
The Scary People Surrounding Obama

It is the duty of every good socialist to know when it is time to die for the good of the whole. Or to procreate.

That is the underlying philosophy expressed by Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, architect of ObamaCare, in an article he wrote entitled, “Why I Hope to Die at 75”. The story of his views was picked up by Alex Jones on his InfoWars website.

Dr. Emanuel writes,

                “I think this manic desperation to endlessly extend life is misguided and potentially destructive. For many reasons, 75 is a good age to aim to stop.”

Emanuel goes on to argue that after 75, the only reasonable medical treatment which ought to be given to the elderly is palliative – that is, treatments to manage pain. He claims that he will refuse any surgery or treatments designed to extend his life, and urges society to adopt his enlightened view of the matter.

Still think ObamaCare does not pose a threat to the disabled and elderly?

But Emanuel is not the only creepy dude hanging around the Oval Office. The president’s senior science advisor, John P. Holdren has similarly radical views about the question of procreation. According to the Alex Jones article, Holdren believes that society should begin implanting “sterilizing capsules” into all young women at puberty to ensure that they don’t reproduce. Governmental permission could be granted to remove the capsule should some bureaucrat decide that it is in the social interest to have more children.

Can forced abortions be very behind?

It is truly astonishing that such people have acquired so much power and influence in our national affairs.

Here is the link to the article:

Fervent prayer for the future is this nation is urgently needed.