
Reflections on the Homosexual Marriage Ruling

Many Christians across America are grieving this weekend over the Supreme Court edict on homosexual marriage.  Many must be wondering: Where did my country go?  And where is it going?

Just a few years ago, homosexual behavior was illegal in every state of the Union.  Today, with the meandering paragraphs of a few judges, it has become a right.  How did it come to this?

Students of modern American history will see the obvious correlation between Roe v. Wade and the imposition of homosexual marriage upon a resistant nation.  The process for imposing “social change” came upon us in nearly identical fashion – through the blatant abuse of power by the federal judiciary and the possessed agitation of a motivated, moneyed, small band of conspirators.

So now we shall enshrine another sin in America’s Constitution, calling it “freedom”.  The two radical, lawless rulings share that commonality as well.

But they also share something deeper: They are edicts of death.  The sanctification of homosexuality will harm real people, enticing some to wander into a lifestyle with notorious health and spiritual hazards.  And for those homosexual couples who seek legalized marriage as a way to legitimize their unhealthy relationships, we predict they will find the institution of marriage to be very problematic.

A few years into this social experiment, it is rather easy to foresee dramatic rates of divorce among homosexual couples.  The legal and financial entanglements of the institution will become more of a burden than it’s worth to many in the homosexual community, renowned for a casual and promiscuous sexual ethic.

We don’t, however, think that huge problem will diminish the luster of the victory for activists in the homosexual community.  The drive to establish homosexual marriage is not about marriage, per se: it is an assault on Christianity.  And make no mistake – the dragon is now on the sanctuary steps.

How will the Christian churches respond to the threat by government that they jettison parts of the Gospel to preserve their tax benefits?  How will pastors and clergy react to charges that they are but purveyors of “hate speech”?  We have already seen many denominations and so-called clergy make their accommodations with evil.  It is likely more will do so.

But we predict many churches and pastors will be led by the Holy Spirit to a deeper appreciation of their duties under Christ.  We believe that the Lord is hard at work, even in this apparently dark hour for America, to intensify the light by which we might find our way out of this swamp.  Churches will not find it so easy to evade the issue of homosexual marriage as they have the abortion holocaust.  The dragon is coming to find them in the quiet of their communities.  They shall have to choose whom they shall serve.

Those who choose to proclaim the Gospel will be used by God to lead America into revival and redemption.

Christians are right to grieve over their nation, over the plight of those men and women who will be enticed into a destructive lifestyle by the Supreme Court and other social elites.  But this is no time for despair.  Christ specializes in taking what Satan has intended for our harm and turning it into a means for redemption.

The healing touch of the Savior is what this nation desperately needs.

Perhaps this is the hour that His Church will once again rise up to confront sin; to offer genuine love and hope for a sickened society