I am shocked by the callous disregard for human life Planned Parenthood senior officials exhibit in recent videos. Their heinous and atrocious violations against a human life are outrageous. These conversations are proof positive this organization has no regard when it comes to the life of a baby.
Nearly all of my Republican colleagues and I sent a letter to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell asking for Planned Parenthood to be investigated on whether it has violated federal regulations. HHS awards federal grants to Planned Parenthood. The letter also asks HHS to conduct an internal review of its compliance with related government regulations.
I am strongly pro-life and always have been.
During my time as Idaho’s governor, lieutenant governor and state senator, I worked to restore Idaho’s unborn citizens to full recognition and protection under the law. As a United States senator, I am working to do everything I can to promote and protect the sanctity of life here and abroad.
I cannot and will not support legislation that would destroy a human’s most basic right–the right to life. This includes voting against government funding that would be used for promoting or performing abortions and that includes voting against Planned Parenthood funding.
– U.S. Senator James Risch, (R-Idaho)