
The Democrat War on Womanhood

Years ago, the Democrat Party was seen as the party which owned “women’s issues”.  They were the natural home of the feminist movement, which ostensibly sought to establish “equality” between the genders.  Admittedly, the early movement contributed some positive things to society and brought attention to important issues.

An example which comes to mind is the work devoted to supporting girls in sports.  Another might be the effort to confront sexism in institutions where a woman was at least as qualified for a teaching position or other job.

But the core of the feminist movement has always been wrapped around the axle of abortion.  Many modern feminists have convinced themselves that abortion is necessary to the dignity of women.  This evil moral corruption has led feminism and the modern Democrat Party into ever deeper contradictions and even the betrayal of women.

Take, for example, the great cover-up of health issues related to abortion and chemical contraception.  The modern Left has effectively quashed any discussion about the risks of abortion, including higher rates of miscarriage and breast cancer.  Under pressure from modern “feminists,” the Biden Administration even stopped collecting data about the health complications arising from the use of RU-486.

In recent years, however, the Democrat Party has advanced to outright hostility toward women.

How else can one explain the fact that most national Democrats refuse to articulate a definition of ‘woman’ as a starting point toward any discussion of the social status and condition of American women.  (See the Senate Confirmation Hearing on Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Jackson). 

And what can be said about the Democrat Party’s demand that men be allowed to compete against women in all sports?  More than that – they demand an end to any safe and private space for women and girls, subjecting them to a humiliating invasion of their very personhood.  This is a complete betrayal of all the work that went into enacting Title IX decades ago.

What prompts this commentary, however, is the latest, and darkest betrayal of American women by the Democratic Governor of Wisconsin, Tony Evers.  This “progressive” Democrat seeks to erase motherhood from Wisconsin Law.  In his fevered contempt for women, Governor Evers proposes to replace the term “mother” in code with the term “inseminated person”.

It would be easy to laugh this off as some kind of weird foolishness.  But that would be a serious mistake.  We need to ponder this development because it reveals a contempt for women which is incredibly disturbing.

The ancient feminists – like Gloria Steinem – made a compelling case that society needed to stop “objectifying” women as mere objects.  They argued that things like pornography demeaned women and led to men treating them as little more than playthings designed for sexual gratification.  A fairly righteous observation.

Now ponder the connotations of Evers’ latest attack on women: Not only would he strip women of the beautiful and wondrous gift of being a co-creator with God of human life itself – he reduces them to the secondary object of some male action (i.e., “insemination”).  How bizarrely demeaning and objectifying.

The modern Democrat Party seems to be held captive by some mad delirium oddly focused on destroying women.