
Great Christmas Dinner

We are thrilled to report that the annual ICL Christmas Dinner & Auction was the best yet. We were blessed with a full room, terrific auction items and a host of wonderful volunteers who made this event truly special.

State Treasurer Ron Crane provided a powerful address to the crowd about his life-long commitment to the values which brought everyone together. And it was heartwarming to see so many of his family in attendance as he was honored for his leadership on pro-Life issues.

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We were also blessed to have KIDO’s Kevin Miller serve as the Master of Ceremonies for the event. It is awesome to see Kevin outside the studio and fighting for the values which make him a statewide treasure.

To make the evening even more special, folks were graced by the beautiful voice of Christian recording artist Jaime Thietten. She performed a number of pieces from her new Christmas album and it helped set the mood for this wonderful Christmas Season.

Pro-Life patriots in the room had a chance to meet all three of the GOP candidates running for governor, and it was an honor to have congressional candidates Russ Fulcher and Michael Snyder host tables at the event. Former Lt. Governor Dave LeRoy was also there.  And two of the candidates for Lt. Governor in next year’s GOP Primary – Steve Yates and Rep. Bob Nonini – helped support the dinner and spent the evening meeting pro-Lifers from across the Treasure Valley.

This event involves a lot of hard work by a lot of people – but it is always a special evening. It helps to bring into focus the heartbeat of the Christmas Season.

Thanks again to everyone who came, the candidates and officials who honored the pro-Life movement and the folks who generously support this work.