Here is a disturbing report from our neighbors in Colorado:
The Boulder County Coroner has ruled the death of preborn child a case of “fetal demise”, language they use when describing miscarriage.
But the only miscarriage in this tragic case is one of justice and sanity.
Dynel Lane was arrested by police after she brutally attacked a pregnant woman in an attempt to steal the woman’s baby. She used a knife to cut the 34-week old baby out of the mother’s womb. The baby died from the assault, but Ms. Lane will not be charged with her murder.
Incredibly, the Coroner told the Denver Post that there was “no manner of death associated with the cause”. Apparently the butcher knife retrieved from the scene was not compelling evidence for the ideologically-imprisoned person occupying this important office.
Instead, Ms. Lane is being charged with attempted murder of the mother, and “unlawful termination of a pregnancy”. This latter charge is related to the fact that she was not a physician licensed to kill preborn children in the manner set forth by the oppressors who established Roe v. Wade.
So, despite the fact this precious baby could have easily survived outside the womb had she been delivered, no justice will be served for her.
These are days sadly corrupted by the evil of legalized abortion.