While Mitch McConnell appears to be struggling with his opportunity for leadership, Bishop Robert Deeley of Maine urged him and other members of Congress to find their moral strength and end our dark partnership with Planned Parenthood.
“The videos are shocking,” Deeley said in a statement originally printed in the Bangor Daily News. “Our elected officials should act to cease funding Planned Parenthood. I call on those who distribute the resources from the taxes we all pay to examine this issue and remove any funding which supports such evil as the harvesting of organs from an unborn child.”
According to a story now running on LifeNews, Planned Parenthood immediately pounced to denounce Bishop Deeley and defend women who decide to abort their babies:
“No woman should feel shamed or judged because of her decision”, said Nicole Clegg, public flack for Planned Parenthood of Northern New England.
Of course not. Let’s celebrate a world without moral judgment about anyone’s behavior or malice toward others – especially if you are Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood’s wicked sense of values argues that babies are merely an inconvenience – though a very valuable one for those employed by the organization. Look away, America, and judge not.
Can members of Congress seriously find a way to look themselves in the mirror if they use their power to impose a continued public partnership with Planned Parenthood upon us all?
Congress has created the behemoth which is Planned Parenthood, and only they can slay this dragon.
Let us pray that the Lord of the Universe will touch hearts in Congress this week. Let our leaders judge correctly according to the natural laws written upon the heart of every man.