Reverend Billy Kosco of Buckeye, Arizona has delivered one of the most powerful sermons we’ve ever heard on the Christian duty to oppose abortion. He makes no apologies for his righteous anger over our tolerance of abortion and those who promote it.
Kosco is a Catholic priest at St. Henry’s Parish, outside Phoenix. As he talks about his passion for the sanctity of life, he zeroes in on the great shame of a Catholic president promoting abortion and the desecration of young people. Biden is only the second Catholic in American history to be president. Yet the leadership of the Catholic Church is largely silent as Biden wages an unprecedented assault on the core teachings of the Church.
We urge you to watch this compelling testimony. Here is a link:
Reverend Kosco’s message is not just for Catholics, but for every Christian in America. Please take a few minutes to watch this powerful affirmation of Biblical truth.