Following their devastating defeat earlier this month, the Democrat Party is searching for leadership going forward. It appears there are three top candidates: A radical Muslim congressman from Minnesota (Keith Ellison) , a former chairman (Howard Dean) and the president of the National Abortion Rights Action League (Ilyse Hogue). This is the professional association of abortionists.
What a cast.
The most honest choice would be the abortion champion. As we saw in the presidential election, the new Democrat Party has become a subsidiary of Planned Parenthood and the Abortion Lobby. Ignore the middle class, scorn blue collar families, and deride traditional values: This is the philosophy driving the modern Democrat Party. All in the name of a hyper-sexualized politics built around their “sacred rite” of abortion.
It would be quite fitting for the head of the country’s abortionist network to become the official head of the new Democrat Party. It would save her a lot of texts and cab rides across town.