
By All Means, the Slaughter Must Continue

The US Surgeon General has announced guidelines to America’s medical industry telling them that, for the foreseeable future, elective surgeries should be postponed. This is in preparation for helping the unknown number of Chinese Virus victims in the days and weeks ahead.  It is also a sensible risk management strategy – trying to limit the exposure of more people to the virus.

Yet Planned Parenthood has been resisting this order. All across the country elective abortions are proceeding apace – as if nothing else mattered.

There are news reports that at least 3 Planned Parenthood abortionists have tested positive for the virus. It is unknown how many women and others these people have potentially infected.

In at least one state, officials have had enough. The Ohio Attorney General has issued a “cease and desist” order directed at abortion facilities in the state.  Yet news reports indicate that at least two abortion centers are continuing to abort babies in defiance of the order.  Such defiance imperils the public’s health and safety.  But the killing at Planned Parenthood must continue – even as the nation struggles to save as many other humans as possible from the threat of the Chinese Virus.

This controversy over legalized abortion in the era of the virus can only accelerate in the coming days.

Massachusetts officials are attempting to circumvent this insanity by declaring that elective abortions are not to be considered as “nonessential, elective procedures” under their revised guidelines for doctors, clinics and hospitals operating in that state. Put more clearly, the Massachusetts Department of Health considers abortion to be an “essential” medical procedure, even in the midst of a national health care crisis of unknown proportions.

The juxtaposition of health officials working to protect both the public health and the Abortion Industry illustrates how profoundly compromised our health care system has become through its accommodation of Roe v. Wade. As the nation mortgages personal liberty and our financial stability to combat an invisible threat to public health and lives – it seems the height of insanity to proceed with the willful, wholesale destruction of babies in the womb.

We can only pray that this national crisis will help us recover a consistent and thorough appreciation of life.