthood with the power to rewrite the Constitution to suit their particular social agenda and vision for a “better” society.

In contrast, we believe that Curt McKenzie respects the proper limitations of the judiciary, and will vigorously apply the Constitution as plainly written to cases which come before the Court.

We have a huge responsibility this month. Idaho’s Constitution provides the voters of this state with a powerful check on judicial arrogance: Our ballot.

We urge pro-Life voters to support Curt McKenzie in the May 17th Primary Election. And please urge your neighbors and friends at church to do the same.

ICL Endorses Crapo for Re-Election

Idaho Chooses Life announced today that its Board has voted to support the re-election of Sen. Mike Crapo to the United States Senate.

“We are proud to once again endorse Sen. Crapo,” said ICL Executive Director David Ripley in a prepared statement. “He has worked hard during his entire public career to defend preborn children and their mothers from the scourge of abortion.”

“We are especially gratified by the leadership Sen. Crapo has taken this past year to end the taxpayer subsidies of Planned Parenthood,” Ripley added. “It is long past time for women and girls to receive quality health care and for Congress to end its partnership with America’s largest abortion chain.”

Idaho Chooses Life honored Sen. Crapo in 2008 for his stellar voting record on pro-Life issues by giving him its “Friend for Life” Award.

In January of this year, Sen. Crapo became a co-sponsor of legislation brought forward by Sen. Rand Paul to recognize the personhood of preborn children from conception. The “Life at Conception Act” would explicitly extend the protections of the 14th Amendment to babies in the womb.

“That is the kind of leadership we have come to expect from Sen. Crapo,” Ripley concluded. “His integrity and vigorous defense of our values should make every Idahoan proud.”

Risch Signs Letter Questioning FDA

Some 75 members of Congress, including Idaho’s Senator Jim Risch, issued a letter to FDA Commissioner Robert Califf today. They are asking for detailed information about the FDA’s recent decision to accede to Planned Parenthood’s demand that the rules governing RU-486 usage be substantially loosened.

Just weeks after being confirmed to the FDA post, Califf announced that Planned Parenthood could use the deadly drug much later in pregnancy. And he also approved a new protocol which allows pregnant girls to complete the chemical abortion on their own without medical supervision.

Risch and others want to know the scientific background and studies which led the FDA to overhaul the restrictions governing RU-486. They are also asking for copies of any correspondence and email traffic between the White House, Planned Parenthood and the FDA.

They also want to know what kind of oversight the FDA has established over the facilities manufacturing the drug.

A key excerpt from the letter:

“We are deeply disappointed to learn that you have loosened FDA standards governing use of the abortion drug mifepristone, also referred to as Mifeprex or RU-486. This powerful abortion drug has been associated with serious adverse events including hemorrhaging, severe infections and even deaths of mothers who have taken it.”

Deep Trouble Up North

Canada is now in the throes of a national fight over physician-assisted suicide.

The drama begins with an edict from the high priests on the Canadian Supreme Court that the Parliament must enact a law to legalize physician-assisted suicide. That was something like a year ago.  The new prime minister, pin-up model Justin Trudeau, has dutifully come forth with legislation.

Fierce opposition has developed over many of the provisions proposed.

Some argue that the proposal would provide a perfect cover for a person to commit murder. The language provides immunity to “any person” who participates in an assisted suicide.

The language also requires that every physician in Canada, if they object to participating in the premature destruction of a patient, refer their patient to a doctor or facility who will help kill the person.

One Canadian physician has publicly challenged this requirement and the lack of conscience protections for medical professionals.

“If a father were to request that his daughter undergo circumcision (i.e., genital mutilation) and I deliberately provided an effective referral to a willing physician, I would be complicit in an extremely grievous breach of medical ethics,” writes Dr. Ewan Goligher. “This scenario is not ethically identical to physician-assisted death, but it effectively illustrates the moral and ethical responsibility attached to an effective referral.  Knowingly referring a patient to a physician willing to cause the patient’s death makes doctors complicit in that death.”

To make matters worse, the association of life insurers in Canada has come out with a new policy, saying they would be happy to abandon their long-standing practice of denying coverage in cases where the policy holder commits suicide – as long as those policy holders follow the procedures outlined by the government. That practically provides something of an incentive to persons suffering from financial hardship: they can arrange to provide for their family by submitting to premature death.

While this Canadian development does not directly affect the U.S. – the legislation supposedly bans “tourism suicides” – it is a bad omen for the future. Not only do we share a long border and common pop culture, but we share vital roles in defending the fundamental Christian values of Western Civilization.  That is our common heritage.

From that perspective, we must be concerned with the obvious love affair in Western culture with death, and self-destruction in general. The advanced cultural cancer which is destroying Europe has reached the shores of North America.

Otter Signs Landmark Pro-Life Bill

Governor Otter signed SB1404 into law today. This landmark legislation, known as the Idaho Unborn Infants Dignity Act, makes a huge step forward in affirming the value of the preborn child.

The new law makes it illegal to harvest organs and body parts from aborted babies. It also makes it illegal to conduct medical experiments using tissue harvested from babies killed by abortion.

Another feature of the legislation creates a death certificate for babies lost to miscarriage. Many grieving parents testified before the Legislation, asking for this important recognition of their child.  And the new law makes it clear that parents have the right to direct the final disposition of babies lost to miscarriage and abortion.

There are many people to thank for this great pro-Life victory. Let’s begin with the lead sponsors of the legislation, Sen. Cliff Bayer and Rep. Brent Crane.  Both of these men signed up early in the wake of the horrible revelations regarding Planned Parenthood’s nasty side business of trading baby parts for Lamborghinis.  We had dozens of co-sponsors as well.  Idaho is well-served by such citizens willing to accept the responsibility of serving their neighbors at the Capitol.

The leadership of the Legislature in both chambers was very helpful and supportive of this effort. We are especially grateful for the support of Sens. Bart Davis and Todd Lakey.  Sen. Lakey in particular devoted tremendous time to making this effort successful.  Special thanks are due as well to Chairman Loertscher for his leadership and wisdom, and we are thankful to Chairman McKenzie for giving us ample time before the Senate State Affairs panel.

We must also acknowledge the role played by Americans United for Life. The basic blueprint for this legislation was developed by this tremendous organization last fall, and they continue to play a vital role in rebuilding a wall of protection around the preborn child.

Idaho is blessed to have a pro-Life governor and legislature. This legislation is a strong statement of principle and decency at a time when the nation desperately needs such leadership.  Hopefully the Idaho Unborn Infants Dignity Act can be used in other states as a model response to the on-going horrors of an unbridled abortion industry.

There were times in this legislative struggle when the odds seemed long, but the Lord helped us overcome the obstacles in our path. Ultimately, this victory belongs to Him.

Otter Signs Ultrasound Bill

Idaho Governor Butch Otter has signed HB516 into law. This new feature of the Informed Consent statute will require the Department of Health & Welfare to include information about where a woman can go to get a free ultrasound of her baby prior to an abortion decision.

At least seven of the state’s pregnancy care centers now offer ultrasounds as part of their care and counseling services for women and girls dealing with an unplanned pregnancy.

The legislation was brought forward by Right to Life and sponsored in the Legislature by Rep. Ron Nate and Sen. Sheryl Nuxoll.

During their opposition to the bill, Planned Parenthood testified that they use ultrasounds on women and girls they’ve ensnared – but only as part of an abortion procedure.