
Obama Wields Veto Hammer

The “leader” of the free world wielded his immense authority on Friday to defend not those little babies being chopped up for luxury cars – but the butchers at Planned Parenthood. Their treasury dollars are safe for a few days more.

As the very fiber of our civilization is threatened by harvesting and trafficking in human baby parts, Mr. Obama chose to stand up for those doing the whacking and chopping. Rather than offer this nation authentic leadership at a time of clear moral crisis, Mr. Obama chooses to perpetuate the lie that dismembering babies for cash is somehow essential to protecting women’s health.

Obama’s failure of moral leadership is more than disconcerting. It is a heartbreaking moment in our history.

Yet we refuse despair. In fact, let’s take this opportunity to celebrate the courage displayed by leaders in Congress who pressed through the obstacles of Senate Democrats, overcame the scorn of the nation’s big media, and forced the president’s hand.  For the first time, Mr. Obama was forced to stand up in front of the American people and choose.  Sadly, he chose death.

We are hopeful that this historic fight over funding is not a defeat – but a milestone on the road to ending our evil partnership with America’s largest abortion chain.