The on-going battle for the life of baby Charlie Gard in England has taken another dark turn. The judge there issued a ruling that the baby’s parents could not take him to the United States for experimental treatment without his permission. Ponder that for a moment.
There might be an argument for a court to get involved in such a case if there is a conflict between responsible family members. Or if there is evidence of neglect. Perhaps one could argue that courts ought to get involved when medical staff don’t feel continued treatment is humane or even reasonable.
But how can one justify the court’s imperious position in this circumstance?
While the medical staff in England have concluded that the baby should be taken off life support, an American doctor has stepped forward and is offering to treat baby Charlie. Why would the medical staff or a court stand in the way? What interests could compel a judge to override the parents’ desire to pursue treatment? After all, they have raised private funds to pay for treatment, so this judge can’t even offer the excuse of representing the taxpayers in socialist England.
The most likely motivation is imperious arrogance.
Given the corruption of England’s health care system by overwhelming governmental intrusion, health care decisions are now a matter of societal concern. Government and its various demi-gods shall be in charge. No longer shall individuals be allowed to make choices for themselves or their loved ones. Families cannot be allowed to struggle through the hard choices inherent in the treatment of deadly diseases. Now lawyers and bureaucrats and prideful medical professionals shall decide who lives and who dies; who is worth saving at what cost.
For those seduced by the Bernie Sanders-Nancy Pelosi scheme to enlarge government intrusion into American health care – we urge a cold-eye review of this tragedy in England. This is where we are headed in this nation: A world in which the primary struggle is not against the disease or injury, but against one’s own government.