During the debate on Obama’s scheme to revolutionize and undermine America’s health care system, we warned that ObamaCare would lead to a major expansion of abortion in the nation. Democrats who claimed to be “pro-Life” shooed us away with a theatrical scheme to amend Obama’s bill. They would not support Obama unless they got language prohibiting the expenditure of tax dollars to pay for elective abortions.
After receiving some kind of paper from the White House, Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak declared that he had won assurances from President Obama that ObamaCare would not pay for abortions. Whamo. The nation has been reeling ever since.
Yesterday a report from the Government Accountability Office laid bare the deception: Despite language in the law requiring that companies selling subsidized ObamaCare policies do not use tax monies to pay for elective abortion – the law is being widely ignored by insurance companies.
According to an article on Politico, the GAO report that every insurance plan sold Connecticut, Hawaii, New Jersey, Vermont and Rhode Island included coverage for elective abortions. (Does anyone still consider Gov. Chris Christie a “pro-Life” governor?).
The list of states singled out should not be understood to be the limit of the taxpayer abuse.
The article further advised the public that 1038 Obama plans sold across the nation include elective abortion coverage.
In response to the GAO report, the Department of Health & Human Services said it would be sending out more instructions to various “stake holders” that abortion coverage must be paid for through separate funds. No sense of urgency here, no concern that numerous studies have proven that taxpayer subsidies increase the abortion rate. We’ll send those guys a memo.
How about an FBI investigation into the illegal use of taxpayer funds? Would fines or a prosecution be too much to hope for?
Of course it is. This is Obama’s America. And no honest American can feign surprise that the Abortion Industry is one of the chief beneficiaries of ObamaCare.
And by the way – some eager reporter found Bart Stupak to ask if he regretted his vote to impose ObamaCare on the nation given the fact that it is clearly subsidizing the destruction of innocent babies. No, he said. He is proud of his vote.
May God take mercy upon him. More mercy than he and Obama have shown to those babies being ripped from their mothers’ wombs on our credit card.