
An Extraordinary Gentlemen

Franks Speaks_1aOur annual Christmas Dinner & Auction was held on Friday night in Eagle. Once again, we are encouraged by the tremendous support of Idahoans as we prepare for the upcoming legislative session. We were blessed with much generosity, the practical kind of love which allows Idaho Chooses Life to continue our battle for preborn children.

This night was special for another reason. Arizona Congressman Trent Franks came to town as our guest speaker. He has forged a reputation in Congress as a tireless advocate for preborn children. His passion and humanity were on full display Friday evening. He gave one of most moving and powerful pro-Life talks we have heard.

But more than his talk, we were moved by his character and humility. He is simply a very fine man and the nation is blessed to have him in a position of leadership in Washington. Trent Franks went to an awful lot of trouble to get out here while the Congress is fooling around with the Lame Duck Session. Major problems face the nation and he is directly engaged in many of them.

Yet he would not be hindered in responding to an invitation to help strengthen and nurture the pro-Life movement – even in Idaho.

We are honored and energized by his commitment. May the Lord continue to watch over him and his family as he fights to breathe life into the Constitution. Without men like him, the guiding document of the United States is merely dried ink on parchment.