
United Way’s Partnership with Planned Parenthood Exposed

A national organization tracking United Way activities across the country issued a report this past week, showing that various chapters of the United Way charity donated nearly 2.8 million to the country’s largest abortion chain in 2016. That is the last year for which public records are available.

A group called 2nd Vote made its research public, identifying 62 chapters in 29 states that help sustain Planned Parenthood’s efforts to make abortion of no greater consequence than taking an aspirin for a headache.

United Way officials attempted to downplay the importance of their support for the Abortion Industry by claiming that Planned Parenthood does “a lot of good” – including providing “counseling services” and “family planning” to low income women.

Pro-Life leaders across the country expressed their outrage, and challenged the United Way to clean up its act.

Alveda King was quoted by

“On the surface, United Way appears to be a good source of charity. However, Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, received donations from United Way.  You decide: don’t people need to know when their money is funding child-killing?”

The simple fact is that United Way’s $2.8 million donation effectively covered the cost of performing 2900 abortions.

We dug into the details of the 2nd Vote report to find out whether United Way chapters in Idaho were among those funding Planned Parenthood.  The Twin Falls chapter of United Way was not included because 2nd Vote could not find their public 1099 forms at the time of publication.  However, they did review the other Idaho chapters, and none reported giving money to Planned Parenthood.